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Posts posted by Daisyd'Light

  1. If you have a delivery confirmation, I would give her that information. Is it a signiture confirmation? If so, there's no denying it. If it was left on her porch, it sould have been taken. I would maybe call her and get a feel of her voice and language. ((I used to know someone who would scam people in this manner)) Good luck.

  2. You have to decide what kind of style you are going for. Country, contemporary, classic etc....

    I decided on the square mason jars because well, I thought they were cute! Dont get me wrong, im not rich or anything but Im going to buy what I like no matter what the cost. I can get a 12 pack of these jars including my choice of lid for 10.00. I dont think thats bad at all.

    Eventually i will branch into tumblers and votives....but for right now i think its good to master on container before yo move onto the next. keep searching you will find what you are looking for. when i first saw my jars i knew instantly thats what i wanted to use.

    Is $10.00 including shipping? I've found them for $6.46 for 12 plus shipping.
  3. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! Your comments brought tears to my eyes. Yes, I tied the bow myself, after being showed from my mother, she always knows best. The wicking, I crossed my toes and eyes on this one. ;) I'm so excited that I finally have a good one. :yay:

  4. Please, please, PLEASE check with your homeowner's insurance before assuming that this is correct. MY homeowner's won't cover inventory or product in my home. They are specifically EXCLUDED. But my general liability/product liability will cover my product and inventory anywhere.

    Edited to add: I'm sure that it differs from company to company and I wasn't saying that Daisy was wrong. My homeowner's insurance would not take on the additional liability for business insurance.

    Yes, please check, there may be a specific clause. (Sorry, forgot to mention that) Each policy is differant, and are sometimes specific to each home owner.
  5. All of the wonderful name suggestions given to me last time have been a bust. Either locally taken, trademarked or websited. So again, I'm asking for your help, as I'm about ready to jump of the Market Street Bridge. PLEASE help me with a name for my labels/company.

    I would like to use "Enchanted" or "Enchanting", maybe "Fairy" something. "Daisy" "Fantasy".....something of this nature. Thank you in advance for choosing to help me yet again. My brain is blocked, that is what I have left of it. :o

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