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Posts posted by Kay

  1. so no one like ecosoya here?? If I was to choose a soy right now, what would all you say?? I've heard alot about ecosoys & c-3. I just want something that is smooth & creamy that doesnt smoke alot. I tested IGI 4630..I loved how it set up...smooth, no cracks, no frost, but it smoked. I had one here in front of me one day sitting here at the computer & out of the corner of my eye I saw smoke rings floating up..whats up with that? What would cause that? It was a HTP 62 wick small candle...alittle bigger then a tea light..like a large glass tea light. (some left over wax I had from pouring a larger candle. Oh Cool Cucumber scent.

  2. I am so trying to make up my mind. I want to start testing soy but after hours of searching on here about what is the best wax to work with, the best scent throws, etc. I still cant make up my mind. :confused: Can you guys give me some advise? Does anyone know where I can get some ONLY SOY sample waxes..many different ones...like C-3 & Ecosoya, EZ, etc.? I'm really looking strongly towards Ecosoya 135. I hear allot of you talking about it on here.

    HELP!!!!! :P

    P.s I know i have to test & just determine what i like the best, but i would love to hear what you guys prefer. Please


  3. Along the left hand side of this forum you will find a General Information tab, there is a LOT of really good information behind it. I encourage you to take a look, I use it all the time.

    Here is a calculator that will help you find exactly what you are looking for I believe.


    HOLY COW!!! Where has that been all this time....Never knew it was there.& Ive been looking at this site for months now

  4. I don't know why I am fooling around with it either. I just felt sorry for the poor lady last night and when very few responded, I did. Probably WILL NOT do that again. I don't use Crisco. For containers, I use a good container wax. I test every FO/WICK/Wax/Container combination. Sorry if I stepped on someones toes, it was IMHO good advice for a VERY misguided chandler. Amen, goodbye, and I will pray that no one's house gets burned down. Carole

    I have to say I was in her shoes about 8 months ago..I too thought it was just wicks, FO & wax..but after talking with you guys,, I learned alot..so dont stop "letting us know how it is." if it wasnt for you guys, i would be selling badly made candles to ppl & endangering ppl's lives. We "newbies" need you guys to set us straight.. :laugh2:& yes i stil consider myself a newbie...i'm still learning!!!


  5. I don't look at the time, I keep on watching the wax, when as you said it has a film on top but under it it's still liquid I pour the next layer. BTW the film has to be a "good" film, or when you pour the hot wax it will break the film and blend. Hope this makes sense

    Yes you are right...I forgot about that..I have had that happen & my waxes mixed...i ended up with gray colored candle...:laugh2:

  6. When I was messing around with containers I put mine on the electric candle warmers & let it melt down, pulled the wick out, re-wicked & tried again. You guys have me wanting to try containers again..i have acouple 11oz tureens here. You know what i'm going to be doing this weekend. I only have IGI 4630 here & i want to start using Ecosoya...Oh well...

  7. you waited to long to do your second layer. I normally dont do containers, but I do pillars & if you wait to long to pour second layer it wont stick...I know with pillars its about 30 minutes to no more then 45 minutes depending on the size. Usually til you can see a good film on top of the layer, but can still see movement under the top. I'm wanting to say 1/8 of a inch on top of film.

    Am I right CTer's..correct me if i'm wrong.

  8. Thanks for all the advice. I need to hit the sack so I can get up early and burn down my house!!!!! :yay:

    I'll check tomorrow and see if anything else was added. Wish me luck or visit me in jail. I'll post my e-mail address. :laugh2:

    Good Luck!

    See you on here...

    OH...another thing..i take LOTS of notes!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep a notebook handy..its good to go back to..I go back to mine all the time

  9. Three pounds is 48 ozs. Fills 13 6 oz tins or 6 11 oz tureens. That is my batch.

    A coffee pot..good idea!!!!!!!!!!! i was freaking out the other day cause i couldn't find my pouring pot...I'm going to go buy an extra coffee pot..


    I want to start playing around with 110z Tureens..I think they are so pretty..do you use Soy Bugtussel?

  10. My advise..stick to CTer's, they are allot of help. I would test everyone you do...if you use a different FO test it, if you use a different wick, test it, if you use a different container, test it..at least one, right CTer's am I giving good enough advise? I mainly just play aound & learn from my mistakes...If I am happy with one of my products (like my forever palms) I give away as gifts..

  11. Don't worry. We will get them tested. How in the world can wax and scent in a jar be a liability? What could go wrong, seriously?

    When I first started out I to thought about selling but after talking to allot of the CTers here I changed my mind..I too thought what is the harm in putting some wax in a jar with some scents? Boy Was I wrong. I found out that there is alot more then just pouring & lighting.

    I think you need to be doing alot more research thought to be honest. I have been doing research for 8 months & I"M STILL LEARNING!!!!!!!!!

    Thank You CTer's

  12. I messed up and ordered polyeth bags instead of polypro. Then I reordered and now they look the same. Didn't order the ones I meant to, but the ones I ordered don't specify which one they are. My question is how long does it take for polyeth to suck the scent out of a tealight? (please say 3 weeks, please say 3 weeks)

    Ok i'm just now looking into bags for my tea lights & tarts..just to store around here at the house...what is the difference? & where can I get these?

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