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Posts posted by jaybyrd

  1. Love your baskets! Katshe's washcloth idea is good, in fact, I've often used inexpensive dishtowels/washcloths for most of the filler. More goodies for the person and less bits to throw away. Also, try working some of your artificial greenery into the weave of the basket itself - that can dress up the whole thing really nicely!

  2. Golly, guys, don't know what to say.:tiptoe::embarasse I have 3 batches under my belt, and all 3 were fine, bar the last one acted a little weird on me, but is fine now. Here is a picture of the second batch using the recipe of 75% CO, 15% Shea Butter, and 10% SAO. This was the best of the 3 batches I've done. I scented them with "Riverdance, coloured with hydrated chromium green oxide. They cut beautifully within 1 hour of pouring...


    Nah, Paul, I figure it's something I did/didn't do, or else the planets just weren't aligned properly. My ingredients all seemed to be in order, this time. Let's see, I was doing CP. Oils and lye solution were both 82 degrees. I used an 80/20 mix of water/aloe vera juice, at 35% of oils according to soapcalc. Superfat 7%. Anything jump out at you about that?

  3. Considering my salt bar record, I may not be the best one to listen to, but I'd say whether the salt dissolves or not, you've still increased the recipe by the amount of extra ingredients you've added, and should allow some extra room in the mold.

  4. No worries, Jennifer. Think how good for your ego it'll be when they turn out great. And if they don't, well, you're not alone. Really, you can't lose. ;)

    Nan, is it at all humid where you are? Maybe the salt is reacting & you need to put them near a fan. The fo sounds yummy - backyard tropics!

  5. Jadryga, what an awful mess! I hope it was just a ghastly one-time fluke, and that the supplier bends over backwards to make amends.

    How frustrating that the one ingredient you absolutely have to have is so difficult to get. Maybe your craft supplier would be open to working out quantity discounts for you. I hope so - you're so creative I'd love to see what you could do with soaping!

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