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Posts posted by cmspath

  1. Well today was day one of our show (not including the 2 hours last night for the the government type people - I sold some products to the Mayor of Olympia they looked at my stuff, bought, then came back and bought more.. :grin2: )

    Today went from 10-5 and we sold about $1000.00 :yay: Tomorrow is from 10-4 - I hope it goes as well.. we were slammed most of the day - thank goodness one of my older boys was there to help us.. Sold a lot of pillars, various scents in the 6 & 9 oz candles - as always (and I am back home tonight restocking on some that we got cleaned out of) - lots of Olive Oil Lotion and the Mango/Shea butter outsold the Whipped Shea butter.. sold some of my soaps as well..

  2. OOPPSS... See what copying and pasting will do.. Thank you very much - will fix that right now... Thanks again for the comments, Randy and I are still working on it so it will be changing constantly.. but it is getting closer. (The tart warmers are very nice.. I collect snowmen and it has been hard for me to not pull it from inventory.. and no - I didnt get one for myself when I was getting them.. WHAT WAs I THINKING??? LOL

    I love your new site and your new name and logo. I was interested in one of those electric christmas snowman tart warmers. I might order one from you! But I did notice that in describing the electric tart warmer you say the wax tart melts with the warmth of the tea light. It's electric right? Might want to change that one. Good luck with it all.
  3. Thanks for the compliments and comments... I has been a struggle from time to time - like right now.. having issues with the shipping but hope to have that fixed today.. but over all we are soooo pleased with it.

    Yes that is Carmens Olive Oil Treatment.. it is awesome I have carried it for quite a while now.

    I have thought about doing away with the splash page, after I get the other things settled down I will play around with that.. :grin2:

  4. Our new website... part of our newsletter announcement:

    " Randy and I have been feverishly working our preparing for our shows, doing before and after show inventory, restocking inventory, getting ready for upcoming candle parties and last but not least working on our new website. We are about 95% done with the New Name and New Look - Sea View Candles. We have been talking about this name and theme for about a year, but with our "RC Scentsations" name getting out there, it started to become more and more difficult to find the "right" time. Well, there really never is a right time, so we just started taking the steps towards our goal and theme. We hired a graphic designer (Beckie with Bizzy B's - stand up and take a bow!) to create our new logo and webset for us. Then Randy and I worked together building our new website. We are so excited and happy with how it has turned out... For those of you that know us well, you know we love the ocean and one of our collections is of lighthouses.. So in essence -- this is the finishing touch to our business ... this is us.

    Please visit our new website, and see why we are so excited.. We have added beautiful pillars (Trish you deserve to stand up and take a bow also) too to our inventory and are having a hard time keeping them in stock. Currently - you can reach our website by going to www.rcscentsations.com, eventually you will be able to get to our website by either www.rcscentsations.com or www.seaviewcandles.com We are still in the "fixing the little things" right now and it will take a bit of trial and error to get it "bug free" but we wanted to reveal it before the holidays.. "

    We are so happy and excited about this.. we finally hit the mark on the "missing piece of the puzzle".. finally!

    We would love to hear your comments and feed back.. good and bad.. Thanks!

  5. to doing my first Candle Party.. OMG :eek: I have been "talking and thinking" about doing this for about at least 4 months.. It is just getting past that "first show" stage... I have all the conficence I need at my shows, because I know what I put into my products to get a great product, and have totally no problem at all selling my products... I just lack confidence in how to do all the parties etc... I got the push over the "edge" so to speak, one of my co-workers told me "again" she wanted to do a party - and what date... I am going to stress for weeks now.. It is going to be Dec 17th.

  6. What is the difference between - Sodium Hydroxide (Beads) and Potassium Hyroxide (Liquid & Flakes) - and is there a different effect with using either ne of these in soaps? TIA

  7. I am on a roll today.. wondering if anyone can suggest a "top notch" champaign FO.. I have a special order request for that. I found a couple places sell it, but want to know if anybody has a "rave" about a particular one since this is a new FO for me.. TIA.

