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Everything posted by camoflauge

  1. Do you want them with the 3 "lines" in it? I've got tons of fabric. I'm not a professional by any means, but if you have a sew machine they are super easy. You just sew them together inside out, turn them back right side out, and sew 2 straight lines, then close it up.... When do you need them by? I would bet that there is someone in your town that would offer their services for free-I know I would. I just don't know if I would have the time to get them all done. I could sure try if you can find anyone nearby. I love my warmers. They are so nice. Speaking of which, I need to make myself a new one as I had microwaved it enough that the flax seed & herbs finally burnt. Yuck!! Heather
  2. not sure if you know it or not but when you click on certain fragrance names(not all of them) it takes you to atwixend. com I'm not sure if that's where you get any of your oils, but I sure wouldn't want my customers to find that bit of info... It's a good start!! Heather
  3. I have to echo the JS chestnuts & brown sugar. I got it as a sample and boy, am i glad i did. I've sold so much of this scent this year. Almost everyone that smells it, buys something scented with it. And, it is my personal favorite!!! Yummy!!! You won't be disappointed. Heather
  4. found some here http://www.floralsupply.com/cat.cgi?k2q=shred&c=Shred they are in Montana though.... http://www.americabasket.com/supplies.html this one is in Utah-doesn't look like there are any minimums... well, that's all I can find for now. If you're in a real pinch, you may just have to go to Hobby Lobby/Michaels or whatever kind of craft shops you have around you. Good luck!!! Heather
  5. I am digging the Chestnuts & Brown Sugar from JS-omg, this scent rocks and so far my customers are agreeing. I've sold more of this scent than any other. I've used it in soy wax, lotion, sugar scrub, room spray-which my base could double as body spray, reed diffusers and aroma beads. The reeds were just for myself as I'm still in the "testing" mode with them, but everything else has sold like hotcakes. This scent is unbelievably yummy!!!
  6. cappunico hazelnut and the vanilla late - these 2 are on my list along with a LOT of others. Wish I could order 1 of each of all the scents-except the florals!!! sorry, i don't do wicked candles yet, so i can't help you out on that-french vanilla does sound yummy though!!!
  7. it depends-what do they want to do with it. are they a current customer who wants to be able to scent potpourri, etc? In that case, I would mark it up just a little-to take into account what you paid for the oil, the shipping to get it to you, and the cost of putting it into a container and labeling it for them. As a customer they are not going to know what you paid for your oils. I've seen the refresher oils mixed with dpg in a 2 oz. spray bottle go for $5 on quite a few candlemaker's site... so, i don't see anything wrong with making a little profit. That's all part of business. If, on the other hand it is another crafter or a good friend and you're helping her out, etc. I would cover your costs and call it good. good luck.
  8. I think she wants something year round.. honestly, do you really need to change the name for the non-holidays to sell it? because as you change the name, are people going to know what it smells like? I would just rename it at Christmas to give it more of a Holiday sound like Christmas Holly... first-the description of holly berry is: Fresh Holly with a touch of plump red berries. Available in both evergreen and deciduous species, holly is grown for its toothed glossy green leaves and its showy berries, which are red in most popular varieties "Country Craft Shoppe" lol-i know that isn't quite it, but sometimes you can get an idea from different words... Cozy Craft Shoppe-I guess I think cozy when I walk into hobby lobby and smell their good scents-like walking by a fragrant booth at a craft show. Showy Berries Fresh Holly Berries Berry Nice That's all I have... In my opinion, I'd keep Holly Berry year round and rename it at Christmas Time.... good luck, hopefully someone else will come up with good names. I try-but I suck at it!!
