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Everything posted by bells4shells

  1. Sorry to hijack, but is the sweet pumpkin similar to fresh pumpkin at SW?
  2. Yeah, I totally hear you jg. I just got done figuring up cost and what I should probably sell mine for and it's hard! I think my packaging could call for a higher price, but I hate doing it. At least I can be assured that mine will last longer and smell better right?
  3. VERY pretty! I love those color combinations and great swirling.
  4. Here is a closeup of the cut bars. I waited a bit too long to cut and the bottoms got kinda cruddy. Good thing it's just for me as I don't care, but they didn't look pretty! lol Here's the cut pics though: @carebear -- I name most all of my things with 'human' names. Thought it was a unique approach to the whole naming game.
  5. Alright, I finally got up the courage to tackle GG's salt bar class. There were a few bumps along the way (ahem...the splatters all over the sides of the mold because my batter was moving pretty quickly), but I think this turned out pretty anyways. Smells terrific! She's in the oven right now hopefully gelling.
  6. Pumpkin FO or are you talking puree? I'm not sure about the puree, but you could always try a tiny batch and see how you like it.
  7. Well got mine in today and while I'm a bit stuffed up, I could smell every single one and they're all good. Some better than others, but I don't know how else to say that I didn't get a dud in the batch. At least OOB. I have to say my fave is the strawberry shortcake! You can totally smell the tart strawberry smell with a hint of sugar in it. It's go so many different layers to it and you don't get it all at once. Very nice! The cedarwood vanilla is really woody. You can definately smell the cedar in it. It's got a nice, soft scent mixed in and can't decide if that's the vanilla or not. haha Again, my nose is pretty stuffy. Uhm, the chocolate biscotti smelled pretty good too. I don't know what I was expecting as it smells like a chocolate cookie type, but I was thinking it would be more rich. Still really good scent! I never smelled their original macintosh, but this new one is really really good! Smells as if I'm cutting right into one as I can get a hint of the skin in it too. Very realistic apple. The pecan pie is a really sugary scent to me. And the buttered rum has a couple different notes that pop out at me. I get the buttery smell first and then an almost candy like scent. Don't know how else to describe it. Anyhow, all in all -- great new scents! I'm VERY pleased CS!
  8. Thanks everyone! I just got in a pretty big order from candlescience and wouldn't you know I totally overlooked that they had it. Great to hear so many of you recommend them. I may look into the lebermuth one as well!
  9. Mine's coming tomorrow! I can't wait! Looking forward to hearing everyone else's reviews as well.
  10. Anyone have any recommendations on this fragrance? I'd really like something that smells fantastic in vegetable wax. In any type of wax actually. Would love some suggestions!
  11. Signed up for their newsletter and got word of their .99 sale. I got all their new ones and had to stock up for a show later this month. Man, I spend too much at that site!
  12. Alright, I've got out of log pics as well as cut. I'm a bit sad since the swirling didn't continue into the bottom like I thought it would, but I still love the colors in this. It's really creamy feeling and I used a tiny end piece to see how much lather I'd get. Quite a few tiny bubbles - I'm really happy with how it turned out otherwise.
  13. Both are different and equally great! Get them both.
  14. I have a small space too. We are lucky enough to have a small 'pantry' right by our front door that already had some wire racks on the walls. I've taken over this room cause I leave the door closed unless I need anything out of there. Nice and dark and our place is always cold (my bf won't have it any other way). I'd really recommend finding room on the wall to house some racks. Esp if you have room in a closet. That way you get a bigger closed off space and hopefully not run into the 'rush' of contained fragrances all at once! Orrrrr... I've started to do this a bit, but you could also use several boxes and put in each one fragrances that are close in comparison. For example, a box of fruity, a box of bakery, a box of holiday, etc. Don't know if that will help your nose at all, but maybe organization wise.
  15. Ooooh! I use Gain and love the scent. What a great find!
  16. Thanks u two! This is my 5th log of soap I've made. It's just so exciting to get ideas and try them out. I just pulled it from the fridge cause I was reading to keep it cold if using milk so that it doesn't gel. I had some left over soap and put it into a pretty single bar mold that already popped out and is curing. Still really excited to take out this log and cut it cause it's got swirlies underneath too! This is my first time trying a swirling method. I did mine at a thicker trace so next time I wanna try thinner and get more swirls. No more mac and cheese look. lol
  17. Alright - I made the oils and lye water last night and soaped this about an hour ago. I didn't use any fragrance, but I did use a distilled rose water (smelled wonderful!) and coconut milk. I wanted really soft colors and I wanted white soap mixed with the pink and orange (kinda looks like mac and cheese no?). I mixed in some TD and hope it will end up white instead of a yellowish color like my others. I can't wait to cut this up! Anyhow, I had to share.
  18. Oh gosh, both sites I've shopped with and they have great customer service and top notch FO's. I've gotten other misc. items from both and haven't been dissapointed.
  19. Haven't had a chance to try it in wax yet (I use palm). Interested to hear others responses though!
  20. Congrats on being a featured seller! Your workshop looks awesome!
  21. Yeah, what scented said or do a guaging interest thread. I know I'd be a taker on these! They're absolutely adorable!
  22. That's always dissapointing when something you've been waiting for doesn't turn out the way you were imagining. I read the article and thought it was well-written. Is this in a magazine? Either way, to have color and such a nice blurb about you and your business is awesome! Mary had some good advice to put on your site regarding the potential misunderstandings, but otherwise this is just awesome! So happy for you!
  23. Is this the regular D&G scent or Light Blue? Very pretty soaps!!
  24. That's awesome! Turned out really good for her first soaps, wow. And how exciting to have a partner in crime huh???
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