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Posts posted by Bev

  1. I feel like I struck pay dirt! Last year after Christmas I was browsing the markdown aisle at Wal-Mart and stumbled across these little tins. There were six to a package, I believe (could have been three to a package ... it's been a while!), and they were marked down to 25 cents a package! I snapped up every package they had, not knowing what I would even use them for, but being the bargain shopper that I am, I couldn't resist buying them. I stuck them in my "craft closet" at home and forgot all about them until I read this post! I'm going to be making sniffer samples out of them now!! I love Candletech!!!!

  2. I've been using EcoSoya 135 CB for my container candles. I've been checking prices and find I can get EZ Soy much cheaper, but before doing so would like to hear from those who have used it. What do you like/dislike about it? Any good qualities/bad qualities? Do you achieve good scent throw? Any info. you can share would be appreciated!

  3. Here are a couple of the gift sets I have been working on for the fall craft fair. They contain 4 oz. quilted jelly jars and 8 oz. jelly jars.

    Edited to Say:

    Hmmm.. can't figure out how to get the pics posted. Never mind until I figure this out!!

  4. I checked out your website, too, and your products look like they'd be perfect in a boutique. Treat your product like it is your child (after all, it is your "baby"). What I mean by that is, when asked about the redeeming qualities of your child, you wouldn't be at a loss for words, now would you? You could probably come up with a million things that are terrific about your kid. Be just as proud of the product you have created and let that show in your presentation. You will do fine, I'm sure!

    And just remember, not everyone is always going to like our stuff. If she doesn't, just thank her for her time and get busy making more calls on other boutiques. From what I have seen, I'm confident there is someone out there that would be proud to carry your product line.

    Best of luck to you! We are all rooting for you. :)

  5. Holy smokes! He sure is an "ambitious" fella, isn't he?! I guess it takes all kinds.

    Hmm ... a furniture store in his garage? Where will the jewelry case be, under his trenchcoat?! :eek: (I just have images of this guy standing on a street corner and opening his trenchcoat, which is lined with wristwatches). LOL

  6. I'm sure glad everything worked out okay! You're lucky your husband was there and kept a cool head. My husband and I are both two of a kind, which would have been unfortunate in this case, as we both would have panicked and our house would have probably burned down in the process!! Glad you're okay!!

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