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Sharon in KY

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Posts posted by Sharon in KY

  1. Don't know, never tried it in soap. Put one in a bottle of mineral oil several years ago and it never did give off any smell. I know if you put a whole bean in Vodka for months it's used for cooking. Maybe simmer in and then let sit, an oil you would use for soap making, then add that to your M&P. Vanilla beans are expensive and I think it would take a lot to give off a nice scent. JMO

  2. Are these the beverage pitchers that have the brightly colored lids?

    Yes, I also have one for iced tea. This year the lids are orange, green and I think dark Pink. They have up to $1.29 in my area.

    Also forgot to say I use soy wax, Paraffin doesn't work well in the micro, although I have melted small amounts. I put a label on the outside with scent name and what FO I use along with color and how many drops I use per pitcher.

    Can you explain more of your method? How are you keeping temperatures at the level they should be? I use aluminum pour pots set over in a Fry Daddy full of water, but I'm open to other ideas. (Should I start another thread for this since it's not exactly in keeping wit the original question in this one?)
    I'm not that concerned about keeping the wax at a certain temp. If it gets too cool I put back in micro for a few seconds or minutes more. Guess I should not have answered since this is technically the paraffin section.


  3. I have a different pour pot for each scent, I carry over 100. Each pitcher holds 4 lbs of wax, I use plastic and reheat in the Microwave. Been doing this for 12 years and some are that old. I have found the ones from Walmart are perfect they cost about $1.00 each have a 5 inside a triangle, on the bottom, so it can be heated and is micro safe. Noticed this year the are smaller only about 31/2 lbs.

  4. Every box of 402-415-444-464 are all made at the same plant. Golden Food/Golden Brands in Louisville, KY. If you haven't had frosting in 6 years then you are very lucky. I have been using their wax for 12 years and have pulled my hair out over frosting and leaking issues so many times I can't count. I have added Bees Wax, Paraffin, Palm Steric, CO, USA additive and who knows what else. With every different batch, the weather, temp of the room etc, I have had different result. Most times with candles I can put the jar with wax in it and remelt in the microwave, let sit and it will turn out beautiful. But who could do that every time. Some times I'll pour hot and have a fan cooling in a very cold room. Others I'll pour cooler and they are great. But one things for sure, nothing works all the time. It's probable the batch of wax and nothing you have done wrong....

  5. I have never had a scent linger, not in a homemade soap. Since I don't like anything with Patchouli or Musk, that might be the reason. But the stinking body gel for men last forever. And so does the "yuck" fabric softners. Saw a bottle of stuff "to make Fabric Softener scent last longer on your cloths" what could that be?

  6. Vickey fro KY candle supply works as support for RE/AH and she could tell you what size. She sold the foil mini cups for the tarts and some drawstring bags to put several in. Since RE/AH is now sell her supplies they may have them. 606-308-9143 -- Vickey

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