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Posts posted by dirtybirdsoaps

  1. I actually just tried this a couple weeks ago for cp, It didnt leak at all but......for some odd reason it caved in in the center of the can. Its really odd since the CAN was fine it was just the soap :confused: I didnt line mine, or cut out the bottom. I cleaned it out, poured it in, put the pringles lid on and put it in a sock LOL worked great, and cheap since we go through pringles like crazy

  2. This has recently been discussed as a quick search would show. ;)

    Check here...


    Thank you Stella. I did see that one, but I started this one for several reasons.

    1) that one was a few months ago, and as said as it sounds times are harder on everyone.....and with that you re-evaluate your cost and that would cut down on one.

    2) it wasn't a poll, and some find it easier to answer a poll then type an answer.

    I am just stuck on this decision.

  3. Well I think Im being faced with beginner questions again LOL. My business is on hold for a while until my financial issues get worked out, but since Ive had a lot of free time Ive been thinking about a lot of things. I use 100% soy and have always colored my candles. Yes they frost, but most dont mind it. Now that I have the time, Ive been trying to make a plan for when things get back on track.......and so I was thinking when I start making more inventory should I color or not. I can see positives on both sides so Im kinda stuck and was wondering what everyone else thinks.

    Do you prefer uncolored candles or candles with color?

  4. This is probably going to sound like a stupid question, and I did do a search but didnt really find my answer. I had a foamer bottle that I had from some hand soap that I just ran out of, well I remember a while ago that someone started a thread about just shredding some soap and mixing with water and youd have the foam soap (of course as long as you had the foamer LOL)

    So I tried it and to my surprise it worked. My questions are

    1) Do I need to use a preservative? Im not too worried about it since we wsh are hands like crazy and 8 oz will be gone in 2-3 days but I was still interested in the answer.

    2) Would this be a simple easy project for gift giving?

    3) Is there a better way to make this...or rather a RIGHT way to make it? I only make CP soap so I didnt know if this would do or if you have to make a liquid soap and mix half and half or what?

    Any advice, comments, or helpful hints are welcome since I have know clue. If Im being an idiot jsut slap me LOL

    Thanks again


  5. Has anyone tried the Spruce Tree one from Candle Science? Not sure the exact name. Was wondering if it throws in soy?

    Also to Candlebuddy: does the Christmas Tree from Candle Science throw in soy? It only has 2 leaves rating so was wondering.

    I know you asked candlebuddy but I got a great throw with the xmas tree from cs. Ive always found that even the 2 leaf have a great throw in soy JMO.

  6. Im just looking for everyones opinions. Ive been making candles now for about 3-4 years. I use 100% soy, but mainly stick with CD wicks. Ive found to get the best results with them, but when I first started out I bought packs of many different kinds....CD's, HTP's, zinc, cotton etc. and Id test them all. Now I never ending up using them since I always find the results I want with CD's. Ive been thinking about getting rid of them, but then I started to wonder if I should keep them on hand for the WHAT IF factor? Does anyone else keep several types of wicks, or just stick with the ones you like?

    Thanks again

  7. I love this scent but I actually made this batch for my parents for xmas. This is there favorite scent, and I swear they savor every bar of it LOL I made this in a pringles can....I dont know WHAT happened, but towards the middle of the can it kinda caved in. I know when I read the threads they said to leave room for expansion (which it did) did that cause it? I also made a BUNCH more of this soap but their all in milky way molds and not ready to come out. I was actually pleased with how HALF of this came out LOL and Ill still give the messed up pieces to my parents because hey theyre my parents they dont care LOL Any ideas on why it caved?



  8. Really stupid question....never done sachets or ornies but have been considering it. but instead of using the organza bags what about envelopes? Like what you can buy in gift shops and everything? Like I said I apologize if this is a stupid question but I have no clue. I was going to start checking websites to price them out but everytime Ive bought or been given a car air freshener its always been the ones in envelopes.

  9. IGI 6006

    8 oz. square mason jars

    CD14 wicks

    As someone mentioned, that all FO's and wax combinations don't necessarily make a "great" candle....so testing is a must, not only for these types of scenarios, but testing methods may differ as well.

    I am only speaking of MY experiences with JS FO's in my wax, with my wicks, etc....

    But Pumpkin Patchouli is a MUST for everyone to try!

    Thanks for all your comments, etc..


    DAAAAAAAH! ANother F.O. to add to my "to try list" LOL I love there vanilla Patchouli so I bet this ones great!

  10. no problems here either! Its one of my fav scents. I think it has to do with skin type though. Ive had several people by this scent for a body butter and Id say 1 out of 20 or so had a reaction, but thats why I have on all of my soaps, body butters, etc. discontinue use if you have any type of reaction.

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