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smart tart

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Posts posted by smart tart

  1. I think I would worry about the candles more than B&B - or at least equally. Insurance is a must for selling whether it is candles or bath/body products - there is so much more involved also - does your homeowners insurance cover your supplies if your house were to burn? I have read so much on here about insurance - should be an automatic purchase - before you begin selling.

  2. It has been tried and they are glittery....but guess it all depends upon what you call glittery.....try rolling your pillar in glue then roll in glitter - or better yet try using modge podge....or try dipping it in wax then rolling in glitter - that might get it where you want it to be....course I don't know what will happen when you burn it (with glue or modge podge) so watch it carefully!

  3. I am curious - since when can't liquids go on a plane? They cannot have a quantity in the passenger area but they can in the luggage area....I know there was a while that you couldn't have anything (liquid) in the passenger area of the plane, but they have even relaxed that - now you can have it, just a limited amount....

    So is this a new rule? I tried to find out more info - does anyone have a web address with this info on it?

  4. Once again, I don't think this is the appropriate forum to get into a pissing contest - vendor vs member.....

    And once again, I must (respectfully) ask that the vendors go away! (Even if my post gets pulled - again)

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but vendors, suppliers, etc belong in their own section - Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I am just tired of seeing these pissing contests between vendors and members

    Take it somewhere else! :tiptoe:


  5. VERY easy??? hmmm - not so sure about that but.....I just got signed up yesterday and did alot of research before I decided on them.....Like all things, there are some people who like them and some who don't - but all in all, I felt they were the best for me.

    Now with that being said, LAWD it is not easy to set up...:D (for me) but I am reading and playing and reading some more! I was hoping it would be just a matter of click and move or whatever.....but I am sure that eventually I will 'get it' (or else one of my very smart, very good friend might!) Or the diy help desk will get very very tired of me!:whip:

  6. Easy... my kid is 18. :yay:

    lmao - but wait till you get grandkids....somehow they end up at your house whether you want or not.....oh well

    just get that wax melting, turn on the videos, and get to pouring....An hours worth of pouring and videos seem to work just fine....

    And sleep you say? I didn't know one got more than 3-4 hours until their kids move out....it only gets worse - or better - depends on how you see your glass! :D

  7. I really saw no need to post to this 'mess' up until now.

    However, all of the folks who keep posting to this issue or any other issues, who are affiliated with diy in any way, shape or form, GET OUT! This forum is not for the suppliers, provider of services, or any form thereof (imo) - there is one location you are welcome to post - and that is the supplier section.

    You have explained your side of this issue - be a professional adult and now GO AWAY. You, more than anyone else, are 'stirring' the pot and creating more sh*t.

    GO AWAY PLEASE! :tiptoe:

  8. Hi, thanks for the info, question can mill Creeks scents be used in parafin, or just soy?? Lisa

    Please take this in the manner meant......(helpful!)

    Please read and do some searches....if you are wondering if scents can be used in parafin or soy it seems obvious that you are very very new to candlemaking and would benefit from further information which can be gleaned through the reading of back posts.

    Alot of what goes into the price of jars is the shipping costs - which supplier is closest to you? Have you visited sites to determine costs of jars and the shipping costs? Do you know what kind of jars you want (other than 8 oz size)? Do you know which wicks you will be using? Are you just testing different types of jars or are you certain of the kinds you want? Shipping is high for jars....shit shipping is high period! :wink2: So the closer the supplier is to you, the cheaper it will be.

    Have you read some of the back posts to determine the types of fragrances you want? Many people have many different opinions and reading reviews of fragrances would be most helpful for you in determining which ones you may like to try. You didn't mention the type of wax you are using.....but I would assume (?) it is not soy.....Folks have talked about literally hundreds of fragrances in the fragrance section....you should be able to get an idea of ones you would like to test by reading past reviews of both the fo and the supplier. And frequently, not only do you read about opinions of the fragrances, but lots of other info on wicks, customer service, etc....

    Not sure if you know how to use the search function - if you have any problems please just ask and someone will help you out.

    Hope this will help a bit............

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