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Posts posted by realmarcha

  1. Well I was going to post a poll, but had NO idea how to do so. So here I am to ask if you would not mind sharing the wick series you have found works best in the container parasoy waxes...little to no soot; great throw, and full melt pools. I am finding the zinc wick series works well with the scent throw and achieving a full meltpool, but I am having some difficulty with my jars sooting some; not a bunch, but enough. I would prefer to use a "natural" wick too, but will use the zinc if I must. So, if you are willing to share, please do so, I would really appreciate the input. TIA :D

  2. Helloooooo Henry! I see you are back to testing again. I have been testing a parasoy wax also; not the 70/30, but one that is doing real well. I have found NO SOOT whatsoever when using the zinc wick line. It was my last choice for wicks, but after trying HTPs, CDs, and Premiers, which gave me sooting issues, I decided to try the zinc wicks, and they work great in the parasoy blends. I am also testing in the Libbey status jar, but in the 12 oz. size.

    Hope all is well with you! Are you keeping up with "24"? This Monday is the Season Finale :cry2: ...then withdrawal for me! Well got to go! Just wanted to pop in to say HI, and add my 2 cents. Thanks again for your expert testing results!

  3. Testing results in general:

    I poured 10 - 3.5" crocks using the 464; no color, 9% fragrance and double wicking. I did not heat the crocks; room temperature was around 70*. I had different setup results; I think some due to the fragrance used, and also due to pour temperature. I poured the first 4 - 5 crocks at around 135* - 138*; these setup up nicely with a bit of surface scarring on some; not bad. I then poured the last 5 crocks a bit cooler; around 125* - 128* and found some caving around the wick area and surface scarring. A heatgun did solve this problem.

    My thoughts on these different results is, since these crocks are ceramic and are cooler in temperature than some thinner jars, I need to pour hotter...the ones I did pour a bit hotter setup alot nicer. I have read some great results on this board with others pouring hotter (150* - 170*) and will try this with my next crock testers.

    For those of you who are pouring hotter (150* - 170*) are your results consistant in the setup being nice and smooth? I will post my results once I pour some more crock testers. Back to the drawing board :D

    Overall conclusion on the 464...I just love this wax! Now to get the pour temps down. By the way, the jars I posted earlier on did very well with the wicks I posted. The only one I had to change was the Patchouli, of course. I ended up using a 1312, and it did just fine. I am finding my wick sizes are not changing much from the wax I already use. I was hoping it would by allowing me to wick down at least one size, but no big deal! I can get this wax locally, and will be switching as soon as my testing is completed. I never though I would find a wax comparable to what I already use, but now I have!! GREAT JOB JASON! :yay:

    Edited to say: When I lit the crocks that setup with a smooth top, I did have hidden sink holes. I have to repour 2 crocks since the wicks burned down quickly and the testers were destroyed. I am going to do repours on my crocks since this is my largest jar and the only one I double wick...just to play it safe for customers...unless someone has a solution to stop the sink holes and craters...anyone?

  4. Quote from Kathy:

    One other thing I wanted to mention, my candle tops are sweating. When I first burned them Saturday it was pretty warm in here, but today when I burned them again, tops were sweating again and it was much cooler in here today. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks for any advice. End of Quote.

    Yes, I noticed quite a bit of sweating today also. I moved my crocks from the basement; much cooler down there, to my kitchen upstairs, and within an hour I had the sweating also. Anyone else experiencing sweating? If so, any suggestions how to stop it?

    I too, have crater tops after burning, but my customers expect this look after burning. It is a soy thing!

    Sorry I cannot help you yet with the wicking since I am still testing wicks myself.

    Hey Jason! Any suggestions on how to stop the sweating? Also, you have had a week now...what is this surprise? Getting antsy here ;)

  5. I have not tried the MC pillar blend, so I cannot compare. However, the KY143 is a GREAT pillar blend. I have been testing and selling this blend for almost a year now, and have had great results. The cold and hot throw are AWESOME. I can get up to a 5 hour burn too without spillage, or blowout.



    Scroll all the way to the bottom. They are located in Kentucky.

    Hope this helps! Have a blessed Easter.

  6. Yet, another suggestion. Southern Scentsations just came out with a parasoy container blend...it is GREAT. I have been testing it now for a few days and cannot believe how easy it is to use; the cold and hot throws are AWESOME, and the wicking is easier than the Kysoy125 I have been using for years. Not to mention, the colors are vibrant!

    www.greatcandle.com :yay:

    Check it out!

    Also, my preference in the Golden Brand waxes is the 464. Again, easy to use; setup is great, and so are the cold and hot throws. I have found you will get some frosting with this wax. I do not color my natural candles so this is not an issue for me. I have read on this board that people are having success with the EVO liquid colors in the 464...a lot less frosting issues. Here is a great thread if you want to read up on the 464.


    Hope this helps you out! Have a blessed Easter.

  7. Good Evening Everyone:

    Just wanted to let everyone know I spoke with Joe at Wick It today and told him about the problem with the wick samples that people have not received.

    First off, let me tell you, Joe is swamped with sample requests; he just sent out over 100 requests just today. So, if you have not received your samples, just give Joe a call and he will be happy to send them out to you.

