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Posts posted by Daisyd'Light

  1. I'm a newbie, feet soaking wet with candle making. I ventured into the B&B section of our family forum and now am facinted with soap. Opinions please...Is soap hard to make? Is it safe to make around children? Are the supplies easy/hard to come by? Can you use the same FO's in candles as well as the soaps? Any and all input...negative or nice is appreciated.;)

  2. Thank you all again, very much for youir support. I have been doing some research in my state, and the name that I origianally chose was "Not" trademarked, so I can pay $20 and I own it! I'll update you with more when I get this done and get a logo done by BizzyB. (Her stuff is great) OOHHH, I'm tickled!:grin2:

  3. Don't get discouraged! I don't see anything wrong with thinking about a business name. I think about it all the time...What will I call it? Will I have a website? What demographic do I want to market to? What will my business cards look like, etc., etc? I don't think "planning" ahead for these things is wrong. I do understand--first things, first. I know you understand that, too. IMO, these are the questions that keep me motivated and driven. You're just excited...as you should be. ;)

    Thank you Cheri!! :wink2:

  4. Thank you so very, very much for the kind words. I was thinking the same...that I was being prepared. I will not ever give up and when I am done testing, about a year from now (LOL) I will have a nem to slap a label on the sucker! :D Thank you again! J

    There is nothing wrong with Thinking of and dreaming of a future business name, etc.. When I frist started candles several years ago I was so obsessed I thought about everything. You will see how far you personally need to go or how long you need to wait when you are test burning . Also there is no reason to get discouraged, I think this being a candle site some people will automically mention that to newbies, ( I think we all have had it said to us by a more experienced Chandler when we first started),becuase its so exciting when one candle works for ya in the beginning that sometimes we think they ALL willl work and find out later that is not the case!!:undecided And some people don test and make the worl unsafe with the products!!LOL So of course time and testing will weed out those who arnt serious and ready. SO yes Test,Tes TEst as the saying goes but still dream and still be prepared , in case it does blossom..Thats good business sense :grin2:
  5. Thank you Kaybee! :)

    I don't see anything wrong with looking for a name, but.....you really want to have all of your ducks in a row, so to speak, before you sell. That means lots and lots of testing of all of your jars, scents, etc. It all takes time to do it right. You don't want to rush into it. People who make candles are a dime a dozen, on the internet. People who make great candles, have a good quality product and take the time to test, learn the market, decide on labeling. There is a lot more than just testing a few scents in a couple of jars. You also want to learn how to troubleshoot problems customers may have with burning. That comes with experience. Like I said, I see nothing wrong with thinking about a name, but don't be in a huge rush. If you are thinking about a website somewhere down the road, it will be important as well, to see if that domain name is registered. The 2 you mentioned with daisy or daizy in them are the only 2 .com names that are available on your list, unless you want to do any of them as .net names. The other 3 are already spoken for. Good luck to you and test lots! :D
  6. I know I'm new, but now I feel discouraged. If I choose to sell, give or keep for myself, I don't see anything wrong with having a name. It was flattering for them to have interest in a product I literally poured with tears and sweat. I'm not in this to make money, I'm in this to fullfill a passion that we all share. Something I can give to someone that I know was made with love and not bought at the store on a budget. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words.

  7. I was at lunch giving my mother a candle I made to test for me....I was swamped with inquiries and requests for a business card. I can't even decide on a name. My brain is melting. Please help me, I'm begging you.

    Daisy d'Lights

    Butterfly Blessings

    Daizy Dreams

    Ladybug Lane

    Sunshine Scents

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