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Everything posted by ubure

  1. Aha! These are some good ideas! I was asking because my wholesale customer wants a roomspray as well for customers - it should fit to her luxury underwear and she has something like almond/coconut with sth fresh in mind...never in my life would I think of such a combo, but maybe it's because she's pregnant as well? Anyway, she's so nice and I want to supply her with an astonishing scent.
  2. ...I'm very curious - please tell me! Thank you!!!:smiley2::smiley2::smiley2::smiley2:
  3. Can you please tell me if you use witchhazel extract or witchhazel bark extract for your sprays? I've found different ones here in Germany. Thank you!
  4. Yes, of course atomizers:grin2:, but with this little ball to pump. Candleman, thanks for this link - I've come across this already - cute but $$$. I've seen a site selling those balls and caps and pumps, so this will be it, I guess!
  5. Thank you for your tips concerning the decorative spray bottles! Now my customer wants such perfume bottles with such little ballons for pumping the perfume on - can you imagine what I mean? What's it called in English? Thank you so much!!
  6. Thank you guys - I will try all this (I have in fact tried some drops brown with ivory and a bit cream, but still too dirty lokking)!
  7. Coconut Breeze from OT, very nice, very straight and class room tested (my hubby is a teacher and has a big class room where he's testing my scents - so I get 26 reviews at a single blow:D
  8. ;)Coconut Breeze from OT with Red Banana from CC;)
  9. How do I get a real nice cappuccino, caffe latte brown? Any dye recs or mixing ideas? My brown always looks dirty and not yummy:sad2:
  10. I need cute, decorative spray glass bottles for a wholesale order. Do you have any ideas where to get these? tHANK YOU SO MUCH:smiley2:
  11. Ruby, yes, I was so glad I found these pots. You can preserve your jam in there (you really learned German? That's unusual, isn't it? But I'm always happy when I meet people who speak German!), cooks your soup or keep the cider warm - and melt wax! I know that Thorne's offers them with valves, but they're quite expensive. It's better to fix the valve or simply use a ladle.
  12. Sabrina, I really like the look of this candle!!! And just like you I haven't heard anything about a 60/40 blend (is there something like a candle making trend here with us??? I doubt so...). Anyway, go on!!:grin2:
  13. I had the same problem till I saw at Thorne's a wax melter which is actually a big pot that people are using here in Germany for heating cider (at the xmas markets). It's from Kochstar and if you fix a valve to it (like the ones in the presto pots) you have a wax melter melting about 27 liters in no time. Mine cost me € 60,- at ebay (a new one) and you don't have this electrical problem.
  14. I had very good luck with Orange peel from A garden Eastward - no fuel smell, only good, fesh orange (also throws well in my cb-135 soy). I've tried many orange fo's, this is the only keeper for me!
  15. Ciao Sabrina, come stai? Yes, I'm looking for a straight cocoa, dark and somewhat bitter. I do have a great chocolate, Belgian Chocolate from SW, and also a good Spiced Cocoa from SW as well. But I need this straight one in order to mix this incredible scent Mexican Cocoa from Pacifica Candles (all my customers are crying bitter tears because I'm sold out of this and I will not reorder because I only sell my own candles now). Probably I will try with cocoa absolute.... Maybe some day I will come down to Milano and visit you;)
  16. I've got a sample of KY, Raw Cocoa, but I'm still searching for something better. Do you know of any?
  17. Thank you for your support, that's great! Well, I will ignore these kind of posts and I understand if somebody is kind of joking on this but it doesn't hurt. It's a joke after all and I like laughing as well (hopefully I'll be the one who is laughing the loudest in the end...hehehe!:cool2:. Jennifer and magsglass, thank you for these mixing ideas - it's exactly what I have thought of and it gives me a direction!:cheesy2:
  18. Okay, I'll stop posting now. I don't know what I have done to get your sarcastic replies but I surely won't let you make fun of me anymore. Thanks to the others for your help, I really really appreciate it! Good luck, Inez
  19. Ah...Rodeo Drive...I'm coming! No, I do not mean especially expensive oils (I'm using Candle Cocoon, Scent Works, Sweet Cakes & Co. already), but interesting mixing ideas, something special you don't find at every corner shop. Something that also Votivo, Archipelago etc. would use. As an example: I used to sell Pacifica candles (they are very special and awesome), and they had combos like Ylang Ylang and Lavender, Mandarine Lime (which is Mandarine, Lime, Basil and lavender), and they have the best spicy and woodsy scents that I've ever smelled. If someday I am able to do such candles I've reached candle nirvana:D I hope I've explained a little better what I mean - sorry for being so unspecific:embarasse
  20. It's been aboout 70 Euros (about $ 75) - well worth it. This will make my work much easier! Originally meant for cutting styrofoam, for model planes...
  21. Look what I've bought right now - it's an instrument with a heatable wire (temp completely controllable), also a grid on its surface for exact measurement:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  22. Well, the only soy that's available in Europe is from Ecosoya - nothing else. But I've learned how to cope with it. I'm using cb135 for my containers, but I also have the cb-advanced in stock (lucky me!). Yeah, also thought this would be easy ...pppfffff!
  23. Rest assured I will! When this thing is finished I will fall to my knees (hopefully on a mountain of money:D:D:D:D) No, seriously: this is MY chance and I mustn't botch it! Thank you for encouraging me!!! Love you all!
  24. Henryk, you're right, my CB-Advanced should be soft enough to cut. I don't have to hurry that much because we're planning very exactly, chosing the right glas for this project, the scents, the names, the covering box... so much to do, but still a little time left. I'm really excited because this will be for the big and exclusive fashion boutiques here in Germany:D Thank you so much for your advice!
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