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Posts posted by doglover

  1. I am hoping I can get some assistance. I was asked by a customer to make 100 cow soaps for her wedding. I used the WSP White Glycerin M&P soap base. Unscented. Painted basically the grass, black spots on dairy cow.

    My question is: I have to ship these. What is the best thing to wrap these in? I have to keep them flat as they are only ~1/2 thick. I don't want to use tissue paper as I am afraid they will sweat or the paint will stick. I don't want to use plastic for the same reason. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. TIA :grin2:

  2. There are two from BCN: Ocean Mist as mentioned before. There is also a Sea Breeze....it is a Gel Aroma. It is kind of sweet and clean...I sell a lot of it. The Ocean Mist I sell to a lot of men. I get comments that it smells somewhat like men's cologne....it is very strong. HTH

  3. I've had a customer call me with a complaint that the second candle (wickless) she received from me was not as strong as the original. She wanted me to send a replacement, even after I did say that I use the same percentage each time. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, despite my gut feeling I was going to work with this lady. I told her that I needed to check out the "defective" one so I needed her to send it back. She would be reimbursed for shipping and a new one sent out. All she kept saying was "It's all gone." How can a wickless be "all gone." Did she break it, give it away, want another for free or ????? I stuck with my "deal." She never returned it. In fact, she signed up later for my mailing list.....do ya think I added her????

    Sometimes you just gotta stick to your guns. Your customer will return despite a few loud mouths.

    HTH. Good luck!

  4. I have made some similar....and they really are cool to look at. You can vary the colors with the seasons. I did red, white and blue for July 4th....they sold like crazy. I lightly scented the gel cubes...most of my fragrance was in the paraffin wax.

    Good luck!

  5. IMO I would do some research first, whether that be buying or reading books, or investigating the techniques, do's and don'ts on-line. That way you will know a few of the basics before just jumping in, so to speak.

    I only use Penreco gel.

    There are many places to begin...try a google search....try a search on this forum. Lots of info is posted and printed.

    Good luck!

  6. I had ordered some samples of the scent "Burning Rubber" or "Burnt Rubber" from a couple of different suppliers in the past (as we did a lot of car shows and those guys strangely request this scent). I was very displeased with the smells as I thought they smelled like a plastic swimming pool when you first open up the package.....kinda rubbery plastic.

    I do know there is a company out there that makes tire shaped candles in a burnt rubber smell. They are expensive, but must sell! However, I have never smelled one.

    Good luck on your search.

  7. I have been to shows where I have seen some gel get thick and gooey on the bottom...as mentioned here.

    Levine's warmers are 20 watt and seem to work much better than the ones I have seen in my area at Michaels or Walmart....which are only a 17 watt and a smaller diameter heating surface. Believe it or not, 3 watts makes a big difference!

  8. I move my vehicle as soon as I am finished unloading. I believe it is very rude and disrespectful of the other crafters/vendors at the show. And customers don't like to park far away.

    But believe it or not, every show that I have done there is always some vendor being a "stinker."

  9. What I started doing with my items at night to keep the dew/water off of them is to cover them with the thin plastic drop cloths. They come in 100 feet rolls, perforated every ten feet. You can find at Walmart. I think the price is about $6 per pack. It has been well worth it for me. I can get several usages from each piece.


  10. Anyone who attended this year's IGCA convention in Oklahoma City, OK and attended the Layered Palm Wax Pillars class:

    What was the name of the fragrance and supplier? (It smelled something like Buttercream Crunch, but that wasn't it.)

    TIA :undecided

  11. I think people going for yard sale items aren't looking for crafty items at larger prices.

    I have to agree with violetmoondrops on this point. My experience has taught me to stay away from shows which mix flea market/yard sale items and crafters if I plan to sell a lot of craft type items. Each type of event draws different types of people: ones looking to "bicker" over an item priced at a quarter and ones who are wanting to purchase handmade, higher priced items.


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