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Everything posted by EmpressC

  1. BTW, does it really take "hours" to make a batch of butter??? I've never made it before, so I don't know.
  2. Thanx for the reply, schmoopie. Ummm, no. I do not want be fooling around with anything for "HOURS". LOL! I do plan on making this to sell, not just for personal use. So hopefully I'd be making a LOT of butter. I was kinda thinking that if I'm trying to do things on a larger scale, it would make sense to just get what I need and be done with it!
  3. I want to get a mixer to be used for body butters and bath butters. I would like to get a KitchenAid mixer, which runs about $200 for the Classic model. The main reason I want to get a KitchenAid is that several members on this forum have stated emphatically that they prefer it. However, my friend thinks a hand mixer would be sufficient. Since I currently have neither type, I don't know if he's correct or not. But I can just see myself getting the hand mixer only to later end up purchasing the KitchenAid. So I would like to ask for opinions on the matter. If you've tried both types of mixers, I REALLY wanna hear from you. But everyone's opinion is welcome. I ask, is the KitchenAid mixer worth it for body butters? Or is a hand mixer just as good? (NOTE: not "good enough"...JUST AS GOOD) TIA!
  4. Those look great! :highfive: And complicated. :undecided
  5. Thanx! And yep, you have to cut the bars individually. I like it cuz it's quick and easy. And the soap just pops right out! Thank you!!! I'm now debating on which style I like better for this soap: marbled or layered. It's scented baby powder, but I'm gonna call it "Essence of Amani" in remembrance of my cousin's 4-month-old baby, who just passed from SIDS.
  6. That's probably something I'll try next time...I just didn't realize it needed to be heated to such a degree...but this was my first time working with stearic, so it is a learning process. It's getting to be exhausting, though! If you all only know how many combinations of oils and butters I've tried in soap so far! LOL!
  7. Anybody tried the monkey farts at NG?
  8. @firegirl Please let me know how the French milled soap turns out. I am definitely interested in trying it out. @prairieanne Please let me know how your SFIC testing goes. I know you seem to do a lot with MP, so I am curious to find out your feelings on SFIC. As for how the added stearic affected the soap, it did make the bar harder. But it seems not all the stearic blended with the soap because little pellets were visible in the soap. I guess I didn't blend it at a high enough temp. :undecided I'm starting to think maybe I should just leave the soap as is and simply lower my price range instead.
  9. Well the soap looks smooth and creamy and it does feel a bit harder. It didn't turn out as bad as I thought it might. I thought it was gonna be grainy, as if the stearic did not blend with it. But it looks fine. I'll let you know how it feels tomorrow. :embarasse
  10. OK, I just made another 2lb batch of shea soap with 2tbsp stearic. Since I was attempting a marble this time, I was letting the 2 separated batches cool a bit when WHOA!!!! It sorta seized up on me!!! Even though I've only heard that term used with CP soaps, that's the only way I can describe it. I remelted it a bit, stirred like my life depended on it and then poured. I think the marble will be cute...but I'm worried about how this batch will turn out. I'll post pics when it's cooled.
  11. For both soaps, I used a 2-lb tray mold that makes 8 4oz bars. It's a Milky Way mold. The only other base I've used is BCN's, and yes SFIC is MUCH softer. I'm gonna make some more soap today and add stearic to see if that helps. I really like SFIC overall. The shea is so creamy, I don't feel I need to add anything else to it really. Again, the only comparison I can make is to BCN's. Not that BCN's is bad, but it was much more drying to the skin. I have sensitive skin, so BCN's caused much more irritation for me.
  12. Just wanted to contribute some pics since I love seeing everyone else's. I hope to one day take the plunge into CP, but until then I am loving M&P. Attached is a SFIC Shea base soap, layered in pink and blue, scented Baby Powder from Cajun. Gave some away to fam and friends, now their kids are calling me wanting more!!! The second pic is SFIC GM with added oatmeal scented Solas Brown Sugar & Fig. I love this scent, but it comes out a bit light in M&P. I must say I find SFIC soap to be awesome. Only problem is it's just too soft for my liking. Anyway thanx for looking. Carla
  13. Thanx for the info, mbrown. I'm always afraid to buy on ebay...afraid I won't get what I pay for. But $80 is much better than $200, which is what the KitchenAid classic sells for at Target and Walmart. Yikes!
  14. Anyone ever tried this? It's quite expensive!!!! But it gets rave reviews on their site.
  15. I would like to know which type of KitchenAid everyone is using? Those suckers are expensive!!! But if it's worth it, I'd be willing to invest in one.
  16. I've heard about using stearic or beeswax. I've haven't tried either yet, though I plan to.
  17. Not sure you posted to the correct section but... I have some clear 4-packs from Sunshine Container that work nicely. They have 2-pack boxes as well.
  18. My guess is this is an easy way for the customer to do her gift shopping without having to spend a huge lump sum at Christmastime. Makes sense because not everyone has the discipline to save. Perhaps you might better serve her by doing a lay-a-way plan. Allow her to pay you now (and each consecutive month), but wait to make the batches until she needs them at Christmas time. That way, you are giving (and she is getting) a fresh product. Just another option. :smiley2:
  19. Another newbie question. I want to buy some lavender for use in soaps (and candles too). Is there any particular kind that is what is normally used? Here are the different ones I've heard about: Lavender 40/42 Lavender Australian Lavender Barreme Lavender Bulgarian Lavender Croatian Lavender French Lavender Mont Blanc Lavender Population This is too confusing! Help!!!
  20. Ahhh, I see. So squalane is simply refined squalene. It sounds like squalane is what I want then...but DARN it's expensive!!! Thanx for the replies! :smiley2:
  21. Thanx CB. The reason I asked the question is because I was reading about preservatives, and it stated: "If you are formulating something that contains water, milk, hydrosols or other aqueous liquids, you will have to preserve the product or use it within 3-4 days refrigerated." However, perhaps that was referring to products like lotions, because the site also says: "Bar soaps typically do not require an antimicrobial but stay fresher when an antioxidant is used." This was taken from http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/library/preservatives.asp I'll go back and re-read to be sure I understand what they were referring to. I was wanting to use real goat's milk in my MP soap but this article got me to thinking that maybe I should only use the powdered version. So that's what led to my confusion. Thanx.
  22. What are the implications of using a liquid milk versus it's powdered counterpart? In other words, when making soaps (CP or MP), if you use a liquid milk form, do you need to add a preservative or not? TIA
  23. I've noticed a difference in price for sure! Squalene seems to be much cheaper than Squalane. But I haven't found what the differences are between the two. Anyone know?
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