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Posts posted by deputy6512

  1. I did a home party yesterday, and one lady asked me if I recommended dipping your hand in the melted wax...hmmm??? I wasn't sure what to say, so I told her no, I don't. She said "well, I know another lady who does this candle thing and she highly recommended dipping your hand in the melted wax after you blow out the flame on the candle." Has anyone else heard of such a thing?

  2. For shows, I like the idea of letting customers pick & choose so I think the bins would be a great idea. If you chose to use the cello bags, it will not draw out the scent. Polyethylene draws it out, like zip-lock bags.

    Aahh...this would explain why the tarts I have in ziplocs at the moment don't seem to smell anymore, or they smell like the tarts in the bag next to them:lipsrseal

  3. I went through this awhile back with my co-workers. They all bought from me at first, and the majority still do, but a few ladies decided to by from somewhere else AND burn them at work. I was really upset at first, but after telling my story on this board, everyones responses helped me realize that everyone has a preference, and the preference just may not be me! My family hasn't been so much a problem with paying, as for burning. I gave my stepmother some candles to test burn, explained to her the procedure and what she needed to be looking for. About a week later I went to dads house and the candles were still sitting there, untouched. I asked her when she was going to burn them and she said probably never because they were just to pretty!!! So, I had to make another batch of all three scents to test. Oh well. I guess we will just keep trying and hopefully make it big someday!

  4. I store mine in sterilite containers with a 5 on the bottom at home, but for shows i haven't figured it out yet. I have two ideas...one is to store them in glass containers I got at the dollar store and let everyone mix and match there own...number two is to put say three of one scent in a cello bag and sell them this way. What does everyone else do? And will the cello bags draw out the scent?

  5. I don't make BandB, just candles and I am looking for someone who makes pink sugar lotion and/or bath gel. Many of you may have read me post before that I had a friend who makes this, but we are no longer on speaking terms and I am in search of more of this stuff!! So, if anyone wants to sell me some, just PM me! Thanks!!

  6. I did my second home party yesterday, and I am so disappointed. Maybe I just have my expectations set to high, but at both of my parties I have only made $100. Yesterday, it didn't look like ANYONE was going to show up, and I had driven 45 minutes to this place, so needless to say I was discouraged. Finally about four people showed up, but two of the four had been to my first party. Oh well. Just needed to vent. Has anyone else experienced this with parties, or is it just my luck?:embarasse

  7. pdevine...I have this same problem! They first row of labels will be fine, and the rest of the sheet is off. I have started just cutting them myself rather than trying to figure out how off my template is. It is a real pain and I wish it would just work like it is supposed to, but it just won't!

  8. Well, I also use J223 and have good hot throw. Now, thats not to say that with some scents I get a poor throw, but most are great. I add FO last at 1oz per lb with most scents (little more for the lighter scents, little less for the stronger ones). I don't add anything to my wax except dye, fo, and UV. Wish I could be of more help! I also use Peaks almost exclusively (only buy scents they don't carry from other suppliers).

  9. I asked this same question awhile back since I have my first craft show coming up in september. The replies are received varied greatly, but most everyone agreed that you should take everything that you have in stock. I have decided to take 24 pumpkin jars, and 6 of each size of each scent that I offer (I have about 25 scents). We will see what happens. My only fear now is that I won't have time to stock everything up with everything else I have going on. If I don't, I will just take what I have and see what happens!

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