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Posts posted by cmspath

  1. Ok inquiring minds want to know - as if I need another "to do" what is this.. I saw all the beautiful pictures of Bunny's but have been just popping in and out.. what is the cream soap yahoo group.. I would like to take a peak at it and do some research ... and no Bunny - I still havent made that conditioner yet, have all the ingredients though.... lol :laugh2:

  2. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. **Bunny this is what I was making when I posted the "question of the day" LOL**

    The color is a simple body safe dye I got from Bubbles N Lights before they closed. At first I was worried it wasnt going to turn yellow because it was very faint.. so I added and added lol.. must be one of those things that sets up as it cures.

    Used KB fo.. didnt have any problems at all working with it.. :)

  3. I know I know the answer to this, I am just having one of those days... and confusing myself.. when looking at the soap calc. it just says Palm or Palm kernal. I want to use Palm Kernal flakes.. this is the same thing as just Palm Kernal - just in flaked form right.. the Palm is just the palm oil.. what a gumba I am being today.. lol :laugh2:

  4. I dont know - maybe it is just me.. I have Peaks and get a lot of good comments on it, not a big seller though, I was going to drop it because it smelled like plastic to me.. but I am the only one that thinks that.. maybe I will hold out until summer is over and see how it goes.. thanks for the suggestions..

  5. LOL well now you tell me.. I made a batch - well actually a double batch.. Why is it that I always try something new when I am doing stuff for a co-op - used my regular recipe.. but never did wild cherry before - or a reverse swirl.... we need the head banging on the wall icon - it is very strong smelling and I did cut it down.. I hope before I have to send these off they mellow out a bit.. it did behave nice though...

    Thanks for the reply though Sara ;)

  6. Thanks for the replies.. I was going to give this a shot today - but came down with the flu or something and have been out it if pretty much all day.. Hopefully tomorrow when I get home from work I can try it.. anxious now.. :)

  7. do a "reverse swirl" I am going to be making a soap that will be dark in color - I wanted to do reverse swirl with the white.. typically when I add TD, I add it to the lye water and blend it before putting it in the main soap oils. What can I mix the TD in and add some of the soap batch to it to make it white for my swirl.. I hope that came out right.. :tongue2:

  8. Thanks for the replies.. guess he didnt do so bad after all.. I just wasnt sure because it is so dark - and I have seen the clearer one, and didnt know if that was the correct one to use or if it mattered.. but like mentioned, I bet it does make a pretty natural color.. I will have to try some out this weekend.

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