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Posts posted by katshe

  1. Michele, I have only hp'd once, mine was not pourable . More like taffy. so forgive my ignorance. So you did not let it get to applesauce stage If i am understanding correctly, Also What about cure time since you pour sooner. Does your soap still have lye in it when you pour?

    I strive to make a beautiful soap like yours. I am very impresed.

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Moe too

    Bought five lbs of M&P and used up two, then started to make my own soap, now I can hardly wait to make another batch. M&p still sitting there.

    The reason I started making cphp is because this new base has no lather and my customers were not happy, so I decided to cut out the middleman and make my own soap.

    Hubby says " this is by far the best soap I have ever used" And I tell you he is my tester because he has super sensitive skin and everything makes him itch. So If he thinks the soap is that good ,I know customers will love it.

    It is so cool to see you creation turn ino real soap. :yay:

    Have fun and let us know how it turns out!!

  3. I like #1 as it looks sleek and fresh. I would change the font on the words under your co name and the oz etc across the bottom - to the font used in #3 for those words...that font in # three under co name looks lightly italic and sleeker- gives it a more professional look.

    I would try #1 with a thin silver border and the font change and see how that looks. however , no border is very nice.

    Nice lables and love Co. name

    Let us see wat you decide on. !

  4. I did some figuring with the soap calc and put in 15% lard and cut shea to 5%

    the numbers are nearly the same

    Has anyone tried this or have any advise as to using less shea to cut cost and adding lard?

    Also for those of you that have used this soap. is this a hard bar and does it last more than a week in the shower?

    Thanks for your help

    ]Kathy :yay:

  5. Is there anyone willing to share a photo of this liner while in the mold? I really dislike lining molds too..ugh. But which is better, the mylar or this stuff?

    I could post a pic later but mine are ulgy black , but I will post a pic here today.:)

  6. I must have been sleepy that morn, I so did not mean to not run it through the lye calculator, I thought I was giving her instructions on how to figure her own recipe to plug into the lye calculator...my mind was thinking it but I did not type it

    A million apologizes


    It is not difficult once you learn the math

    That is why I said she should post her recipe, to I could see the amounts of each oil to help her figure he percentages...

  7. Here is what I did last night

    I took some of that craft foam sheets and cut it to line my wooden mold

    The soap just popped out, (I did a rebatch to try it out) couldn't believe how simple that was,

    Just rinse off the sheets , dry and use again.

    Just thought I'd share

  8. Just add 5 % caster to original recipe and subtract 5% of another oil.

    To figure this recipe for you would be very time consuming for us

    Take your recipe total weight 4 lbs = 64 oz and multiply by percent to get oz per each oil

    64 x .05 = 3.2oz That is 5% of 64oz

    You could post your recipe here and let us have a look at your amounts.

  9. Well I do know that my sweet orange overpowers everything ,

    Star off with a drop of each and smell it the add to it but keep careful notes as to what ratio you use, like say 4 drops lavender one drop sweet orange.

    to make a larger batch 1 tsp sw orange & 4 tsp lavender , or something that.

    I do a peppermint /rosemary equal parts...

  10. Well I jumped in and did my first cphp today and I am a little concerned about the air bubbles, I think I poured a little to late , soap looked like taffy when i slopped it into the mold but I did try out a piece and it lathers nice and has bubbles

    I am so excited, i can hardly wait to slice it up

    The top looks like crumbly soap sort of dried pieces,

    I thought I was going to faint a few times -first mixing lye and water...but turns out it was easy...then when I started to smell my stick blender burning, so I decided to mix by hand. Think I over taxed my NEW stick blender.

    Then When I put my gloves back on my arm began to burn, Luckly- vinegar was close.

    How do I go about cleaning up utensils and gloves, like the cup I mixed lye and water in?

    all in all - can't wait to do it again :yay:

    Any pointers on when to pour to prevent so many air bubbles?

    Also read some instructions on hp in the mold


    Has anyone tried this?

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