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Posts posted by itsallgood20

  1. Nice - you're doing a great job!

    I'd lose the flash too - web search engines start by looking at your first index page, and you'll end up higher in the searches if it has actual content. At the very least, if you can, have text links underneath the flash that go to all your main pages quickly, so people can skip the download..

    Cool! Thanks for the info Robin.:)

  2. I'm using a dial up connection at work today, and it loaded surprisingly fast..I got the Loading screen for probably a full minute, but once it loaded it was fine. One suggestion I have is to see about getting pics that are either bigger, or have the option to click for detail...I had a very difficult time seeing some of your products..us old ladies need all the help we can get when we're shopping online :P Good Luck with your new site!

    Thanks Prairieannie! I'm still new at this but I've put the pics in the galleries to get a larger view, but I'll change it to where you can click on it, too. Thanks again.:smiley2:

  3. Good luck. Just one thing from opening it, alot of people on dial up are going tohave issues loading your flash. Also, the flash went very fast, I wasnt able to read anything. :sad2:

    Ok, I'll see if I can adjust the speed or in the end, I may not use it. Still tweaking.

  4. Heaven-Cynt Candle Co ~ Ginger Peach

    WOW! I really liked this soap... I was hesitant about using it, just cause as I said before I don't reallly lean toward food scents..But YUMMY! This is good stuff. I felt soooo good after getting out of the shower..Not drying at all..And the Peach scent wasn't the least bit over powering... The colors in it really popped too after it got wet... Looked beautiful! GREAT job on this soap!:cheesy2:

    YAAAA!!!!! I'm soooo glad you enjoy it Moochelle! I don't lean toward food scents either but I really like this Ginger Peach and decided to try it. After a couple of reviews about the bubbles, I focused on a new recipe for more bubbles and I think I've found it. So far so good. Thanks for the compliment!:grin2:

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