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Posts posted by jaybyrd

  1. Okay.. I take off to go camping and you see what happens! I am sorry.. let me clarify what I meant about divulging your recipe. I meant percentages ... ect.. I am more than willing to give up the whole recipe. I know that some folks are uncomfortable giving up the recipe. I personally feel that it would be better to see the entire recipe so we can see what makes it different than ours. Just my opinion. Top... I would personally love to keep something like this to around 5 or 6 people. This would be plenty of soap to test out. So, I would love to handle this if you all think this would be acceptable.. sorry GrandmaArial.. did not mean to scare you. I have enjoyed reading your posts about your soaping ventures because we seem to be in the same boat. I am happy to take this min-swap on. I will anxiously await feedback from a few to proceed. There is no rush.. I was thinking to have everything submitted by the end of September and shipped to oneanother by Octoberish.. or whatever you all would like. THanks for the interest!Teri

    I'd love to join in if there's still room . . .:smiley2:

  2. Nice golden bars there. OK what's the point of carrots?

    You've got me wishing I had scratch and sniff to take a whiff of these too.

    Carrot oil has all kinds of goodies like vitamin A & Beta-carotene that keep your skin supple. You likely get max benefits using the pure oil in a lotion or some such medium, but I figure the puree should make a nice, gentle soap, too. Also, as you say, it's worth it for the coloring factor alone. :)

    Here's a brief info article: http://www.articleinsert.com/Article/Benefits-Of-Carrot--Carrot-Seed-Oil-And-Carrot-Root-Oil/3759

  3. Sounds like someone else has been reading the last HAPPI. . . . Now we've come full circle again . . .

    Wow, what a great website - I just bookmarked it in a couple of my folders.

    I think a lot of consumer products come in cycles, particularly when new technology creates a rush of innovations. It might not be so blatant now, when so many people are informed at in-depth & high-tech levels, but several generations ago, and during the Industrial Revolution? The appeal was labor-saving, and the ability to mass-produce with comparative quality, and simply the novelty of "untouched by human hands." Even when I was in high school - not THAT long ago, thank you - there was a kind of stigma if your clothes were "home-made" regardless of how nice they were. Now "off-the-rack" is derogatory and just try to afford a tailor.

  4. Named in honor of the grocery clerk's reaction when I bought the baby food. Organic carrot puree & borage flower honey, scented with sweet orange eo & a dash of yuzu fo. The freckles are from a tsp of salt I added in hopes of making it a bit harder; don't know if it worked but at least it adds a little visual texture. I really wish I could post how this smells - nothing is identifiable on its own, but everything softened & blended into this wonderful, comforting, warm fragrance. Every time I go to turn the bars I have to hold one and inhale for a few minutes. Can't wait to try one in the shower - have to wait until late August, wah!


  5. a total do me scent

    LOL - wow, does that say it all or what? Gotta git me some of THAT fo!

    You're still playing with that 24k gold flake, aren't you? I can't wait to see it cut, but as it is it wouldn't look out of place framed or on a pedestal. Really striking!

  6. :drool: Very, Very Nice - I'd love to try a piece, & the final recipe if you care to share. Avocado is the one of the best substances known to creation, for both inside & outside the tummy. :grin2:

    About ash following swirls - mind you, this is based purely on my own reasoning so give it whatever weight it merits - Even assuming everything else is equal (ie no dramatic contrasts in pigments, oils, additives) when you swirl you're creating differences in the directions of the "grain" of the soap's surface. Even when the difference is too fine for our fingers to detect, it would still create miniscule channels where ash could collect, and give the effect of following the swirl.

    Also the soap fairies like to screw with our heads.

  7. Here's a pic of how the bars look. Powdered rosehips & just a few drops of hyacinth soap color, and the FO is Frankincense & Ginger, a Brambleberry limited edition. I kept everything super-cool when I was making it - added the lye flakes directly to frozen GM, with the container sitting on an ice bed. The oils were at room temp, around 80 degrees, and I put that on an ice bed as soon as I added the lye/GM solution, which was around 70-74 degrees. I only stick blended a few bursts to incorporate the oils/lye, and later to be sure the rosehip powder was thoroughly mixed. I didn't want any speed-friction heating things up.

    I'm now thinking my mistake wasn't the FO, but using my vertical mold. No way it fits in my fridge, so I left it in front of a strong fan all day, turning it every so often. Even so it probably insulated too well & got the soap gelling. You can see the leftmost bar looks closest to the way I wanted, & it's from the exposed end. That would explain just the sides & the bottom (right) being lightish - the farther to the middle got hotter. When I try again, I'll be sure to use more of a slab-style container for more exposed surface area to release heat, & preferably something that will fit in my fridge.


  8. Oh, those are all simply amazing!! All the different looks, and all of them work beautifully- your swirls are delicate, your layered imbeds look like slices of picture quartz, and your molds are darling. Love them all!

    *soap porn approval*

  9. LOL! :laugh2: Too good - this thread should become a self-help stickie . . .

    When UPS and USPS each stop by the house with packages at least once a week.

    When the Feds probably have your name and address on a terrorist watch list for buying all the potential bomb ingredients, especially once you factor in the fertilizer & garden supplies.

    When your house and garage resemble a storage facility warehouse, with evey free corner stacked with boxes of ingredients, boxes of packaging, boxes of soap & B&B prod, boxes that are empty but you keep deciding not to throw away either because you could use them for shipping, or you're thinking, "Hey, I could use that as a mold- I'd better save that."

    :wave: Hello, I'm an addict and I intend to stay that way. Wanna make something of it?

    Oo . . . "make something". . . um . . . okay, wait, I'll be right back . . .

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