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Posts posted by realmarcha

  1. I like Lumiere. Wasn't that the name of the candlestick in

    Beauty and the Beast?

    edited to add: OOops, I guess you already picked a name!

    What an excellent idea! I looked the name up online and it has already been taken for a B&B line and a famous magazine out of Paris. I loved watching that movie with my daughter when she was younger...we still watch it and she is 18 years old. Thanks for the suggestion though!

  2. Hello Everyone!

    Sorry for not getting back to my "name game", but things are pretty hairy around here due to Hubby losing his job. :cry2:

    I have come up with a name:

    Twilight to Sunrise

    I know I wanted only one or two words, but while talking to a friend, and the wholesale buyer this is the name that stuck. I am using Twilight for the candle part of my company and Sunrise for the Bath & Body. We brought the two products together using Twilight to Sunrise. What is nice about the name is on the candle labels I only need to use "Twilight" and on the Bath & Body products "Sunrise".

    I almost went with Joli, but after researching it online and all the hits this name gets, plus the unavailability of website choices, I felt my little company would get lost in the Joli shuffle. It is just to close to the actress' name and other products listed online.

    I want to thank everyone for participating in this little venture of mine. You will never now how much I appreciate it...it sure did help to get the creative juices flowing. The "Creative Bunch" for sure!

    :wave: Thanks again!

  3. What about an Italian name?

    as... Magia (magic)? You pronounce it as it's written, "a" as "Up", whit an accent on the "i". the "g" is like "ginger" (sorry it's too complicated to explain!!!)

    Anyway my little fried brain came up with these:



    Emotional (emotional scents)




    Night dream

    Light beam

    ehhhhr not so wonderful names...:D

    Thanks Cybersix! Not to worry about the Italian name! I am married to an Italian, so when he gets home, I will ask him how to pronounce Magia. I may already know being married to him for almost 20 years. :D

  4. I'd tell her, "Hey, at Burger King, their chicken sandwich dosen't taste like their Whopper either!" :tongue2:

    She's trying to compare apples to oranges.

    And what I'd say next time she wants credit...."Who do I look like, First National Bank?" :tiptoe:

    :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

    You Go Crying Moon! I totally agree with you!

  5. Hello all! I need to change the name of my company and need some creative minds to help. My #1 wholesale account is expanding my line and has suggested I change my company name (no big deal, I was going to anyway), so it doesn't sound so "cottage like"...their words.


    1. The name is limited to one or two words; prefer one.

    2. The name needs to be comtemporary, or modern. It cannot contain a name, such as Sally's, nor anything along the country line names.

    3. The shorter the word(s) the better.

    4. I use all types of waxes, but am known mostly for my "natural" candle line. Therefore, I do NOT want to limit the name to a particular wax type.

    I will send $20.00 through Paypal to the person who submits the name I choose. I will also announce the winner on this thread.

    At this time, the creative portion of my mind is "zero"! My Hubby just lost his job and all my concentration is going towards figuring out what in the world we are going to do. Thank God, Hubby is close to retirement age, and has been offered a Buyout. Without these positive aspects, I would have NO mind whatsoever!

    Thanks for your participation and help!

    Edited: A bit more info as requested. I manufacture: jar candles, votives, pillars, tarts, soaps, body mist, sachets, and body butter.

  6. Hi Meredith! Welcome.

    I have used the natural soy waxes for 6 years now. With a 2.5" diameter jar, the HTP1212 should have been plenty hot for that jar and the amount of fragrance you are using. Another question: Are you using any color? If so, what color? Also, knowing what fragrance you are trying to burn would be a big help.

    I use the cotton wicks (hottest wicks on the market) in my soy waxes and have had great success with them. The cotton wicks seem to mushroom a bit more than the other wicks, but if your jar is wicked correctly, the mushrooming can be controlled. What's surprising to me is; you have tried the HTP1212 in this jar which is a bit hotter than the hottest cotton wick (62). When the 62 cotton does not work for me, I wick up to an HTP1212. In my humble opinion, the HTP1212 should have been to hot for this jar and the amount of fragrance you are using; unless, the fragrance is a real tough burner :undecided

    Another thought I am having is; it could be a possibility that you received a batch of 415 wax that is harder to burn than normally would be. This happens sometimes when using the soy waxes. Soy wax can be inconsistent in its burning and throwing abilities. There are many things that can interfer with how it burns...the climate it is grown in; the chemicals used when it is growing, and the list goes on. It doesn't happen too often, but it does happen. This is just a thought since you have used some pretty hot wicks and cannot seem to get it to burn properly.

