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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Pink Zebra - Candlewarmers.com :)
    Not the ceramic ones the Simmering Lights. The base has a sleeve that goes over it. Check it out and then tell me where you have seen those, I'd like to get some....




    the site will not let me go to different links. So check out Simmering Lights then go to: Shades Electric Base w/ Frosted Line

  2. Matt Black would be beautiful! I'm doing a gorgeous shade of metallic copper. :grin2:

    Love all the ideal with the lids. Copper sounds nice.. Also love the silver that they are. Kyme what a great job, would steal in a minute if it wasn't so much time. Plus don't know how to do the burlap or the tag or crystal and where did you get those Keys. Was that a zipper??? NICE

  3. How can it be worth it, to work at making tarts if you aren't making any money. If you have a great tart then they will pay more. You probably wouldn't pay more so don't think others will.

  4. 'cause I'm not sure if I should be happy or disappointed?
    I do not believe that you don't know if you are doing well or not.
    You have to have a shop owner that loves your product and will promote it. Maybe ask her to burn a candle or give her a tart warmer to melt your tarts in. . Consignment shops are great places and they need the scent to help with the musty scent they sometime have. Ask them to sell warmers, give them the names of companies that sell warmers. Irvins punched tin. Jackel etc. Tell them they can sell more tarts if they sell the warmers.
  5. For a short term use of the plastic. Store ground corn cobs or aroma beads in the empty bottle. It absorbs the last of the oils and you don't need any other jars. Also have poured the body and room spray base in the empty bottles to use the last of the scent. I have a couple of scents I can't get anymore that I have added the base to.

  6. You have to be wrong. I HAVE MADE CANDLES AND TARTS FROM ALL THE COMPANIES YOU LISTED AND HAVE USED THE WAXes. They are wonderful. Maybe you didn't like the scent to begin with. All can't stink. What scents are you making that you want to smell like B&BW & Yankee. What scent at what % and from who, go ahead and name it.....


    Sorry about the caps but cap lock was on and I am too lazy to go back and retype. Although this is just as much typing...:undecided

  7. I have a friend that is a very good knitter. She made a couple of gorgeous purses by knitting them with wool yarn and then felting them somehow. All I saw was the results and they were both really nice. You could not see the knitted stitches at all just solid heavy felt. Could this be done with soap? Would it be really hard? Not much of a knitter so I don't know.

  8. I make them. I use Merino Wool. It is anti-bacterial. It never gets dirty. It suds the minute water hits it. It is great for people who have a hard time holding on to slippery soap. It lasts a very long time. The wool shrinks as the soap shrinks. They are not fast sellers as they are so different. People who buy them, like them however.

    Is this a fabric? or the wool threads/fuzz? Also wondered how thick you make the wool. I noticed on mine some places were pretty thin. Would like to buy a bar of your felted soap to see what it should look like and suds.

  9. Actually TKB Trading carries colors that match the discontinued POP colors. They have a huge variety of colors and in a variety of mediums for CP; mica powders, oil based, LAKE colors. Even ones for M&P; glycerin based, micas, FDA liquid dyes. Plus they even carry colors for lipstick and lipbalms, makeup, eye shadow, bath bombs, lotions, bath salts, body creams and butters, etc. I really like their prices and huge selection compared to other suppliers.

    Good to know they got a bunch of colors back. Purple mica would work in CP and not discolor it's just different. Maybe swirling with purple mica would be better.

  10. It just feels kind of scratchy. I made a couple of bars and I think I might have liked them if I had made a really sudsy soap and a larger bar. As it was I could hardly get any good suds so I have one in a drawer so I can see that I did make one.

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