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Posts posted by MsDammit

  1. I am thinking the hardest part for me is the stinkin' labels! Seems like it took me forever to get them right (type & size of font, centering, no typos, etc) and just when I think-phew finally I am finished-another problem arises. I noticed that when I squeeze the bottle the label gets a few creases in it here and there and it absolutely aggravates the crap outta me. These are plain white inkjet printer labels(I spray a thin coat of arcrylic sealer on them also)-am I using the wrong kind? Help plz before I have a label breakdown.

    I forgot to add that I'm using malibu's--perhaps thats the problem??

  2. I've added sugar to it and rewhipped it and it turned out awsome-only problem is i forgot to write down how much sugar i added!:mad: I just made a 16oz batch and added 4oz of sugar but I don't think that was enough, doesn't seem to be as thick as the first batch, u bet your pahtooty I won't forget to do that again!

  3. I found this recipe on the net and thought it sounded interesting:

    2 cups fine sea salts

    1/2 cup baking soda

    1/2 cup cornstarch

    2tbsp sunflower oil

    2 eggs

    5-6 drops EO

    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix together all of your ingredients. Take appr. 1 tsp of your dough and roll it into a ball (1" in diameter). Make the same size balls with the rest of your dough and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake the cakes for 10 minutes, until they are lightly browned(do not overbake). Allow them to cool completely. Makes appr. 24.

    Has anyone seen/tried something like this? I'll let u know how they turn out.

  4. I heard that he popped the whole thing in his mouth- they looked just like reeses pb cups and he spit it out cuz he started "foaming" at the mouth-but you know how gossip is, the story prolly gets added to each time someone tells it, lol.

  5. If you're looking to harden it with a wax, you can always experiment with a touch of b/w or soy wax, that might give you yet another alternative. I don't like the waxes in the whipped shea, though, because it's too hard and it doesn't soak in as well - the wax will leave a film, usually, on the skin - which is helpful in lotions, because it protects the skin from the moisture leaving, but in the shea I would imagine it would impede absorption. But again, what do I know?! LOL!

    Well you know more then me cuz thats just what happened!- ppl said it felt more greasy and didnt soak in as well-but then again I always say just take a lil bit and they always glob on a whole sh**load and say ooh its greasy. Anyways it was fun to play, and I can add one more "what not to do" to my list(that list is getting mighty long.....).

  6. my first thought was that perhaps the e-wax would make it thicker and not melt(if exposed to heat) as easily but y'all set me straight, lol- i guess i didn't know exactly was e-wax was. Anyways I passed both around at break and everyone said the same-the whipped shea was less greasy then the whipped shea with e-wax.

  7. Sorry just have to share this story. I made some of bunnys bath melts-used shea butter and the scent was sweet almond. Since I had more then enough for just myself, I brought some to work and set out-well apparently there is a story going around that one of the night maintenance guys thought it was candy and ate one!:shocked2:

  8. I checked on it last night and again this morning-it is very creamy, i colored it light green(cucumber melon scent) and well the texture and color-looks exactly like lime sherbert! Doesn't go on real greasy either, hmmmmm I think I need to go bug some of my co-workers and make em be guinea pigs, lol. Oh and I FINALLY made some whipped shea that turned out light and fluffy with just shea and AKO and alotta cornstarch(I think I used 1 tablespoon per oz) and it goes on like a dry oil. I can't decide which one I prefer:shocked2: .

  9. I just made yet another batch of whipped shea-this time its more of a thick creamy frosting, the recipe was 40% Shea, 40% Oils, 10% E-wax, 7% Stearic Acid, 2& EO, 1% Phenonip, and 2 Tblsp cornstarch (this was an 8 oz batch). I whipped it for about a half hr and left it to sit overnight-it seems to have turned out great-so far, lol. I'm just wondering if it will get too hard the longer it sits, anyone?

  10. I just made a batch for butter, and added some stearic acid to stiffen it up a little. So far it has a nice fluffy texture, but I made it last night so it still may harden up a bit more. I used a little more oils then butter but I was wondering (hoping, lol) that since I added the stearic acid that it wouldn't melt as easy?

  11. I have seen the weight listed on labels in fl oz and oz. Which is correct? For example, if I put my container on the scale and push tare and fill it with lotion until it says 2 oz should i put 2 oz or 2 fl oz?

  12. Is it possible to over whip shea butter? After almost an hr of beating it still doesn't seem to be getting light and fluffy-it's rather flat-i dunno maybe I'm not using the right oils? I have tried both apricot kernel & hemp seed. lol and as for coloring-i thought a light blue would be pretty but it turned out a nasty gray


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