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smart tart

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Posts posted by smart tart

  1. You just missed a good co-op for emu - think we paid $16 per pound and it is very nice! I love it and it is miracle stuff! If you can get it for $21 per pound that is a good price also!


  2. I use regular pillar wax (my preference ok 6228), pour the amount I need into a deep bowl, let it cool until a film has formed on the top, use an electric mixer with the whisk attachment, and beat until it is the consistency I want. I have never added anything else to the wax (except fo).....If I do a topping type whipped wax, I use a spoon to 'glob' (nice technical word...lol :cool2: ) it on.


  3. I have bought potpourri from Stone Stew South (Vanmala) and she frequently advertises in the vendor section - her stuff is beautiful, smells great and not pricey get some apple baskets and scoops and let people bag their own stuff - then you can sell the refresher oils.....start up to do that should not be too bad and would be in the same line as b&b and candles....

    what about candle accessesories....tart burners, etc?

  4. While soap may cost more, I have been doing cp for over 2 years and I have never thrown a batch away (give away lots but that is by choice) - I soap 'safe' :P not too very adventurous so use fo's that have been tried and/or sold as cp soap tested.. I do spend lots of money on special oils and butters and trying different recipes but do that with candle stuff also.....so don't rule out doing soap because you believe you will have 'throw away' batches and be spending $$$$$.....I was surprised that Shisha has had 'throw aways'...:shocked2: I have seen some beautiful 'rebatched' soap and then some not so pretty but very nice.... Soaping gives you a chance to be very creative, using so many different ingredients - give it a try - it is not (imo) all that expensive and you end up with an awesome product!

    Sorry to hijack the thread....:rolleyes2


  5. I definitely second the vote for ICS - has an awesome cold and hot throw! I used it in 70/30 from Greenleaf and it was awesome! And I also use the vanilla toffee caramel coffee creamer - never thought about it before now but the ICS does kinda smell similar!

  6. Well not exactly a problem with the mold....but with drilling the hole to wick it - I got the cutest little muffin mold, so I made blueberry muffins. They turned out great! Got out my trusty drill to drill the holes for the wicks - every single one I drilled, cracked - and not just a small crack but in half and on a couple in quarters!! :cry2: I have drilled holes for rose votives, c-rolls with no problem. The only difference I see is the blueberry embeds and the muffin is a bit taller than the c-roll and rose.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or advice as to what I did wrong? I use ok 6228 wax - the blueberries are embeds I purchased.



  7. And in case anyone chooses 'not' to read the above link, please think about it again and do read.....the manner in which fo's are shipped depends upon the flash point - not the cost....Sounds to me as if lots of folks here have no idea why the flash point is important or even what it means. Think maybe you all ought to do some searching for appropriate information.

    Please do read the above cited link as it makes the why very clear!

    (BTW Sharon - great question - makes us realize how little sometimes we think we know! At least you were smart enough to realize there is a reason...and then to ask instead of 'assuming')

  8. I use J223 and zinc wicks - if you are using one 44z in a 3-4 container, that is too small - wick up a size or two....

    As far as the 4786, I don't use that wax but have not had a zinc wick 'lean'...I have marathon burned 223 and the new GL 70/30, had a very deep mp and the wicks never leaned, just grew huge mushrooms! :undecided

    How do you anchor your wicks? If I am double wicking, I use the 44's in an apothecary and while I don't like the speed it melts the wax, they do work.

    Good Luck!

    I am experimenting with the double wicking and am using wicks recomended here, but have found that since I am using small wicks ...when I get a deep wax pool, they start leaning. Does anyone know what I'm talking about??This was after about 2 hours, maybe 3 to 4" opening with 2 44z with 4786.

    Every wick I have tried so far with J223 I can barely get a good melt pool, tried 44z, HTP 41 then 83?? I am using 4% of a candle cocoon FO

    any suggestions?

  9. Old Mill - Blackberry Vienese Latte - Latte brown :D Actually in oil it was bright, sunshine yellow....during cure I peeked and still yellow, next day, a very nice Latte color....really fit the soap!


