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country creek

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Posts posted by country creek

  1. It has been yrs since I have made pillars but I agree, the wick looks like it is burning off to the left side. Plus if it is mushrooming that generally means you need to wick down. (dont know if that is the same with pillars as it is w/containers but I am sure you will hear from others. ) Other than that, I like the colors! :highfive:

  2. I have used IGI 4630 b4 and there are two things I found with it that I do not like, one is that it does not burn as clean as what I am used to. I am used to using a CD 12 in my 16 oz mason jars and with that wick and this wax I get terrible mushrooming. It does burn even but not clean at all. HTH:D

  3. I went to a show this weekend and there was a lady there that also made candles but they were gel.....and......she had all of this flammable material in them like the fake flowers, buttons and other items not made of wax. I approached her to be nosy and asked her if these were for looks or if she recommended people burning them. She said "Yes of course you can burn them" then she asked me why.....??? I told her b/c she had items in there that were flammable and that they would catch on fire. She said but there not "that close" to the wick are they???? Then I ask if she had actually burned any of these herself and she said NO!!!! Are you kidding me??? Do people not realize that you cannot just make a candle and sell it and that's the end? You actually have to take precautions to make sure you are not selling them something that will burn their house down. Can people really be this ignorant or do I expect too much out of others?:undecided

  4. I hope all turns out fine and you will be back to making candles safely.

    I have to add something too and have some wonders.I did let everyone know when my husband had pneumonia.I think it was a bug but after the fact I realized he had been doing our full strength car air fresheners even on front porch.Plenty of air but I couldn't stand it when I went out(like some I have chemical problems with to many at once).Not till after he was OK and out of hospital I started wondering about all those fumes from Full strength FO.So all seemed OK till 2 days ago.He started coughing alot.I asked"are you getting a cold or sick".He said it just started and kept clearing throat and seemed to be choking.So now tonight he goes back to doctor.It was going to be about the head injury that happened at work but now I will mention to doctor about his breathing and coughing.Oh and he said his chest hurts a little now.So I am concerned about a what I hear of being a chemical pneumonia.Also wonder will he keep having problems.He is never sick.It had been maybe 2 weeks prior to him getting sick he worked on fresheners but that is something I will talk to doctor about.



    I will keep your husband in my prayers and wish you the best.

  5. This should be a reminder to all of us that when working with the candles that we should always have a window open or a door. The toxins from the fumes when the wax and the FO's are heated are greater if we are constantly inhaling them (which we are). I always have windows open as well as a fan blowing from the kitchen to outside. Some of the FO's make me ill to smell in long periods.

    Satori~ I hope that all turns out well for you. Please keep us posted.

  6. It seems just like candle making there are a lot of different techniques to get to the finshed product with soap making as well. I think I will go to the craft house here and get some stuff and see what I can come up with. The good thing is most of my FO's are soap safe! (dont have to spend $$ on those)

    Thanks everyone for your help and honesty about your favs. AND maybe I will even show you my finished products....;)

  7. Is this a hard thing to learn or should I stick to candle making? I mean it only took me three yrs b4 I had it down to a science with that. I read some of the how to's and it looks pretty easy but so did candle making til I actually did it.

    Since I do not know the difference between the initials you use on this side nor much about the cold or hot process, How would ya'll recommend me starting?

  8. bee hive jar from C & S. I have been making candles in this jar for about 2 yrs and only sell them to friends and family b/c the opening is so small and the base is so large that it makes it impossible to wick. If I wick based on the opening, it will burn down the middle after the 2nd ring, and if I wick it based on the base then it will mushroom soooo bad at the top but burns beautifully to the bottom.

    Well, I tried something a little different.....I poured the bottom half and wicked it with a CD 16, then after that set up, I hot glued a CD 8 to the CD16 and poured the top half. It actually worked and burned beautifully. The little bit of hot glue in the middle of the two wicks did not affect it at all. I am burning a 2nd one just to make sure I get the same result. My plan is still the same though to only sell them to family and friends b/cuz I would still like to keep tabs on them. :highfive:

  9. the FO's from??? I know that this may be a stupid question......but I was just thinking about the fact that they have to get it from somewhere and they obviously sell it above the wholesale price they pay for it in order to make a profit. Are there any suppliers on here that would be willing to share info???

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