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Posts posted by katshe

  1. I did buy the coconut oil at kroger but am looking to keep cost down, wonder if meijer carries coconut oil cheaper, zerbos is like 15.00 for 16 oz i think WOW.

    I did locate a walmart superstore in canton, its on ford and haggerty, I may travel out there this weekend.

  2. Here is my recipe I am thinking of going with.

    Need advise from the pros here, you all seem so much more in tune with these numbers than me. I used soap calc and I think I have what I need in this recipe.

    castor 5%

    crisco 25%

    coconut 25%

    Lard 25%

    olive 15%

    mango butter 5%

    hardness 42

    cleansing 17

    condition 53

    bubbly la 22

    cream la 29

    iodine 59

    ins 156

    Are these number in the right area for a sudsy and conditioning hard bar?



  3. Is there another store to get coconut oil besides superwalmart?

    We do not have one in this area. zerbo's coconut oil is expensive.

    Maybe meijer?

    This is the only thing I need to get started today?

    Thanks a Bunch



  4. I made a cream face wash- ocm type

    baking soda



    water- i think

    can't remember the recipe and can't find it

    any help would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you heat oils and add baking soda mix it bubbles up and you srit it down

    something like that.

  5. You cannot get more lather with m&p , the oils and lye have been saponified and there is no lye left to mix with oils to make more lather, as far as the milk, you also cannot add liquid to m&p it will cause it to sweat or something, you can add oil about 1 tb per lb i believe but it will decrease the lather.

    So my advise to you is to switch from the shea to goat milk base. Shea is more conditioning and has a creamy lather.

    fo about 1 tb, depends on how stron scent is

    Essential oils are less 1 tsp per lb of soap base

    check out whosalesuppliesplus.com under soap bases and each one has directions as to how much additives and such.

    Also, check with company you bought soap base from.

  6. Thanks guys for the figures, Never knew how to figure how much soap per container...that was super helpful.

    I am going to try 3 lb batch tomorrow

    Bonne, Your soap looks scrumptious, can't wait to try this.

    Still wondering which recipe to use

    Looking for conditioning and bubbly and hard bar

    Going yo run this through the calculator, What do you think.

    And also Need to get lard but not sure where.

    Lard 25%

    olive 40%

    coconut 25%

    caster 5%

    shea or mango 5%

  7. I am planning on doing a cphp batch soon and maynot use this martha mold as it seems too large, I would like soap to be 4oz ea so I may use my homemade log mold instead, holds 2lbs...just thought martha mold would be better for a larger batch

    thanks all

  8. I would suggest using the shrink wrap for your soaps, I believe m&p is supposed to be wrapped right away. , Any oil added to m&p will affect your lather If you go to wholesalessuppliesplus and click on soap bases each one will give direction and suggested additives amounts. It is not recommended to add oils to m&p but i have seen recipes with added oils I believe 1 tb per pound of soap

    When soap is made the oils and lye create a reaction and turns oils into soap if you add more oil to already saponified soap it will not become soap just extra oil, thus decreasing your lathering.

    Not an expert though -I have worked with m&p and added oil only to loose my precious bubbles.

    There is a link on this site that has a bunch of m&p recipes , do a search, I found ( see if this lik works)



  9. I just picked up a martha utensil mold and was wondering how much soap per section do I figure, Also m this mold seems bit larger that my m& p soaps that I have made previously.

    What size are your soaps measurements and weight?

    Also just picked up lye at ace hardware, It says 100 % lye and is rooto brand, sound right?

    Going to dive into the cphp method this week , still a bit nervous..only thing keeping me from starting is- the right recipe for a hard bar with moisture and bubbles and also keeping cost down is the other thing.

    I have read the recipe section and like Darwins and Quiet girls soap recipes.

    But still wondering if a lard recipe is more what I am looking for to start with.

    Any advise?



  10. Giving it another try tomorrow

    Sooner or later I will be venturing into the world of hp soaping, just want to try making my own soap and avoid the middleman...If my figures are correct the cost for one bar will be about .64 cents , without fragrance


    Thanks for all the help ladies

    Kathy Ill let you know how things go! :yay:

  11. Oh, I have never used a double boiler and don't have one.

    Please explain

    Is it going to be two pots or am I going to need a pouring something

    Not sure what I am saying here.



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