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7 Pawz

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Posts posted by 7 Pawz

  1. Decided to try and use some cp chunks up, so I did a clear overpour, but looks like my  "neon pink" took over.  Scented with velvet tuberose.  The scent is very light , not one I think I 'll order again. As you can see, a couple of no color soap chunks made it in the batch.


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  2. I've been working on a dog soap recipe for over a year. The oil recipe is not what is taking up my time. I have that pretty much figured out. My most time consuming research is on EOs that are pooch safe. Not so easy as you will find. I have seen dog soaps all over the internet being sold with fragrances and EOs I simply cringe at. EOs can be very toxic to dogs and cats as some are to people as well. In addition, dogs skin is much more sensitive than ours and small dogs and pups are even more sensitive. If you don't want to do all the research just don't use any EOs. You can still come up with a good conditioning bar for dogs but make it low cleansing and very high in conditioning.


    For a people shampoo bar I was using a combo of lavender, geranium, rosemary, and lemon at about 3% PPO. It wasn't for the scent so much as for the qualities the EOs impart. Unfortunately the lather would make my eyes burn so I scratched the EOs for now and am using a simple FO. I am relying more on the oil recipe for a very conditioning, zero to low cleansing bar. I finally got the recipe I like but am constantly tweaking it.


    There are some similarities in the qualities for a good shampoo bar for people and pets. Use high conditioning oils like olive, sunflower, grapeseed, soybean, etc.  Regarding dog shampoo do some research on good oils for dogs coat and skin.


    Watch the iodine levels as most of these are high in iodine except olive. You may want to throw in a little shea butter or even lard. One oil I will not go without is castor oil. Its good for hair but also excellent for a dogs coat and skin.

     I've been thinking and looking around for awhile now. I also am  cautious as to what I'm looking for as well, like you mentioned,not so much for scent as for qualities.  I am planning on castor oil, lard, olive oil and coconut for the base at this point, one of my dogs has dry skin, so that's another consideration,(vet shampoo didn't really help much)   Its kind of scary that a lot of info  I've picked up just from books is misinformation.  

  3. I have done the same as Candy. Now grant they may only charge exact shipping but if their cart do not show a price close to what I will pay I do not chance it.

    I haven't ordered a lot lately, as I'm just  using up excess supplies, but for the few things I am getting, I can't see paying almost what an item costs as it is to ship it.

  4. You can save on shipping for cocoa powder by buying it at your grocers. Its in the tea and coffee isle.


    Glad you found a better shipping price. Shipping is brutal. I can't tell you how many times I have dropped a shopping cart due to outrageous shipping.

    I think I've found a good product for what I needed, so along with the price, I was pleased.  Distance doesn't necessarily matter I'm finding out. I tried suppliers close to me, if it wasn't shipping, it was price.

  5. Decided to follow Candybee's advice and do a  little more comparision shopping, I  needed cocoa butter to try a bath melt recipe.  2 suppliers charge 13.00 minimum (l lb) shipping. Had I purchased from either one, I'd end up paying 26.00 for a pound of cocoa butter *shudder* so, I found a supplier from this board, and they charged 7.00 flat rate up to $25.00 purchase.  Placed an order with them for the cocoa butter and since not only the price of the cocoa butter and shipping was great, I decided to add 2 bottles of essential oil I had been looking at. Got all three items for less than it would have cost for one item and their shipping.   It sure does pay to look around.      I probably would've added other items if I had ordered elsewhere, but with their shipping prices, it wasn't an option.

    • Like 3
  6. Me too, I love the purple and gold together. I can crochet just a little bit, but when I retire in a few years I want to make something big and beautiful like an afghan. Nice work!

     Thank you, glad you like it. I've cut down on the size of my afghans, but at night sometimes I work a little at the time, not that much, as I usually try to get some soap or candlemaking in or at least planning the next project. :)

  7. Just started working on this, the yarn makes an interesting colorway using this pattern stitch.  The purple and gold is the actual color of the afghan. The blue and gold is not.  Took these pics with my ph,don't know why I got 2 different pics for the same thing.  I can crochet at work, so I work on it about an hour or so every couple of days, hope to have it done for Christmas.



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    I just made the small bar of soap, with scent included, it was close to a 5 oz in all. actually, it was kind of fun to make it; I ended up using veg shortening, coconut and olive oil.  Scented it with Peaks Key Lime, no dye.   I've not tried making just one bar, but it might save me a little time later if I do this one in a while.   Its in the mold now. Cant wait to get it out.   I used my frother  instead of stirring, it worked great for this.

  9. Hmm, I'm pretty far from NG also but that does seem to be pretty high for 10 1oz fo's. I personally love NG fo's. I don't think you'll have a problem with them, but on Monday, I would probably call them and see if there was a mistake - it couldn't hurt and it might garner you a refund or at least something... 

    Think I will call, I refigured all of it twice with their ordering system, I wouldn't think over 6.00---

  10. I won't show you my work rooms but I have a sink also and a stove top and a separate room that I store more oils, containers, molds and bunch of stuff I no longer use!  My turkey fryer and 3 presto pots stay in my work room and I also have an electric griddle I keep pour pots on warming 

    I actually hate the hot plate I'm using for a stove top, whether I heat directly or indirectly, it takes FOREVER to do what I want it to do.  I wish I had an actual stove top instead. 

  11. Only 10 then my choices would be:


    Patchouli -- because it moves and I love it

    Patchouli w/ Tea Tree -- because it moves and we can't keep it in stock

    Lavender -- because it moves

    Milk 'n Honey -- because it's a little upscale and moves ... just made a triple batch of it

    Fruit Slices -- apparently people like this (though we call it something else)

    Karma -- Cuz it's that patchouli flavor people dig  (The Neroli de la luna though could replace this)

    Polar Express -- It's minty but toned down a little because of the Patch in it.

    Misbehavin' -- I think this is because people think they're being a little naughty.

    Ginger Lime -- It's a great scent and moves better with its rename I suppose

    Sanguigno Orange & Patch -- guess we'll be trying to figure out how to make it if TSW goes down -- It's that Patch scent ...


    As you can see we have a pretty strong Patch crowd

    Hmm---might have to experiment the patchouli, never thought about it , the Polar Express sounds interesting

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