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Posts posted by Gdawg

  1. I also used to use C-3 and had sink holes. For me I actually had to repour a 2nd pour and make relief holes when the candle was almost cooled then pour the 2nd top coat and that helped. You can also use a heat gun and zap it. I just found no matter what temp I poured I always got the sink holes by the wicks. Good luck and hopefully you will get a better answer then mine

  2. welcome, I am a stay at home mom also and have been in the testing fase for a year, candle making is fun but it takes time and its not quick (for me anyway) to make a buck. I do have the LLC set up and the tax ID number but still no where near ready to sell, everyday I am a bit closer though. Best of luck to you and you have found a great board

  3. I am in the process of testing this wax also and got some great wick recomaditions from jakalex so hopefully she will chime in also, she adviced me to try the LX 26 or 28 and also the RRD 50 or RRD 55. My jar is 4+ inches also and I am trying the RRD 50 and so far the melt pool is doing good. After a couple of hours the wick got a mushroom but I can learn to live with that since I have tested other waxes and was not able to single wick it

    Bestof luck to you

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