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Posts posted by deputy6512

  1. I use J223, and I have to blast my 8oz jars with a heat gun IF I pour a little hot. Last night I made Creme Brulee and Cinnamon Buns, and this morning I had no sink holes in either one. Interesting enough, I poured at 150 like always. The only difference is I got the wax from a different supplier this time. HMMM....doubt that has anything to do with it, but for some reason I had no sink holes. Normally, though, I do, and I use the heat gun. This isn't a big deal to me, but for some it might be:)

  2. I just got my Peak Order last night and I had ordered some more UV. Well, i'm confused. The UV I have ALWAYS gotten from them was a powder, but this container is filled with what looks like rice! It dissolved the same, but I was wondering why the different consistency? Anyone got any ideas?

  3. I have my first craft show this weekend! It is two days, 9-5 both days. I am pretty sure I will be ready, just nervous of the unknown, like how the heck I'm going to set up! I'm clueless when it comes to that kind of thing. I have sheets for the tables and fall decorations too. I have been frantically trying to stock up on the fall scents, but RAN OUT of wicks!!! Now I won't get more until Thursday, so I guess I will pull an all nighter to get everything made. OYe! I sure hope its worth it! Wish me luck and send good vibes please!

  4. I go through spells like this often. Just hang in there. I have been selling for just over a year now, and still no profit. I do have my first craft fair next weekend, so I am hoping that goes well and gets me a little closer to breaking even! My only regret about getting into this beyond a hobby is that I think I should have waited. Seriously. Should have waited until I had all the children I wanted and they were old enough to not need me to do stuff with them every waking moment. I have a three year old, and we are going to try to have another soon. I know that with one child and working full time it is very difficult to find the time necessary to make all the candles I need to make and to experiment. So if I have another, I am certain things will have to go on the backburner for some time. I absolutely LOVE making candles, but there is no way I could quit my job now and do this full time. So, until I have to stop for awhile, I will keep plugging ahead and telling myself that it is worth it!

  5. I carry 6oz and 8oz tins, along with 4oz and 8oz jelly jars. By far the biggest seller for me is the tins! I can't keep them around! I sell the 6oz for $6 and the 8oz for $7.50. Everyone says they like them better because the wax is used completely up in the tins, compared to a smidgen left in the jars. I personally like jars, but my customers like the tins:p

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