    Joe is GREAT to work with; I have been dealing with him for 2 years now, and for whatever reason your samples did not reach you, I am sure there is an honest reason for it. Here is the phone number: 866-394-2548, or 973-249-2970. Hope this helps the people who have not received their samples.

    Have a blessed Easter!

  8. Good Evening Everyone:

    Just wanted to let everyone know I spoke with Joe at Wick It today and told him about the problem with the wick samples that people have not received.

    First off, let me tell you, Joe is swamped with sample requests; he just sent out over 100 requests just today. So, if you have not received your samples, just give Joe a call and he will be happy to send them out to you.

    Joe is GREAT to work with; I have been dealing with him for 2 years now, and for whatever reason your samples did not reach you, I am sure there is an honest reason for it. Here is the phone number: 866-394-2548, or 973-249-2970. Hope this helps the people who have not received their samples.

    Have a blessed Easter!

    Edited to say: I will also post this as a thread for all to see.

    ee: (866) 394-2548

    Phone: (973) 249-2970

    oll free: (866) 394-2548

    Phone: (973) 249-2970

  9. a parasoy blend container wax? If so, what kind of results are your getting...good, bad and ugly :yay: Please!

    I am using a 3" diameter tumbler, and have tried the Premier series with the Kysoy125, but to no avail...they just were not hot enough for most of my fragrances in the Kysoy125. I do love these wicks, so I am wondering if they will work in a parasoy container blend. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

  10. I start out pouring around 6 testers for any new wax I want to try. If I decide to carry the wax, then I pour at least 2 - 3 cases (24 jars in each case) to use as testers. Pouring 5 - 6 testers at a time would take me months to complete testing all my fragrances. I then use the tester jars for friends and family (Birthdays, Christmas, etc.). and also keep some jars on hand for "new" fragrances I want to test. I do not change container waxes often, as a matter of fact, I try not to...it is just too costly to change up waxes every time a new one comes out. Point: If it ain't broke; don't fix it. :yay:

    Have a great weekend ya' all!

  11. Update on 7 of my 11 464 testers. First off want to say, the hot throw is GREAT!...no cure time either, except for overnight. Secondly, I love the way the 464 burns from the wick out; across the top, instead of from the wick down, and then out like my present wax. Did that make any sense to ya all? :D

    All these are 3" diameter tumblers with no color:

    1. Baby Powder fo: 62-52 cotton, 4.75 hour burn, -1/4" meltpool. Hardly any mushroom.

    2. Grandma's Pumpkin Log fo: 62-52 cotton, 4.75 hour burn, 1/8" meltpool. Again, hardly any mushroom.

    3. Cran Apple fo: 60-44 cotton, 4.75 hour burn, 1/8" meltpool. A little mushroom.

    4. Sweet Pea fo: 60-44 cotton, 4.75 hour burn, -1/4" meltpool. A bit of a mushroom. NOTE: I get a mushroom on any wick I use with this fragrance...go figure, but the cotton seems to be doing alot better than other wicks I have tried.

    5. Orange Spice fo: 62-52 cotton (I was able to wick down from an HTP1212 with the 464), 4.75 hour burn, 1/4" meltpool. A trace of a mushroom.

    6. Love Spell fo: 60-44 cotton, 4.75 hour burn, 1/4" meltpool. No mushroom.

    7. Patchouli fo (my pain in the A_ _ fo): HTP1212, 4.75 hour burn...had about a 1/4" rim of wax left on jar, and wick fizzled out. I had wicked down on this; HOPING! :undecided Will try a different wick tomorrow.

    Well there is my update for today...more forthcoming!

  12. Just poured 5 lbs. of the 464 in 11 different fragrances, and I must say I am really impressed with how the no-color ones set up. Of the 11 fragrances I poured, I colored 4 of them. Out of the 4, three set up nicely, but am having a cottage cheese effect with one. I am thinking it is either the fragrance, or color; possibly both. I will have to pour this fragrance without color and see what happens.

    Already, the cold throw is GREAT! I am not patient enough to cure a candle to test, so I will be lighting these testers tomorrow. I can do this with my present wax and get a GREAT throw, so I am going to try it this way with the 464.

    I used 3" frosted tumblers for the no color testers, and 2 3/4" clear tumblers for the colored testers. I heated all wax to 180*; immediately added the color/fragrance, and poured between 135 - 145.

    Now if the hot throw is as good as my present wax, and the wicking can be a bit cooler; one size down would be great, I will definately give the 464 a try.

    I am going to start out the wick testing at what I presently use in these containers and go from there.

    Updates forthcoming! Going to bed now!

  13. I just started testing the 435 yesterday, and after the first burn, using China Rain fo from BC, with no color, in a 3" tumbler using a 60-44 cotton wick, I am finding it is burning the same. I will know more in a couple days.

    I have used the Kysoy125 for years and just love it. However, after going to a seminar on Saturday regarding the Golden Brand waxes, I decided to try the 435 since I can get it locally. The jury is not in yet, but for me to change, it will have to compare to the Kysoy125, or it will be no go.

    I will keep you all posted, but so far so good.

    HTH :yay:

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