  8. Can anyone recommend a good "true" pineapple? I had some candles at my show - and the 2 people that specifically wanted pineapple didnt like the pineapple fragrance I used. One if them is going to be placing an order pending I can find a really true Pineapple (I had used Peaks - it seems okay to me they just didnt care for it)

  9. Well I talked to a supervisor after waiting for 10 minutes.. he was nice - and when I said over and over that it was unacceptable and if it is scheduled to be delivered, it should be delivered.. and he said he totally agreed with me, he just called me back, he hadcalled our local office - where this was being sent from the warehouse, and was unable to talk to a manager there but said he left a lenghtly message for him and is awaiting a return call, but did verify it is out on the truck today and said he couldnt get a real answer to why this happened. I told him I wanted to have the shipping credited and he said that shouldnt be a problem.. and I think the shipper is already on top of that. The one positive thing out of this, is the show is over tonight at 8 - I will get home about 10 and can do what I need to with the products to have them for tomorrow.

    I have never had a problem with UPS - infact our guy will stop by our house if Randy is outside and ask what the matter is, he didnt have anything to deliver to us.

    And maybe - just maybe - I am being a bit unfair to Fed Ex, maybe it is just my local warehouse issue, and I shouldnt be so down on them, that still does not excuse the customer service treatment I have received (which is a call center somewhere else) with the last 3 issues I have had with them..

  10. I was expecting a package from Fed Ex yesterday - for my show that starts today. I called them at 4 because of past experience with them and me not getting my packages when they were scheduled for delivery. All I was told was that there wasnt anything they could do or tell me other than that the drivers deliver until 8:30. Fine - whatever. I check the tracking at 7:50PM - It says this:

    Nov 3, 2005 7:56 PM

    Delivery exception


    No attempt made, delivery scheduled for next business day

    Okay the fury kicks in I call and am basically told that there was nothing they can do about it - their drivers are contract driver and as it gets close to the end of the shift, whatever is left over, they reschudle to the next business day... what the FREAKING heck :mad: - I went off on them telling them how their service and their customer service sucked. (Mind you, me going off on them - was fueled by their lack of caring) I wanted to talk to a manager. This was NOT acceptable, that was suppose to be delivered on a specific date, I expected it to be delivered. I was put on hold for about 5 minutes, and when I was switching the phone to the other ear.. I accidently pushed a button and disconnected myself... I called back, of course got someone else who I had to start all over and again got the "recorded like" I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do about it. I told the girl that I wanted to talk to a supervisor - to be told that there wasnt one for me to talk to, I had to wait until tomorrow (today) between 8-5.. What the - "Are you trying to tell me there is not a supervisor on the floor that I can talk to - I know that is not the case and I want to talk to one NOW!" - got the same reply about having to wait until 8-5 today.. I told her that I would never use FED EX again and would tell everyone how horrible their service and customer service was. I told her I always use UPS and they will stand by their delivery schedule until the last package was delivered and I told her I was surprised they were still in business if this is how they treat their customers - She just said "OK" and I said " yea I see you really care, just like everyone else in your flipping company" and hung up on her! I am so damn mad I could spit fire! :mad::angry2::mad: - Now I wont have my stuff for todays opening - but I damn well better have it tomorrow.. This is in no way in reflection on the "shippers" behalf - they did an awesome job and their part of the package was awesome!.. This is strictly a Fed EX problem.. I will never use them again.. Damn is it 8 yet.. 40 minutes and counting.. then the wrath of Crystal 2 will begin... (I have to be not so verbal today though - I am at work. - probably a good thing for them. ) Sorry such a long Vent... hope this doesnt happen to anyone else.

  11. I had asked on the old board - the comparison between HTP and CD's and Alan was kind enough to "spell it out" for me, and I cant find my notes and I have searched the old archives for about 30 minutes.. I am in the middle of doing inventory for my show this weekend and need help..

    I am looking for the comparison for an HTP 83 - is it a CD10? Thanks..

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