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Posts posted by soycool

  1. I seem to be having trouble when I wash my containers even with Dawn, I dont think I can get enough of the FO residue off because my wicks wont stick no matter what. I have not used super glue yet, kinda scared to use that stuff bad experience when I was young. hehe

    Any suggestions?



  2. In my experience with ecosoya heating with my jars in a warm oven and pouring my wax higher than recommended about 150, I have a smooth top and great glass adheasion, I usually cool my candles on a sturdy cookie rack. I read recently that warming containers wasnt necessary, I believe that only if you pour at a lower temp. But it is a real PITA when the wax is too hot for my glue dots and my wick comes loose, but I recently switched to glue gun and have done fine.


  3. Thank you I have an order to place with NG and thought this might be the one. NG has great prices.

    Time to stop the madness and just order!!! NG here I come.

    Gonna try


    Vanilla Pear



    Best Friends someone said this smells like Bird of Paradise ( I hope not)

    Monkey Farts

    Butt Naked

    Sex on the Beach

    Now just deciding on my happy hour scents


  4. Hi everyone TGIF

    Sweetcakes is yet another supplier that I have not ordered from, CS and Peaks are my "two" but I need a few more suppliers. How does everyone feel about Sweetcakes? I think the name of the company alone might be enough for me to assume they have awesome oils! :wink2:


    Thanks for any imput.

  5. Jami

    CS had the specs for the amount of FO gb 415 and 444 as up to 2 oz a pound under the descriptions. Testing 444 I used 2 ounces to see if it would hold that much and I dont think that much FO will incorporate into this wax. I am thinking about 415 to try, I saw a post earlier that said that is actually EZ Soy, did you know that?


  6. I really like CS, they were my first supplier and I have only tried a few. I use their ecosoya pure soy, and think they have great fragrances. Their website suggests cb135 and the advanced and C-3 for maximum scent throw, but in their wax descriptions it says the eco pure had excellent hot and cold throw. It is kind of contradictory. If gb 415 is actually Ez soy which I had no idea, that would work for you, also shipping is very fair. Especially after I think 200 pounds or close to that.

    Also I think its cool that they will overnight a 16 oz of FO for only 6 dollars.

    I would suggest Fig Forest, Med Fig, Cran Marm, Frank Mihr and even Lemon Chiffon. I loved it but not many others did.


  7. As you know a wick is not responsible for the throw it is the melt pool it creates. I have used ecosoya pure soy for about 2 years, decided to try 444 this year for a better scent throw. I am sticking with my pure soy, I had terrific luck with a number of cs fo's, that was last year, I tried different suppliers this year and think I may have just got duds, around 20 samples of them to be exact. Which made me try another wax, I tried some other oils from Peaks and they also worked well in my pure soy. I use 3 inch diameter jars that are frosted. I started with lx 26's for that jar, but have also had excellent burn pools with eco 12's and sometimes a htp 105. cs's cranberry marmalade and hansel and gretels house are two that will for sure throw for you, not to mention everybody loves them.



  8. nanny,

    I have used the tins a lot, the 4 and 8 ounce sized, in the past I have used lx 24' for the 4 ounce and lx 26 for the 8 ounce. I like them, wet spots are not an issue since you cant see through them, but I have always achieved a smooth top. Peoples reactions weren't as enthusiastic as mine I thought they were cool, but all my friends and family were crazy about the square masaon jars. But the 4 oz are a perfect personal candle. I make a lot of them with girly scents. Also I used them to give away to try and get my candles on my market. lol


  9. For my 3 inch diameter containers in pure soy I have had the best luck with lx 26's although some mushrooming. But my favorite as of lately is the eco 12's. I pour my soy hotter than recommended which could account for my larger wick sizes. I have been having trouble with a full melt pool in my 8 oz tins, so I have just set them aside for now.


  10. Hi Jami,

    I too think 444 is tricky. I have been pouring at the same temp as you but my tops look rough. So today I am gonna pour at 150 in a heated jar and cool in a warm room. As far as the wicks I liked how the htp's performed, the lx's had too much mushrooming. The strawberry definitely did throw more for me almost immediately. Although the 444 can hold a larger fragrance load when I am stirring I can almost tell that it is not incorporating completely, which could maybe be our problems. I almost think I had some fo seepage on the tops, but I maxed out fo amounts to really test the wax.

    With my pure soy I always poured at 150 and had great looking candles just not the scent throw, but a couple of days ago was burning a candle I had cured for awhile and it burned great and smelled great and of course it was my old wax. All in all I think add fo hot and pour hot.


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