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Posts posted by Georgia

  1. I tried something like that but it was just gift bags with tissue paper. It was a Mother's day show and I even had little tags made up and tied to ribbons that could be tied to the bags - Happy Mother's Day, For the Mommy-to-be, even threw in some Thinking of You and Happy Birthday just in case. I had a nice table sign to pick your bag, tag and tissue and choose 3 items to fill it. Didn't sell a one. I thought it was a great idea, but apparently I was the only one. I still think it's a great idea and hopefully you will have better luck than I!

  2. I use the 4/1 ratio - some are a bit more, some are less. Peak Wild Cherry I always use less FO - it's a killer!

    But I start with a strong OOB scent. I don't care how good it is in tarts, if it isn't strong OOB it won't be strong in an ornie. For a tart you shouldn't judge OOB, but for an ornie you have to.

    I also know that I got in my daughter's car who was rockin' Vanilla Mint. I commented on how good her car smelled and she said she couldn't smell it anymore. Have someone else check... :)

  3. Adjust your glasses sliver and look again. I do apologize for the very low quality pictures, they are quite old. It is a NASCAR candle. And please don't use the old "love the ignore button" thing. That is so childish.

    Wow! You were actually selling these were you? Can you say "trademark infringement"?

  4. Thanks, all!

    No, everything is silver which is why I had to go get the silver wire. (I like the gold wire, too!) I guess you can't see it too well in the pic, but the first one is more three dimensional, but the more I look at them the more I like the spread out one. She's at her best friend's wedding today so she won't see them until Tuesday. I'll let you know what she thinks.

  5. I need some serious constructive criticism. My daughter is getting married in a few weeks. Her hair will be pulled back in a simple style. Her veil is simple as well, just held in with a comb. I think she needs a bit of sparkle. Obviously, she has the last say, but I'm wondering which way to go. The first is really practice as I only had gold wire when I made it, but which of the two do you like (or neither) and why, please.post-210-139458484682_thumb.jpg

    Oh, and sorry for the dull picture - I think my camera is on it's last leg. They are Swarovski crystals and really sparkle.

  6. Just in case your 'decoration' spots are small I found that the little tubes of Polymark work well on ornies. They are dimensional fabric paints found in Walmart craft section (and other places). I make football ornies and paint the laces and white lines at the ends. I let them sit out to dry overnight and then package. It doesn't melt, fall off or discolor.

  7. Thanks ladies for the help! :)

    Another question: Would container wax or pillar wax work better for these?

    It depends if you are making pillars - out of the pan - or containers in the pan. I have ceramic loaf pans that I make container candles in (using container wax). Since they are about 3 x 6 I treat them as (2) 3 x 3 candles and wick appropriately. I made a paper template so I can get the wicks in the correct spot each time.

    As for the curling wicks, I'm personally against them for the reason stated - people won't trim. But I think you need a zinc core wick to actually hold the curl.

  8. My daughter's future mother-in-law had a casserole tote made from bath towels and (2) dowel rods. She said she didn't have the pattern and I would love to make one. I've unsuccessfully Googled and come up empty. Does anyone have a pattern for a tote made from bath towels?

  9. Well, not to throw you off, but it could be that you are pouring too cool.

    I highly recommend that you buy a lot more wax and FO's and try out all the variables. :wink2:

    Oh, as for the search - it isn't you. It's been broken since we got this new forum in May. You get very old posts or very new posts; nothing in the middle.

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