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Posts posted by Tracey

  1. Thanks again-

    I was beginning to think either my wax suddenly went weird-although I have poured tons of excellent candles out of this lot number, I thought maybe something bizarre happened.

    I am hoping my testers come back with good reports tomorrow.......I have some awesome fragrances from NG, that's why I am bothered by these newer ones not working as well for me.....

    I will Pm ya for some mixing and other fruity ideas.




  2. Thanks CreativeCandles-

    Now I don't feel as bad-well, except for not being able to use these scents in candles anyway. I may try some tarts and bubble bath and see how that works to use them up. I have quite a few yet to test -

    Berry Sublime, Be a Peach, Melonade, Tropical Pear, and a few others of hers. I have a few from NG too that I can't get to throw. I didn't need all those new ones anyway huh? :sad2:

    Thanks again



  3. Thanks Debbie-

    I think alot of it does have to do with using soy or the soy/cottonseed. I have many fragrances that I can use at 1oz pp. I have been trying to test at that as well-the less is more theory, but sometimes I just have to bump it up.

    It just seems that quite a few of the newer fragrances I am testing (not just ICS) aren't throwing well in soy. I am having some friends burn them as well to see if maybe it's just me and the candle nose......

    I have a few that will be testing for me tonight--am hoping I will get goos reviews tomorrow when they come in to work.

    I have tested the Raspberry Rainbow and Passion Berry at 1.25oz pp and not gotten much throw-I have yet to pour up the Melonade and Be a Peach. I have not has any trouble with the Spiced Mulberry or Winterberry when I tested those

    Thanks again



  4. Hi everyone-

    Hope you all had a nice long weekend......

    I have been testing ICS new juice bar scents. I use KY125 and have been testing at 1.25oz pp. I am finding that most of these are not throwing for me...

    Has anyone else tested these in soy or the 125???? Have you had success getting throw? I am wondering if it is me or the fragrance itself. I have such good luck with Kathy's FO's and rarely get one that doesn't throw for me.....I found it odd that there are seemingly so many that aren't-especially the new ones.

    I was hoping to get some feedback from others......I am testing a few at 1.5oz pp now and getting some throw-but that was after only a couple days and I am going to have a few friends burn for me to see if it's just my nose..



  5. has anyone tried out their new spa line of fragrances yet???? I have samples at home and have poured a few testers.....just wondering if anyone found that they needed more than 1oz pp in soy, in particular KY125??

    The Palm Island is very strong after 1 day cure at 1oz pp. I wondered about some of the others: Tibetan Amber, Rice Flower & Shea, Kulu Bay, Natural Beauty. I also ordered a sample of her Mardi Gras based on some of what I read about the scent-I really like it, does it need more than the 1oz pp?

    I have been starting my testing at 1oz pp but wondered if any found they need more....

    Thanks for any help!!!!!


  6. I feel fortunate that my DH asks for my soap. One day he asked me why I was buying soap when I made it---I guess I didn't think he'd want to use it--now I don't buy it anymore.

    My six year old loves the body wash I have so she's good there.

    I feel lucky that I have friends and family that love my b & b stuff and the candles......not all of them, but the ones I am closest to anyway.....


  7. I believe this is a 16oz Classic. I have struggled with this one as well. I use KY125. With a few scents I can get it to burn with a CD22, htp1212. I tried the double wicking thing and didn't have any luck---it would seem I would get my melt pool in half the normal time and then the wicks would almost die out.

    I have a friend who loves these jars and that's the only reason I even bothered--they are pretty when burning but tough to wick with soy......

    Some scents will wick fine with the larger wicks---I gave up on my cinnamon scents-couldn't get singles to work or doubles....


  8. Sounds like you guys are organized or at least try to be so====I have so many scents now that everything just gets put in the cupboard when it comes in---time to eliminate some as I have a ton of new ones coming....

    I do the same with my colors---in a drawer organizer--it does help a lot for those.....wicks is another story----

    Thanks again


  9. You know, I hadn't thought about how to identify the bottles in the drawers--oh great--now what????? Just kidding---the label thing is a good idea for that---that's why I come to this board....everyone has hints and a little different take on some things....

    I like the lazy susan idea too-but can see myself spinning them right off if I am in a hurry or really searching for something.

    Thanks for all the help and comments.....


    :cool2::cheesy2: :cheesy2: :cheesy2:

  10. Hey everyone-

    Wasn't quite sure where to post this one. Hubby just created a new workshop for me--yippee, after years of being crammed into what felt like a closet. Anyway I finally have the space to really organize my FO's---I have a huge old dresser with nice deep drawers to use.....anyway-am looking for suggestions on organizing the FO's to actually find them when I need them--do you all sort by supplier or alphabetically or by seasonal stuff..

    Suggestions are greatly appreciated...


  11. I am working on wicking a 16oz classic jar (3.25" diameter, 2.5" opening) using ky125 and a cinnamon FO (1oz per pound). Tried a CD22 and it's just not cutting it-weak flame and no full pool after 6 hours of straight burning. :( The scent throw was awesome however.......

    I have a few HTP1312's and wondered if those were hotter or about the same as a CD22????? Has anyone tried to double wick this jar? I prefer not too, but if it is okay to double wick with a smaller opening like that I will to get a good burn. I can use a cd20,cd22 or htp1212 with luck in my other scents, it's just this cinnamon......

    Any help is greatly appreciated...


  12. Has anyone had any problems loggin in to their account or getting an order to go through. I finished my order and when I processed it I got a blank screen, also happened when I tried to log in to my account. I sent an e-mail a short time ago, but also wanted to post....

    I am in desparate need of Impeccably Pear.......


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