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Everything posted by ForHisGlory

  1. Same here! I think it is a very nice and elegant Vanilla. I have it burning in our bathroom and my husband said he liked it. He doesn't usually comment on candles, so I know it's nice if he says anything.
  2. I love CS's White Tea and Berries. Just tested finished my candles for release - love it!!!!!! Very strong in paraffin.
  3. I have a White Tea and Hazelnut Coffee. I wonder if Iced Tea would be good or an Earl Grey?
  4. Thanks, evesorto. That's what I'm looking for, something to fit those categories. I do order some things from NG. I'll look into that one.We've decided we don't want a food scent. We have enough. lol
  5. Thanks, Scented. The florals are out. The Boutique doesn't want them. I have Dogwood, which one of the girls insists on keeping. Would the Ivy interfere with Med. Fig from CS? I carry that. The Friendship bread is a great idea!!!! I hadn't thought of that.
  6. We want to make a candle that friends would give to each other. I already have White Tea and Berries by CS and have named that something else. Any suggestions? TIA
  7. Thanks for the story. This is the way to fix illegal immigration - go after those that hire them. A fence is not going to fix one thing!
  8. I'm so sorry. Your dog looks just like mine, although he is only 8 months old. I understand after research that this is their life span. Hoping you feel better soon.
  9. Thanks. I was wondering. I see a few around at gift shops, but not a huge amount.
  10. Okay, Grumpy Girl. I can't stand it! I have to ask!! What if you weren't using a wash cloth. Wouldn't that soap be a little painful. I just want to know! This is, really, a serious question.
  11. Thanks! A wonderful scent! I washed my hands with one this morning. Very lathery and nice!! I still have to see if it makes my skin feel tight after I shower.
  12. What do you mean by any longer? Because the market is saturated or because the novelty is wearing off?
  13. Just too cool for words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I am already hooked, girl!!!! Lord, these smell beautiful!!!!!! Thanks for encouraging me. BCS thanks you also!!! Now, I need to try out some other bases.
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