    (sorry I messed up the 'form' - can't quite get it to work with cut and paste :undecided - seriously challenged this am! Can someone fix it for me - please)

  10. for those of you who use chopsticks or the plastic utensils....do you find you get your wax and fragrance incorporated well? The plastic utensils don't melt and bend? Seems like they would be too small?? :undecided I use either a slotted (large) spoon or a wooden spoon....the kind from the dollar store with the flat tip seems to be the best for me!

    Never tried my wilton spatula.....gonna dig it out and give it a try...seems as if I remember it being rather large.....thanks for the idea y'all!


  11. Raspberry Zinger - burn your nose hair! lol

    Black Cherry Bomb - another burner!

    Strawberry Rhubarb Pie - burner!

    Southern Home

    Jungle Love

    Just started using their fo's .... these above are truly fantastic throws, both cold and hot, in J223 with zinc wicks....

    I have several more that need testing but I am liking their fo's....only problem is they have so many it is almost impossible to choose!

    Have fun!!


    Edited to add: SockMonkey you need to put those fo's in the classy....lol I think we would all jump on them! <g>

  12. Somebody get that dancin baby out! Congratulations on your 1st batch! Great that you were able to watch Carmen do a batch - I got to watch Bunny do a batch before I did my 1st....and it really does help! But I gotta admit, Robin's tutorial was awesome as well! If I didn't get to watch Bunny, it really is just like Robin's tutorial! I kept that tutorial with me for the first 10 batches or so....just like a warm fuzzy!



  13. The topper is beautiful....as a matter of fact, your entire web site is great! Easy to navigate, great pictures, and wonderful looking products! Your olive blossom soap looks good enough to eat...:D course they all do!

    Great web site!


  14. I just have to say this.....lye is/can be dangerous.....but one takes the appropriate safety measures and usually the outcome is fine....

    I said usually because of course accidents can happen....but I would like to point out....you take your children in the car - right? You use a safety seat, follow the rules of the road, etc.....but what about the other fellow who doesn't? Accidents happen there also....Lots more than a child who got burned with lye....

    You make candles.....what if he pulled the pot down and spilled hot wax on him? You just make sure your cords and handles are in a safe place or don't let the kid in the room.....

    Any of you use poisons in your garden? Rat/Mouse poison? Use cleaning chemicals?

    Life is full of 'what ifs'.....I just wanted to point out that we usually do the best we can to keep our kids/pets safe.....If a kid could get a ladder to get a pitcher of lye, why couldn't he get a ladder and get in the cleaning/chemical cupboard or medicine chest or.......???


  15. Welcome.....

    Well since I had lots of extra money (but notice I said had....that was before I discovered fo's) and have already spent my money on testing, why reinvent the wheel?? :undecided I don't use the same wax you are using but testing would be about the same.

    I have no idea what a soy wick is....have you tried different sizes/types of wicks and still not getting a good throw? Some times the wick is the culprit...but sometimes not. What size containers are you using? What is the diameter of the opening? The rule of thumb is to burn your container for an hour per inch.....this will help you achieve a full mp. Still not getting a good scent throw? Just because a scent smells great in the bottle, that is not necessarily how it will smell once it is in the wax. Some fo's do not throw well in soy. Are you getting a good cold throw? Are you curing your candles? And for how long? I would suggest buying fo samples from several different companies (do you need names and web site addy's? On the fragrance category at the top there is a sticky that lists many of the companies that sell fo's). When I first began I usually chose 10 or so (although last time it was 50 :laugh2: ) from each company. Some heavier fo's require you to wick up on them - so you really need to test each fragrance that you plan to sell. Fo's are/can be expensive but I have found I get what I pay for....I tried alot of cheapy fo's - found they didnt' work.....so now I pay a bit more but get a better product. Some companies test their fo's in soy - and will tell you how it throws - that should help save you some money....

    How old are your children that are going into business? Set them up here on CT and have them read all the back posts - that could prove to be very helpful. I used to spend hours just reading.....It might still cost you some more money before you ever begin to make any money....

    Not trying to discourage you because I don't believe you have to spend a million but you do need to buy quality products to produce a quality product. And you will need to test your product to be sure that it is something you want to sell - that is safe and smells good.

    BTW - have you already gotten prices on product liability insurance or gotten coverage? Maybe something you hadn't considered? Have you made your warning labels? And product labels?

    Hopefully Brenda will be able to help you.....Let us know how you are doing.


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