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Posts posted by SoapInTheCity

  1. Okay, I posted a few weeks ago about getting a magnetic sign for my car.

    My mother and step father own their own sign business.

    They were nice enough to make my magnetic sign for the car, for FREE.

    I had a layout of what I wanted, and they said it wouldn't look right....too many words, and they couldn't add pictures because there wouldn't be enough room.

    So pretty much, I'm feeling like already I'm not getting what I really wanted.

    My mother called here today saying that the magnetic signs were ready and that they look great.


    She said that they wanted to put something more than just my logo......

    So she added "And Fine Toiletries"......or something along those lines..

    I was like..........TOILETRIES? Thinking, us soapmakers don't use that word!!!

    (It's going to feel embraressing driving around with the word toiletries on my car!)

    Plus I really just make soap and I make salves. That's it!

    I will post a picture of the sign when I pick it up tonight.

    Please give me your honest opinions............and whether I have the right to be upset over something that really was free. :shocked2:



  2. I'm telling you, girls.......I just love the laughs I get from the names you give me when I ask for help in naming soap!

    (Like the pumpkin FO) -"SCENTED'S SQUASH WASH"

    I understand that it should be my own creative ideas that make the soap name. I have not made the soap yet, so the look of the soap might just give me insight into what to name it, but I thought that these 2 might be fun to see what you all have to say....to give me some ideas.....:highfive:


    A deep musk with light floral notes and a touch of sandalwood and patchouli


    This fragrance oil is like the Yankee type. Spring is in the air!

    It is a soft clean scent.

  3. Man, I must really be blonde. I saw it said storm watch, and didnt read right away what you had written, and when I saw the soap I thought, "wow, she really knows how to come up with soap names!"

    (thinking that the soap looked like a hurricane in the ocean)

    Oh - I can't beleive I just admitted to being so dumb!


    Anyways it is wonderful looking!:yay:

  4. What do you mean, yours won't be as nice as mine?!!

    Mine is not the cream of the crop of soap pictures on here!!!

    I have a few reallllll favourites, but everyones is nice!

    I haven't seen any I haven't liked in some way or another!

    Thanks for your compliments everyone. Love ya all! :yay:

  5. I don't know if this question has been asked before, but I had a customer today, ask me if I could make her NATURAL LAUNDRY DETERGENT for her daughter with skin allergies.

    Is there such a thing?

    I mean, the whole thing about making soap is that it has no detergents, fillers, additives etc. and I'm sure that's mostly what's in laundry detergent.

    So what would do the trick to clean clothes in a load of laundry?

    Would it have to be liquid or powder?


    Any suggestions?

  6. I don't normally dress up my soap bars this way, (usually I cut them with the wavy cutter, as most of you know)...but I had a lady who bought a whole batch of olive oil soap and she wanted a few of my other bars of my soap, so I wanted a cute little packaging look to these plain bars.

    They do have a slight blue swirl to them, but it's hard to see.


  7. Yes it's hard to see........

    But from what I can see, I would say color needs to be added unless you normally do your labels black and white...?

    maybe just bigger footprints, and one footprint less........

    Who am I to say....Just my opinion, since you asked..:wink2:

  8. So you used the tutorial that Robin suggested, and this is the result?

    WOW - Looks great!

    I should be getting some FO's I ordered sometime next week, and will make some soap and try it too.......I can't wait....

    Oh, first I have to make a slab mold.....

    I bet it smells great!

    Brenda, I really love the smell of your sandalwood rose soap. I'm in lovvvvve.

    Still manly, but could go either way...........this looks like a manly soap too...LOL, a man wouldn't mind using a black and white soap, eh! (Have to throw my Canadian in there...)

  9. I just placed my order for the car decals. I'm just going to get the magnetic sign for each side door, and a small bumper sticker with the logo on it, for when my husband goes to work and doesn't want the magnet on the car. LOL

    Just want to mention that I completely made this logo myself with the

    Ol Paint program! HAHA

    Here it is, but I will take a picture when I get the sign.

    Probably the end of the week!


  10. I'm telling you......you girls are all so helpful!

    I've never asked for help naming a soap, but this sure was fun to hear all the different ideas!

    Gourd Cord. Pshhhttt, too funny!!

    When I need help naming another soap, I'll be sure to ask!!!

    I did order a Tequila-Lime FO. I think I'm going to name it:



    I also ordered a chocolate brownie FO, but I have to make it, see it, smell it and then decide what I want to name it.


  11. I guess pumpkin is a squash so it makes sense....but I'm not so sure either whether the name would shy people away from using it...'SQUASH'

    I love the smell of coffee.....but I do not like to drink it...you know what I was thinking.....when this coffee-scent dislike talk came about...maybe adding a little vanilla to the coffee scent would smell good......



  12. I really love the look of those bars.

    Once I had a bottle of sesame seed oil spill in the fridge, and oh my goodness it was an awful smell. I haven't been able to bring myself to use it since! LOL

    I betchya this is an amazing soap!

    I love to use more of an oil than people usually suggest. I did that with hemp oil, and was really impressed with the final results!

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