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Posts posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. I completely agree.......it has been frustrating when I tried to swirl in my regular molds. I thought I had swirled from top to bottom, then I cut the soap and it's not even swirled halfway down!

    I think sometimes possibly I overmix the soap and let it saponify too much before adding it to the mold because I'm worried that it will be too runny and not saponified enough!

    Here's my latest one. My intention was to make the color of the swirl very subtle but it just isn't swirled throughout!

    Lavender Essential Oil Soap


  2. Nicely done Shutterbug! I love those colors!!!!

    Thanks for the picture! My mold is quite similar, and I was going to make a longer, shorter one like the plastic ones you buy with the dividers in them (although I wasn't going to make dividers, that would just be too difficult!)

    Last night I made a 4 lbs soap mold in the garage.....Man it's fun!

    It's not professional by any means, but it works for me, and as long as the soap looks good in the end is all that I care about! LOL

    Thanks again Shutterbug!


  3. Because I really have not swirled before when soap making in a long short mold, I just wanted an idea....I just wanted a tip or so from ANYONE...to tell me what works for them.

    I don't want to COPY anyone's soap swirling!!

    I just want some tips from people on what worked for them.

    I understand it's trial and error when soap swirling and every batch doesn't work out perfectly every time due to FO's and different oils, but these message boards are for questions, tips and tricks and that's just why I asked.

  4. What a beaut! It is so realistic looking!

    I like the odd 'watermelon seed'.....

    I had a country apple FO that was way too strong.........and a Peach and Pear FO that just seized my soap right up with one swirl!

    Now, I try warming the FO's a little, I think that might help........Dunno!

    But the scent is still strong!

  5. Thanks all for the names.........'SCENTED' you made me laugh when I heard squash wash............LOVE IT. LOVE IT. LOVE IT....Gosh that was smart!

    I wasn't sure either about whether anyone would want to have a pumpkin pie soap at this time of year.......That was the reason I wanted to name it something else. It'll smell amazing I'm sure. If it smells good, I don't see why people wouldn't like it, or use it just because it's not fall.

    The idea with the coffee soap by the way is meant to be a kitchen soap I believe, I make one too......Also I lovvvvve the smell of coffee in a soap even if it's not a kitchen bar.....(-although I don't drink coffee! :shocked2: )

    Coffee icecream....mmmmmmmm

    Coffee candies....mmmmmmm

    coffee iced cappiccino....mmmmm

    Coffee candles

    Coffee SOAP! :cool2:

  6. So I want to make my own soap mold. I usually do......They usually hold 2 lbs of soap.......it's skinny and taller.......So I just slice the soap into bars. But I want to make one that I can make pretty swirls and the soap is nicer that way.........like cutting brownies........What's a good size to make??

    This is my usual mold.........


  7. So I ordered a bunch of FO's and one is Pumpkin Pie.....

    Now I don't want people thinking, it's not Fall, why would I make pumpkin pie soap.......Anyone have any other ideas of names I could name this soap. It will probably be white swirled with orange..........

    Thanks for your help girls!

  8. I was thinking the same thing about the ink running.........

    Actually my step-dad owns a sign shop and I've already thought of asking him to do something up for me........I just hate asking for things because, I don't want him to think, because he's family, I'm hinting on doing it for free.

    So I'm kind of trying to come up with a design with a picture or two....and know exactly what it should say........

  9. Okay, let's say you want to do a car decal.........

    something simple.........What would the best things be to say that people could see quickly but make them WANT TO CONTACT YOU!

    Obviously your business name

    Number and/or website address

    A picture of a product or two

    When it comes to 'soap' what could you put that would be easy to read while driving.......so obviously no sentences........maybe a few things in point form?

    ANY IDEAS?:highfive:

  10. I see a whole lot of 'hazelnut' in different varieties here.........

    The only Peak FO I have is Vanilla Hazelnut and it is my best selling soap, and I love it too.

    I just ordered the carrot cake from someone, and the red currant. Glad to hear they are good!:yay:

  11. I mixed my lye and water almost a week ago, and haven't had a chance to make soap.........

    Am I better to just throw it out, or will it be PERFECTLY FINE, to try to make soap with.........I don't want to waste a batch of soap if it's not.....!

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