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Posts posted by katshe

  1. The Irish Clover Candle Shoppe


    The Irish Clover

    Handpoured Candles

    Clover Hill Candles

    Forever Clover Candles

    Clover Reflections

    Handpoured Candles

    Clover Candle Connection

    Just a few Ideas to keep Mom Always in your thoughts.

    Maybe use your favorite memory of her and write down words that bring that to mind and see if something strikes you.

    Maybe share that memory with us and we can help you brainstorm.


  2. It's been decided

    pure essentials and pure serenity are names taken in MI


    K.D. Essentials

    Homemade Soaps Scents & Gems

    I am very to put this on my lables

    Thanks to all for the insight and helpful words, you have all inspired me so much

    Thanks Again:yay:

  3. Testing is something you would need to have done for your lotion before you could consider selling them

    Pre made bases are less hastle but I guess you need to ask yourself why you started this to begin with

    Was it to make a better product ? Homemade with all natrual ingredients is always better . You will be more proud of the end product and will feel confident that you are doing the best for your customers.

    Not to lnock those of you who use premade bases, not sure if there are any that sure all natrual but I imagine they could be expensive.

    I make my own lotion for personal use and the cost is minimal..as I make a simple one oil lotion and love it.

    Just my opinion:grin2:

  4. Its funny, When I woke up this morning I was thinking, the words that really draw me are pure - serenity - essentials.

    K.D. Essentials sounds sharp and to the point could be a store name

    Pure Serenity is also very good, sounds like a brand name.

    Pure Essentials is another choice

  5. Thanks for the link, I was there once and have made many lists and have hundreds of words, I may go backk and start again. like you said deciding is the problem, but I have been asking people what they think of certain names

    my husband says no to almost everything except

    Wild oaks - but doesn't say anything about business

    some think I should go country some think more traditional

    Mom likes K.D. Essentials

  6. pure essence- nice

    Just found out that my gramma used to make soap and perfume in the old days...my mother reminded me that I too am a grandma and suggested

    Granny's oldtime soaps & such -oooh no- But how funny that granny was a hidden inspiration of sorts.

    Jewelry, soaps and soy wax candles & tarts at the moment are what I am making, smelly jelly ..

    K.D. Essentials

    Pure Essence

  7. I also had that thought dawnee

    And I am growing towards K.D. Essentials as kd are my first initial and daughters

    I have been researching this morn and have come across many words that appeal to me but can't quite put them together

    I 'll list a few

    Indulge potion

    Endless hint

    bouquet essence

    Tickled pink



    the works








    Some of these are over done as well

    Can't get the thought of Serentities and K.D. Essentials out of my head.

    Thanks for the link also.

  8. There is a luxury lanes & inc % luxury lane & lounge

    Oh my mom thunk this up...Luxurious I vetoed that almost immediatly, Wont she be suprised If I go with Luxury Lane

    Still in the

    K.D. Essentials


    Luxury lane

    Brain still mulling these over Ill check back later today. Happy 4th

  9. Yes I agree with the nursing home and cemetary comparison

    there are a couple of serenity spas and bath

    One- serenity lane farm -eeww

    A hundred or so serenity Acres to serenity shop

    Not any just serenity though

    I also like k.d. essentials & Essentials by Kat

    need to run these through the hubb and daughter still


    Thanks for your candid opinion, was very helpful :grin2:

  10. Not planning a website at this time

    can add to each of these

    K.D. Essentials or J & K

    or Greenbriar Essentials (Sounds stuffy)but is the name of my neighborhood

    Serenity Hill

    Serenity Oaks

    Natural Serenity

    Your Serenity Store

    Essentials by Kat

    Ok, now I am totally depressed

    Have't done search yet. Not sure how to do that but will be working on that today

    Thanks for the heads up.

  11. Be wary of making to large a batch of lotions at a time

    i have made a few that turned out like shortening...sooo greasy and lotions have to be sent out to be tested i believe,,,I only make lotion for personal use

    my favorite lotion is more like a cream and took me a heep of searching and experimenting

    It's a simple recipe of virgin coconut oil, water, baking soda Stearic and germabenII Which I had to tweek a bit.

