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smart tart

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Posts posted by smart tart

  1. $20 for ONE ounce and you would have 'happily' paid that? Oh girlfriend, you need to do some searching on-line - I can't imagine you would not find what you like or are wanting for a whole lot less that $20 for an ounce......for a pound of fo that is $320.....:tiptoe: Hopefully you will look around before you pay that kind of money! You can get a whole lot of 'sample packs' for that kind of change!

    Anyhow, your question was are they candle safe? I would think that perhaps if it was oil for diffusers it might be cut with dpg or something similar but ......since you have no way of knowing what is in it or what it is I would not put it in a candle, but I would never pay that kind of money to test it! And just because it smells good in the bottle, does not mean it will smell that way in a candle....jmo

    Peaks fo's are great - don't know what they carry that would be similar to Butt Naked but I use alot of their oils and almost all are wonderful!

    Not meaning to offend you.....but that is just too much money to spend on fo!! (imo)


  2. If it is just the look, I burn them myself....

    However, if the wick doesn't work I just pull it out and stick in the next size I want to try....

    If all else fails and as a candle it is worthless, I melt the wax and pour into muffin papers to use in the fireplace......

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say the 'mix doesn't work'.....I don't mix waxes or use additives in containers so my wax is always good for something....:rolleyes2

  3. I have one of those small 'scent chip' molds - holds about 1 1/2 # of wax and makes over 500 of those scent chips....(BTW thanks to TBear for the mold!)

    They are very small - diameter of a dime (actually a bit smaller)....

    All of that being said, she is still selling very cheaply....when I googled Scent Chips I found they charge $6.99 for 6 oz.....(I think that was the cost)

  4. Kimberly I am delighted that I will have the opportunity to meet you - Bunny says such nice things bout you......well nice may be a bit strong....:P lol

    I do believe we will have an awesome week-end! When are you coming? I understand we are going to do a little shopping before the conference.....Can't wait to go to the big city to shop and of course eat!

    Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else!


  5. I use empty butter tubs to store salts in - make em up, put on the lid and shake every day for a week or so then put in containers. Never have had a problem with the fo eating through the plastic (knock on wood I guess).....and I have never seen a bath salt recipe with water.....Also, you can buy the salt used for water softeners, sold at home depot, lowes, etc....and it costs under $5......might have to chop it up a bit as it is quite large but hey salt is salt!

  6. AMEN sista!

    The few that despise JS really need to grow up.

    I've ordered from suppliers that those few LOVE and have

    had floaties. Wha. Get over the fact that JS is a

    fabulous supplier.

    I would really be curious to know who 'those few' or 'you all' (Miss Melly)or 'you and your friends' are?? I am sick to death of you (the collective 'you'), who don't know shit, who come here and begin bashing others opinions.....If you have a problem with a supplier or a question, ask it....then you have asked for opinions and you are going to get a wide variety of answers - some that you like and some that you don't ..... just the nature of asking opinions. Why does anyone who doesn't care for a supplier 'have to get over it' or 'grow up' or, move on'?? You are therefore suggesting that we all must love JS or else we 'need to grow up'?? Jeez! Course this is just your opinion, right?? Well here is my opinion - Get out!! (forget about growing up or getting over it or moving on - just get out, go away, or stfu!)


  7. Try and look locally too to save you some serious $$$ on shipping. Even a short 5 hour trip to pick up a pallet of something will only cost you gas money.

    (I get my retired dad to go get stuff - he loves to drive & won't let me pay for anything but his meals lol)

    Is your dad thinking about adoption? :rolleyes2 I could be had.......

    You are fortunate - in that your dad likes to do it and he is still around to do it for you! Lucky girl!!

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