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Wendy Shoofitz

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Posts posted by Wendy Shoofitz

  1. Maybe this is a silly question, but every time I go to pour something, I get a huge brain fart and end up standing in front of my supples scratching my head! I know what I have to pour/test, but I guess I try to do everything all at the same time. I'm wondering how some of you operate. Do you just pour the same FO in all types of candles and melts one day, or do you only pour one type of candle a day? Or are you guys like me and try to do everything at once!

    If you are so easily confused over whether to pour more than one scent at a time, make all one type of candle at a time, I suggest you walk away now. It shouldn't matter what anyone else does. Wicking must be a heart attack waiting to happen if you can't get over this obstacle.

  2. They should have been specific from jump street on this policy.

    Of course, people are going to abuse the shipping. Why wouldn't they?

    I am so annoyed with them as of today. I went to get a few fixed oils, the one pound bottles went up considerably. Castor oil was 1.95 per lb.- now it is 3.50? She put it in her January news as if 1/31.

    Fixed Oil & Butter Prices

    Today we spent the day evaluating our pricing on fixed oils and butters. We found that in many cases we were not meeting our customers needs. Therefore, we changed our price structure and adjusted our prices. We think you will be very pleased with the results!

    I should have known better.

    Good thing I pigged out on orders last week. :grin2:

    I am going to email New Directions to see if they allow pickups.

    They have a distribution center here about 30 minutes from me. WSP can kiss my J Lo booty! :laugh2:

    OMG you are right. They upped the prices on almost all their oils. Good bye WSP. Never bite the hand that feed you.

  3. honestly looking at that i don't blame them at all for changing their policy.. their trying to work things out to the best of their abilities but they can't just sit there and eat costs. at least their trying to work on their shipping costs it may just take them a bit to figure everything out. i saw in the newsletter they changed the prices on their oils and butters never ordered so i don't know if the prices changes are good or what

    Can you say stupid? Is this not something they should have thought about before implementing this $6.95 shipping. How dumb can you be? Now they look worse because they are basically admitting how very stupid they are. They could have come out with this excluding glass to begin with. Now they have all surplus excluded. Idiots!

  4. Well, aren't you special, lol.

    If you compare, buying in bulk saves you nothing with WSP. They jack up their shipping on pallet pricing just like they do on everything else.

    But if you think you're getting a deal, go for it!

    And that's the truth. People can not seem to realize when they are being hoodwinked. Check out other suppliers and match it up, no way will you come out ahead with WSP for bulk pricing.

  5. I am sure you can expect an increase in all glass across the board because of this. Nice way to do business. Give us a break on shipping, then raise the prices when too many people took advantage of their kind and generous offer. Way too many other places to purchase from who wouldn't try this crap. Hope they suffer because of this.

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