  9. eww :lipsrseal to both of those. I can't believe someone would really want a candle that smelled like pot roast? I love the smell of a roast cooking, but I think I'll stick to actually cooking a roast to get that smell. But, seriously, I can't wait to see what you have "cooking" after thanksgiving. I'm already in love with all the scents I've tried-but especially the Andes Thin Mints. I could just drink that one out of the bottle!!! I can't wait to order more!!! Heather
  10. Today I made wax bears and wickless candles using 1 oz fo to 16 oz. wax-is that 6.25% and everything was super strong!!! I use EZ-soy from BCN. I made the following: Blueberry-was very true and I'll be buying another to use plain, mix with cheesecake & birthday cake type scents Lilac-even though i'm not a floral lover here it did smell very true, i had 2 gals that came to buy stuff and they both loved it. Lavender-same as lilac-very true-same 2 gals loved that one and said it smelled just like lavender. sugar cookie-i'm on the fence about this one-but only because with all the strong scents i've poured, i've got candlenose... need to "melt" it in the basement where no other scents will mingle with it.. It smells good with my nose in it... i absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the andes thin mints & i will be buying more of this scent-even if it isn't xmas... just for myself because i absolutely love the actual candy-the way it smells and the way it tastes!!! Candy Cane-this is definately a strong scent and i only used it at 6.25% so i can't imagine what 8% would do-maybe that's why some people get the fuel smell? I find it almost overpowering in my bears-but that's what i want so that it lasts well and smells up a room well. i've got a few more i haven't tried yet & will post when i get those done. I'm planning on placing an order down the road here & am drooling over all her scents. I love that she doesn't charge $15 a bottle and her shipping is quick and very reasonable $$. Keep it up, Bert!!! 38 pages and still going-must mean you have something great going!!! Heather
  11. I don't do wicked candles-i do "wickless candles" and "melts" and wax dipped bears and I used 1 oz. pp for all those and it smelled very good, very true with that-not sure what % that amounts to though... love that smell though, I had to go buy some andes thin mints as i love those!!! heather
  12. here's my 2 cents worth... I'm fairly new to candlemaking (1 year in Oct.) and I have not had the time or $$ to test wicked candles. I started out with the wax dipped bears, lotions made from bases etc. and I did very well. After numerous requests for a "candle", I decided to do the "wickless" since I knew I didn't have the time or $$ to test wicks just yet. (yes, i did test the wickless before selling) Boy, did it go over well!! I'm just a small time gal selling at craft shows and to friends and family, but I have sold a lot. Yes, there are the people who want the wicked just as there are those who want soy or parafin and nothing else. Around here people have been really excited about soy candles. From talking to a lot of candle users, I found out that a LOT of them around here take their "wicked" candles and put them on warmers. I love wicked candles, don't get me wrong. But, with a 3 year old and an 8 year old that are infatuated with fire, this is a safer alternative to me. We all have our own personal opinions and I'm not going to try to force my opinion on anyone else. I guess I feel that candlewarmers would have never been invented or be able to be sold if they were that dangerous. In my opinion, they aren't any more dangerous than a candle with a wick. Like I said, that is my own opinion. I've been using candlewarmers for years-before i even decided to make candles-and I've used them both ways. I do think that if you already make wicked candles and sell them, you could just tell them they could take the wicks out. Or, for safety reasons mentioned here, maybe you could make a special "line" of certain jars that can be used-the shorter the better it seems-the 8 oz. square masons and the small classic jars from BCN really work good. :tiptoe:
  13. how could you go any lower? at $2.50 for 4 oz. and $5 for 8 oz? your containers, wax and fo, labels, etc. has to cost at least $1 per jar-especially when you figure in the cost of getting stuff shipped to you. Don't worry. When things are meant to be it will happen. I'm not having much luck yet getting into any stores either. But, I'm not giving up. Like everyone says maybe now is just not a good time for her. Maybe she's researching all of her options. Have you given her any samples? Did you follow up and see how she liked them, etc. Good luck!!!
  14. I made wax dipped bears today using her Andes Thin Mints and the Candy Cane... OMG is all i can say. my candlemaking room smelled awesome & still does!!! I also did a blueberry bear too and I will be buying a bigger one of that one-would love to mix it with some cake type smells and cheesecake!!! Would love to see her keep expanding her line-especially at the price she is able to offer us!!! I've got some other samples to try yet too-hopefully tomorrow!!! :highfive: Bert!!! I will definately be ordering more oils from you!!! I can't believe how positive this thread is and the fact that it is still going says a lot about you and the quality of the oils you sell!!!! Heather
  15. A bain-marie (also called a double boiler) is a device used in industry (phamaceutical, cosmetics, conserves, etc.), chemical laboratories, and in cooking to heat materials gradually to a fixed temperature.
  16. they carry these at www.candlewarmer.com and you can purchase wholesale. I'm not sure what the min. order is. maybe someone else who has purchased one of these can chime in. It is unique-probably similar to the melters that use light bulbs to melt the wax.. would love to get in on a co-op if these are something worthwhile. edited to add i found a post from 2 years ago... this was the price: wholesale is $13.95, minimum order 6, I can't remember what the opening order minimum is, but you can probably buy just one case. and this is the thread: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3071&highlight=aurora+candle+lamp i went to this site http://www.heatedscents.com listed in the past thread and they still carry them, so i signed up to see what their wholesale prices are/and min-if you don't have to buy so much it would be better. plus, the candlewarmer.com requires business references. heather
  17. Shelley, I'm glad i'm not the only one who hasn't heard of it. I thought I was out of the loop. It doesn't take all that long to melt a wickless candle, and if you're that impatient, you should be melting "wax melts" instead-in my opinion. Thanks for all the replies!!:highfive:
  18. HeavenScentU-that's exactly what i was thinking. The customer told me some candlemaker she had bought from in a nearby town had told her to do that to "quicken" the process-instead of waiting for the melter to do it for you. I do warm up my soy very occassionally when doing small projects, but only on 1/2 power and i stir frequently. apparently microwaving soy wax is a "touchy" subject-:embarasse seems like some of these places that sell soy wax actually tell you that it can be warmed in the micro. in light of this circumstance, i'm going to stick with my electric presto so i know it isn't going to get burnt on my end. then there's no way the customer could think it was something i did. and yes, i agree a person needs a license & definately good insurance.
