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Everything posted by beautifulfeetcandles

  1. He misquoted me I have made roughly 200 container candles the rest were votives. 3000 wasnt a conservative figure =P. My point was to the OP, if I didnt know how to order how would I have already started making candles =P. Anway as mentioned above in my previous post I currently don't have business insurance but it sounds like I'm going to need to check into it.
  2. I started out with votives. I didnt say containers. edit for the addition - I never claimed I'm godly. =(
  3. I will admit the whole business insurance thing has me worried now and wondering. I make absolutely nothing on this stuff. My wife has been on my case because I have been spending way too much. With all the labels, beeswax stamp and card, candle wax, SHIPPING, etc, it's actually been over $3.00 per candle expense. So with the added expense of insurance I would =( Are there tell-tell signs of a candle with problems? I use a standard Oval Hex Jar 9oz and the IGI-4630 paraffin blend with a HTP wick. I originally started with a zinc wick but tried an HTP and liked the way it burns. It seems to burn perfect. I remember buying a TRAPP candle and at the very end of the candle it would spit out hot little pieces of metal!
  4. I'm sorry; I was just excited to find this resource. I honestly didn't mean to come off the way I did. And no I don't have insurance. This whole thing started out as just wanting to make a candle for me. I called a local candle maker and asked them if they did request fragrances (the cassia, aloe and myrrh taken from psalms 45:8) and they didn’t sound interested. I had always been fascinated with candle making. During my years working in a print shop, I would frequently deliver to Creative Candles in Kansas City. Seriously, I would just stand in awe from all the wax, smells, etc. I'm sure my employer would notice the deliveries tanking longer with me behind the wheel. So, after hanging up the phone with him (about 2 1/2 months ago) I decided to try and make it. During the same period of time I had purchased a mission share for Smith Ministries in Honduras. I thought, why just think about myself with this, why not really try and help this mission out.... I first tried votives realized that the process was taking too long - I already have a home based business with 3 children and my wife stays at home. ... anyway sometimes I need to just shut up and listen.
  5. I introduce myself, what I'm doing, give a couple of links to the resources I have found, and ask a couple of questions and just look at all of the insults I receive <cough> not to mention hate mail. Nowhere in my posts did I say I knew Anything let alone "know everything". I'm new and I know it, that's why I came to this site to learn more. At any rate, I bet your an awesome candle maker/creator/crafter and I'm sure I wouldn’t mind owning and burning a few. Anyway, sometimes my excitement comes off as something else. Sorry for all of the trouble
  6. I realize what's its about now... Date 12/08/06 Name - Dick Bush E-mail - youspammer@burninhell.com Message - What a joke you are. Pathetic. Using God as a way to spam people. What a nerve. Nice community you got here
  7. I have been here a couple of hours and all I have learned is this board is full of jerks. <waves goodbye laughing>
  8. Whatever. You need to get outside and get some fresh air. All I was doing is sharing what I have found. The elite candle makers might not like it but if it helps someone else then your point is moot.
  9. Is there a clap emoticon? No link? Is that another one of those super UBER candle maker insider secrets?
  10. Ya that's the ticket I make WMD's <chuckle> Reading comprehension 101? If I can't figure out where to order from how have I been able to create 3,000 candles so far. Seriously, you might want to lighten up =P. These forums are fun!
  11. I have tried zinc and HTP .. they both work awesome with 4630. I think I like the cotton core of the HTP a little more... with my candles they seem to throw less smoke and the burn qualities are very clean.
  12. I'm also a n00b but I tried several from soy to vegetable to paraffin blends and I found that If you want a wax without having to worry about additives, single pour, good fragrance yields w/ great hot and cold throws - paraffin blends work great. At least they have for me!
  13. That's the sentiment from my wife after seeing how much I have spent in the last month
  14. I havent found one FO site out there that has a customer feedback database for each and every scent they sell. I have been searching all over for per case savings on oval hex jars and these seem to be the cheapest I have found. If there is cheaper out there I would love to know. Also, I'm Sorry.. but I have to point this out - "best wick bars for container candles that I have been able to find"
  15. Hi, I started creating candles almost 2 months ago. Basically I sell candles and all of the proceeds go to Mission groups (www.beautifulfeetcandles.com). Anyway, I have found a wonderful site to purchase FO's and Cheap containers that I would like to share with this community. 1. http://www.naturesgardencandles.com/ has become my favorite. Their packaging is awesome and they generally include freebies. Also, FP and all relavent information is listed on ea. container including a color reference recommendation. One of the best features of their site is they have a rating system on the FO's where users can rate and give testimonies about their luck with the FO. On the site they give liquid and color block dye recommendations for each scent. 2. http://www.lonestarcandlesupply.com/ has the cheapest jars that include lids that I have been able to find. They have absolutely the best wick bars for container candles that I have been able to find (BOW TIE WICK BARS - http://www.lonestarcandlesupply.com/misc_supplies.html) which make centering and pouring a breeze. Questions I have: 1. I would like to move from the traditional container to something more contemporary. I found this jar - http://www.jarstore.com/view_category.asp?cat=69 - however their shipping costs are absolutely ridiculous. Does anyone have a great source for unique or contemporary containers? 2. Anyone have a good fragrance oil site that stands out above the rest with unique frangrance oil blends?
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