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Posts posted by Kay

  1. I poured this today. It actually came out pretty good. I had some left over from months ago cause i was getting frustrated with the soy. I decided to try it again & WOW! It came it came out pretty good. I have to take the heat gun the top cause of some cracks, but other then that..I am impressed. Can anyone tell me why the tops crack like that..It use to only crack around the wick, but for some reason this time it cracked all over the top..no big deal, but why does it do that?

    Thanks for looking


    P.s. I only had these wicks which would have been to small for this container, so wicked wicked with 2 of them. I wicked this way and not sure if it was a good idea..wondering about other corners not getting enough melt pool. Agree? Wicks were HTP-62's..All I had for Soy.



  2. I have been searching & searching info on Palm wax & read so many times where they are hard..well making the palms aren't hard..it is the wicking..Man all you guys were right. Well this is one I did & although the wicking is not right yet..i thought it turned out pretty good for a first.

    What do you think?



  3. I was just looking through the candle gallery seeing al the candles I missd over the last couple months & came across this one.....LOL...As I was reading I was saying " I dis that too" LOL Like when you added the wrong color, i always forgot my F.O. Would get excited to get in mold & completely forget the Scent. Or so excited to see the finished product, tug on the wick & pull it completely out of the candle..LOL..I did that!!..LOL

    You'll learn as you go..i'm still learning..making mistakes as I go..lol, but thats how you learn!!!


  4. Thanks! I did have one turn out ok...my best one ever I think anyways..havent test burned yet, so will have to get back to you on tht one.

    Scallop, basil scent...I love the mottled look to on this one. Almost marbled look. I'm still just playing, but love when they turn out like this. .I stil get so frustrated with the scents & wicks..does anyone ever figure those out? :(

    I finaslly figured out wick sizes, etc..but now i'm having trouble with F.O.'s & wicks...Thank God for the Search button. You guys help me so much.Thanks again.....


  5. Someone needs to resume taking her meds............

    Are you guys talking about her??? Her site? I looked at it & its not bad...What is everyone talking about???

    You guys have really hurt this girl's feelings. How would feel if someone went to your sites & talked about you like that? I dont understand what you are guys are talking about & laughing about......Can you please explain to me what I am missing?? Please!

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