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Everything posted by jwickst

  1. The Candle Maker is in Waukesha Wi. (a burb of Milwaukee) I don't think she carries Soy wax tho. I have used her 50/50 blend and her scents. I love her Mountain Sage. Here is her website http://thecandlemaker.com JJ
  2. Hi, Has anyone tried Canadian Balsam by The Scent Works? I am still looking for that great Pine scent and have not seen anyone write about this one. JJ
  3. I tried patchouli and zest grapefruit and it is a very nice scent. I liked it!!!
  4. Hi, I am curious about this scent. Who makes it and what does it smell like>> JJ
  5. Hi, Thank you for your responses, this message board is so helpful!! I am using a soy/parrafin mix. Will that make a difference with which "tree" scents I should use??
  6. Hi, I have a request for Colorado Christmas or Colorado Wildnerness. Does anyone know where I can buy these scents??? Thank you
  7. Hi all, I am having a hard time finding a really strong pine tree scent. The kind you get when you cut down a Christmas tree. Any suggestions on who to buy this from?? Thanks and have a great day!! J:yay:
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