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Posts posted by Georgia

  1. I got an invitation to a Spring show today. It is the first craft show this school is hosting. I noticed that their application and terms are copied almost word for word from a major high school show (different school) around here with the exception that the established show is juried and this new show will allow vendors - Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, etc.

    Well, I was curious and asked if they were planning on charging admission to the show. The response was, "Yes. But only $2. Cooper HS charged $3 this past weekend and had people lined up to get in" But Cooper is a well established, juried, Fall show... I told her that in my experience first year shows that charged admission didn't do well. Hell, the Flea Market only charges a dollar to park and you can buy anything from produce to headstones!

    What is your opinion on charging admission at a first year show?

  2. When people buy pillars from me at a craft show I do give them a note about hugging their pillars. I actually very seldom need to hug a pillar - usually when you only burn a short time and end up with an almost tunnel. Then it might need a hug to get going in the right direction again. Burning at a minimum of 3 hours no hugs are required (but always welcome!)

  3. Funny....someone asked me today how I got into making candles.

    My daughter went off to college and I was advised to get a hobby to fill the hours I used to spend with her. My oldest daughter suggested floral arranging. meh. Ceramics? No, you just have to dust them. Candles! They never need dusting! :) Yes, I make candles because you don't have to dust them.

    It was a hobby for 2 years before I turned it into a business. I was treading water for about 4 years when the company that I had worked for for 21 years shut the door. The candle biz was barely supporting itself and couldn't support me so I closed the biz and accepted unemployment for 6 months. Candles are in my blood now though, so I am still a hobbyist and do a couple of craft shows each year.

  4. Since the search is not working well I am only getting responses from years ago.

    I am not looking to make shaving soap, I am looking to buy some. If you make it (I need the brush and mug, too) please respond here or in a PM with details.


  5. Wow! looks really nice! How did you do? I like the variety of products, colors, heights...very nice.

    My only suggestion would be on the white table, instead of centering the cloth, make it hang more in the front to block the boxes and tubs. Minor in the grand scheme of things.

  6. [quote name=HorsescentS;931340....I can just use either the calculator' date=' or Georgia's formula, but they are not the same, since the calculator is a proportional formula and Georgia's is a percentage formula, right? To recap: Georgia says that if you want to use 6% FO, you want a candle that is 94% wax and 6% FO for a total of 100%, so she's using a Percentage Formula instead of the Proportional Formula. I guess I should just pick one. LOL :P

    But, thanks to you, Stella, I now know the difference between the Proportional Formula and the Percentage Formula. :yay: At least I now have a working vocabulary for further debate! ...

    Now, all I need to know is which one of those formulas is the best way to do it and why?

    I don't know why you think they are not the same. In the calculator put in "what is 6% of 12" and you will get .72. Multiply .06 X 12 and you will get .72

  7. Thank you! I never knew the reason why some stop where the jar begins to curve over towards the neck. Is that true of all jars, and with both paraffin and soy? Many go ahead and fill into the neck.

    I don't know about all jars, but I would imagine. When I used this jar I was using J50 paraffin and I poured oodles for a fundraiser. They didn't all get sink holes (and the heat gun does fix it) but enough did. I went to straight sided jars and eliminated that problem? :)

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