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Posts posted by MsDammit

  1. I left the soap in the mold for two days, and it's still really soft- umm kinda like playdoh. Also the sides and bottom seemed oily-not bad-but it was a first for me. Is this ok? I know, I tend to be a bit on the panicky side...


    The first one is the top-don't ask me where the bubbles came from, lol. It seems to be hardening nicely though-phew.

  2. Boy this really urks me. I did find castor oil at wal-mart. 4oz for $1.97. I needed a lil over 4 oz for the soap so I got 2 bottles of it. When I measured out the oil guess what-there was only 3.75 oz.:mad: Just another one of their money making tricks I guess-like the deli. I swear everytime I anything from the deli they always go over just a little bit- I don't mind but just think of the $$ they make from the extra quarter here and there. Ok enough of my babbling dammit.

  3. I soooo know what you mean about sugar scrubs- I gave some out to some of my friends & co-workers and they're all like "huh-what's that?" I went in this cute little shop a few months ago when I went on vacation and they had some kind of body whip- it was set up like an ice cream parlor- gallon size buckets of it and you picked out a scoop of whatever kind you wanted. It got me, I think I payed over 2 bucks for a scoop-and I ended up throwing it away cuz it was sooo sticky!!

  4. I cut the soap and am letting it cure but it's still sorta "rough" looking (I can't cut nor draw a straight line if my life depended on it dammit, lol). I wanted to try out the beveler that I got but am I too late? Should I have done it when I first cut the soap or do I wait until it's harded up?

  5. I have never used lard or tallow but I think tallow is the fat from a chicken and lard is beef fat.

    I saw a big bucket of lard in the meat area of my wal-mart once.

    Ahhh- so thats why u say "lard ass" vs. "tallow ass" cuz beefs more fattening then chicken, well unless yer talking fried chicken. Ok ok I will shut up-hey it's been a long day......

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