    Give us a bit more information so we can help you figure this out.

  7. Thanks for your reply! However, this is not the wax I am inquiring about. It is a granulated parasoy votive/pillar wax that produces a smooth pillar; no crystalline look at all. You can get a rustic finish from it too by using a cold mold and pouring cooler. ANYONE know the manufacturer? PLEASE!

  8. This may be my imagination but the hot throw starts off great and as the candle burns it becomes almost nonexistent by the time it burns completely. This has happened with several different FO's. All candles heated to 170 degrees and poured at approximately 130 degrees - 10% FO. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.

    I have had this happen to me with the 464 using 10% fo; scent throw starts off fantastic then once the candle has burned 1/2 way, or more, I started to notice less of a scent throw and more of a waxy smell. I know I poured correctly and wicked correctly. I am now trying a mixture with the 464, but am thinking I may just try the 415 (Ky Pure Soy) by itself again and see what happens. It has been years since I tested the 415, so need to retest. From what I remember, it is a great wax...burn and cold/hot throw. Good luck in your testing.

  9. Atkins & Pierce will send you any type of sample wicks you request. However, since March 1, 2006, they now charge $35.00 for samples. You can get up to 100 wicks for this cost. I use to get the sample wicks for free from them, but they had to start charging for them since the requests for samples got totally out of hand. HTH

  10. realmarcha,

    Who is your supplier?

    I use the Kysoy125. It is an exclusive from Kentucky Candle Wax Supply; Vickey trademarked her formula about 3 - 4 years ago. You have to pour this wax at a certain temp in order to get a smooth top, but once you have it down, you can achieve a smooth top each and every time no matter what the season. Like with any soy wax, wicking can be a challenge, and this wax is in NO way impossible to wick, even in the harder to burn fragrances. I can use a 10% fragrance load too with no seeping, or other common problems. Depending on the fragrance, I use anywhere between 6% - 10%; 9% - 10% in most applications. Also, the cold and hot throws are awesome. If you decide to try this wax, do not hesitate to PM if you have questions about the pouring process, or wicking, etc. Here is the website addy:


    Hope this helps you out!

  11. Is the Candlewic 125 a soy/cottonseed blend? I looked on their site and it does not say if it is a 100% soy product, or mixed with something. I use a 125 soy/cottonseed product, and am not having any of the issues you are describing. It will hold 10% fragrance load with NO problems, and most of the common wicks can be used: HTP, CD, Cotton, and the list goes on. Sorry I cannot help with the Candlewic 125 since I have used my 125 for years, and do not plan on switching. I have tested MANY other soy waxes, and blends, but have always come back to my 125. If interested in the 125 I use, PM me. HTH some.

  12. When testing the 444 and 464, I found the same results as most. The 444's hot throw was not as good as the 464. As far as the 464, the cold and hot throw was good, but I had quite a bit of seeping, and the weather here was no hotter than the low 70s. I also noticed, once the candle had burned down and had about 2 burns left (4 - 5 hour burns) the scent throw smelled somewhat waxy; like the fragrance had burned off some. The crocks I used were wicked correctly, so I am thinking it may have been due to the softness (meltpoint) of the wax itself becoming to hot once it burned closer to the bottom of the crock. Hope this helps you some in making an informative decision. :smiley2:

  13. WSP just told me that OK 6228 is no longer available as it isn't being made any longer.....then I spoke with Carolina Candle Supply and she had some - so I ordered from her but it seems as if it may be time to change pillar wax...:sad2:

    For those of you (and Fern comes to mind?) who used to use 6228, have any suggestions as to a good pillar wax to replace it with? I really like the 6228 and would rather not change, but if I am gonna have trouble getting it in the future, then would like to start testing some other.

    Thanks for the help....


    Hey Debbie:

    I switched from the 6228 and now use Ky143. I love this wax...it has a great scent throw and holds up to 10% fragrance load. I use anywhere from 6% - 8% with great results. I have had NO fingernailing, or surface defect problems with the Ky143. It is a blend. Here is the web addy if you are interested. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Vickey, owner, is a great person to work with too.


    If you decide to try this wax, you can PM me for wicking suggestions. So far, I have wicked 59 different fragrances in the KY143. HTH

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