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Everything posted by mizbizzyb

  1. i emailed and called....no answer....i was testing their oils and went to order cause they were awesome...out of business. not fair!
  2. Well if someone was truly upset over it...they could just sue the supplier for defamation of character and for given out info when the website says they wont share information. But again, that is up to that individual.
  3. I skimmed it over while in the beauty shop...I didn't see anything that would tick me off. I looked at it as no different then when a supplier does us wrong, we try to warn others. But utimately it is up to the individual if they want to continue doing business. I will order again from angie...I order the first time a few weeks ago, but due to the stories of shipping..I ordered 4-5 pounds of each fragrance I wanted to try so when I get down to 2-3 lbs...Time to re-order. That is if they work out during testing, then I'll sell them in the classifieds..my loss.
  4. I love playing this at my parties, the guest get a kick out of it.
  5. I'm a retard...that make sense..I'll have them furnish me a copy. Thanks.
  6. When someone applies for Wholesale and gives you a tax id...how do you check to see if it is real?
  7. Can someone tell me what additive to put in straight parrafin wax to soften it up for containers? And what does stearic do to wax.
  8. TOP!!! TOP!!!! okay I'm gonna leave and come back............... I'm back.......lmao!!!! okay why did you go there...lmao!!! :laugh2:
  9. I have to add here.... Angie called me Sunday and I got my shipment Tuesday. not bad. just a little wait on the invoice.
  10. Ange called me Sunday and I got my order today... :yay: I got the birthday cake and out of bottle it is wonderful!!!! The best I've smelled so far! This is my 1st time testing her oils.
  11. Willow woods is who i was using...temp out of business
  12. Thanks!!! off to ordering more samples ....okay this is how i am really feeling
  13. I need one that smells like Peaks. I can't use peaks~well, for the life of me I can't get it to throw. The supplier I had been getting it from for testing purposes is temp out of business.
  14. I'm off the clock...but just send them to Spoof@ebay.com That is what we tell them if they call us at paypal
  15. WTG!!! That is great news! Congrats!
  16. Wondering if 1. Any wet spots yet 2. Anyone use this wax that previously used J223 or 4627.
  17. Her jobs has her travel...so 60% California and 40% Iowa. So, I guess anywhere between those states would be good.
  18. What are some good places to order B&B supplies? I have a cousin that is thinking about trying it out and asked me like I was supposed to since I make candles. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Nikki
  19. Call me dumb....when you package different scents together do you individually wrap them so the scents dont blend? I will be trying my hand at tarts in a few weeks so I am asking.
  20. Yeah, regardless of his attitude in here....he made some recommended changes. I noticed where he no longer slammed the other company by name. CT~~he listened. Doubt he would come in here and give those that helped a huge "thanks" and needed apology for him being defensive.
  21. Whoa! I read all the comments and seen them to be constructive. You asked for opinions and you opened the door. Ask and you shall receive. Now the site does look nice, except to me the pop-up of the candle pic (thumbnail maybe?) is too large and takes too long. No I didn't read everything about your claims to soy...but...you knocking another company to make your self seem right is a sign of insecurity to me. I think you should team up with Doug and see what he can do to enhance your site. It does look nice, but you would want it to be marketable. So when you are finished testing your products you can just go make the big bucks!!!
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