    I get supplies from mms and wsp

    For soaps I use oils I can get locally

    Asfar as adding eo's to hp or cp soaps, I believe most of us use 1/2 ounce per lb of oils

    I used 1 oz Fo per 3 lbs soap and was too strong for me, but being as you do not wrap homespun soap the fragrance will lessen over time...some put cured soap in a box with a scented cotton ball..I haven't tried yet.

    I think soap is the easiest to start with...everybody needs soap and homespun soap is the best. Do your home work before beginning this as it can be dangerous using lye. Deffinatly run recipe through soapcalc to get proper lye and water amounts. If using melt&pour soap-wsp silk & shea has been my fav. Stephensons base does not lather and my customers hate it.

    That's why I started making my own soap.

    My basics For lotions and soaps & what not

    Coconut oil

    olive oil

    palm oil

    canola oil

    sunflower oil

    cocoa butter

    jojoba oil

    caster oil


    Hope this was helpful:wink2:

  12. I woul like to thak all again for all your suggestion on the previous thread

    It really made the wheels turn

    I hav a couple of names picked out

    Please pick your favorite

    Thanks for your support :wave:

    Serenity or Serenities or Serenity Lane



    Luxury Lane

    Will have a second line Soap-Scents & Gems

  13. ok here we go

    don't laugh too loud -but here are some I like


    Soap Scents & Gems


    Soap Scents & Jewlery

    Get the Feeling

    Kaydee Essentials

    Country Delights



    Yellow brick Road ?

    Wow this may take some time to figure out

    My fave so far is Essentials and Serenity

  14. Wild Oaks (3 votes here, hubby ,friend,daughter) Ya we live in the woods with all the wild life, deer, racoon,coyote in the middle of the city...go figure

    Hillside Crafts

    Creative designs in Jewelry, Soaps & Scents Would go under the co name

    or something like that

  15. Imagine Crafts

    Think It Lane

    A. B. Y.'s

    All 'bout You

    Busy Bee lane or St. or crafts ( I do have a face wash I call Sugarbee...)

    Mrs Bubbles ( hubby's suggestion :)

    I have been doing alot of reflecting lately remembering what possessed me to start making jewelry and such.

    Well, I entered a wirewrapping contest to make a jeweled egg that I thought was something that Was way out of my league, I didn't want to spend anymore money on supplies so i used what i had at home and made this monstrosity of a beaded wrapped egg and I won first prize -$500 in jewelry supplies...I was shocked. My daughter named this piece of work..Pretty in Pink...the name is much better than the piece.

    one day a friend called to ask if I needed any candles from party lite...too expensive I thought

    So I decided to make my own which turned into Candles,tarts and smelly jelly jars.

    Then Soap started with hubby's severe dry skin, Alot of research later I decided to try my hand at soaping and love it and he loves the soap

    Rag quilts worked their way in somewhere but the cost of flannel has kept me from going hole hog on that...Can't sell them for what it's worth.

    So as I sit here I want to thank all of you for your suggestions

    I think I will be narrowing it down next week to three names and see where that leads me.

    Iif you could bare with me for another moment and give your first choice from all the suggestions or one of your own I would be so thankful

    Have a supper holiday



  16. Got me thinking ladies

    LOVE Crystal Lane & Chic Creations

    Funny thing you mentioned Crystal lane, just reminded me that is the name I wanted to name my daughter but hubby said no...I still love it

    Anyone who know me know that I have tried something new about every month...always have something different that I am doing along with everything else so I am Also liking A Little Something Special -Seems too long to put on soap lables though

    here are a few others

    Creations or Creations by Kathy

    K's creative corner

    Hmmm still thinking

  17. I am just starting out making jewelry, tart melts, candles, and now soap

    My busi name was supposed to be Passion Lane -get the feeling -but now that someone has brought to my attention that it sounds like a lingere shop, I will need to change it

    I live in the city but my side of the street is rual, we have an acre, like being in the country

    I am a blue jean gal

    I will be specializing in swarovski birthstone bracelets and earrings

    I make a hp soap and soy tarts and candles, also smelly jelly jars have been a big hit.

    My mind is blank

    only thing in my head is Kathy's Corner :confused:

    Need some suggestions


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