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Posts posted by Gdawg

  1. when I 1st did the votives I had the same problem...not a one came out. I ended up melting them back down and the using pam spray instead of the mold release and it popped out just geat. Don't know if it was becuase the mold now already had the wax oils on it or because of the pam spray lol

    I am sure someone on here has some better advice for you though;)

  2. with the C-3 wax and igi 4627 I did heat the containers. Put them in the oven on the lowest setting and then when I was ready to pour took one out and poured. Now tonight I am trying new wax (again) ecosoya and I did not pre heat my jars and the wax adhered just fine to the jars and is looking really nice. One less step for me to do lol.

    I say try one both ways and see what works best for you and what one you like

  3. I just want to give a great big shout out to Connie and backwoods. You guys rock and are so helpful when it comes to orders. all the FO have a great OOB smell and I can't wait to get them in the wax...I have wax in my pot as we speak cause I am that excited lol. Thanks so much Connie


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