  19. Thanks for the replies Stella!! I never even thought to put that warning label on my wickless candles-because i never thought about putting it in the microwave to get it started. I won't be using the micro to make any more candles after this experience. I did replace the candles, with the "warning" not to micro it, and will be changing labels-which probably won't get read... and as for wickless-people around here have been melting their "wicked" candles for years-even Yankme & GC types... and "fishing" out the wick... seems they like the "safety" of the melting instead of the flame-i know it's not necessarily any safer-but, i gotta go with what sells. to each their own!! Thanks for steering me in the right direction!! I knew i could find the answer on this board!!
  20. I've only done it once or twice-this is instructions from a candle supply store.... "Melting Soy Wax: You can melt soy wax in the microwave or on a stove using the double-boiler method. If you use the microwave, place desired amount of soy wax in a large glass Pyrex cup. Melt on medium temp. in short intervals. It's a good idea to melt it 1 minute at a time. The time it takes will depend on your microwave and the amount of wax you're melting." I've seen those instructions on more than 1 site.. I guess that's why i asked.. the particular candle in question was NOT melted in the microwave by me-just so you know. it was only microwaved by the customer... I guess maybe my question should be is what do you tell that customer about melting their candles in the microwave?
  21. I'm just wondering if anyone has promoted this to customers, or heard of this? I had a gal buy a wickless from me a few weeks ago & then wanted to returned it because it smelled burnt. I test my wickless candles and i know it wasn't "burnt" smelling when it left here, so i asked her what she melted it on, etc. and she told me a gal selling soy candles somewhere else had told her you could microwave your candles so the wax gets melted faster. Am i wrong to think that it was the microwaving that "burnt" my candle? I mean i don't know how long she microwaved it.. or did i do something wrong making it? I microwave the soy before i pour candles once in a while when i only want to make 1-2 candles for a small order, but i do it on 1/2 power and constantly check and stir-plus, it is in flake form so i can do that-whereas when it's in your jar you can't really stir it up. I'd like to hear any feedback-good/bad... Thanks! Heather
  22. I agree with you guys on the floral. it smells very true, but i'm not a floral gal either. I did order lavender though because i have had a TON of requests for a lilac (which i ordered too) and a lavender. florals give me killer headaches. give me coffee scents and food/bakery scents any day!!! Bert's lavender smells the most realistic though(compared to the others i've tried)-even though i'm not a floral lover!! I can't wait for tomorrow to get a few of these in wax!!! I wish i wouldn't have had to order sample sizes-but $$ wise can't afford not to. I will definately be trying out more oils. can you believe we're on page 33 of posts? most other suppliers get a few pages, and here we are. i think that says a lot about bert-and no negative comments-just a few of "i don't like this oil" type thing... you should be proud of yourself bert. don't you dare leave us!!!! keep getting new oils in so i don't have to order the expensive ones from other places that don't smell near as good as yours!!! Hope you are feeling better!!! Heather
  23. if you are looking for electric tart warmers- www.candlesandsupplies.com have the 2 piece ones for very reasonable prices-much cheaper than i could get from anywhere else especially when i don't want 1/2 doz. of each style. Heather
  24. i'm sure others with more experience will chime in here, but it sure looks like foaming bath butter. I didn't have any luck with this stuff as the base is too expensive for my market around here, and i really didn't notice any "luxurious" benefits to compensate for the higher price tag. just my 2 cents worth anyhow... Heather
  25. Brenda-love the changes.. the same size picture really makes it... & the size on the bottom of each candle description is perfect!!! gdawg-i live in Mobridge-up north on the Missouri-almost into North Dakota. I used to live near sioux falls in a small town called Hurley-I miss living there!!! I have a black lab too, i never would have thought to make a river dog like you did. Breanda, do you mind if i ask where you found such a cute lab that dipped so well? It looks like it has a little bit longer fur than most i've found. It would make a great xmas present for my hubby. I love doing the wax dipped "critters". They are so much fun and not a TON of work if you start with the right kind of animal. Don't fret about your website.. I've had mine for almost a year and no orders-except a gal i know and she just ordered from my website because it was easier to pay... I'm thinking of changing providers-not because i'm not happy with the service, but I pay $20 for nothing... It is looked at by people who want to order and then just call me, so i don't want to get rid of it, but it would be nice if i could get more orders because of it... Heather
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