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Posts posted by ILVCANDLES

  1. Thanks for responding Soapersworkshop. If you type in the search button "water base dye" and look for the thread "First batch of CP soap - Questions" that is where I read it at. I will just try them out and see what happens.

    Thanks so much!:)

  2. Hello! I was just curious if anyone stresses when a company discontinues oils on a regular basis. I find that all the ones I like are being discontinued. Which really stinks for me because I took a lot of time to test and am in the process of narrowing my scents down to the strongest scents. Only to realize that some are now discontinued. Now I realize its my choice not to buy from these companies but the prices are good and they are located close to me so shipping is great! Just curious as to why add more oils if you can't keep the ones you already have? :confused: Also, why do some only carry their oils as a seasonal thing. I could sell for example, cotton candy anytime of the year. How does one cope?? LOL


  3. I use a ladle to transfer my wax to my pour pot. I take a plastic cup and hold it under my ladle because I always seem to spill some of my wax. I only use one thermometer. Once I get the temp I need in my presto pot it stays at that temp. Then I take the thermometer out of the presto pot and use it for my pour pot. The presto pot has a temp on but it is usually off. To be on the safe side I always check my temp once before I start to make candles for that day.

  4. Hello! I have been working on trying to shrink wrap my votives. I think my problem is I can't get a close enough seal around my votives, which is causing a lot of excess. Therefore when shrinking I think it has too much play so then it starts to crinkle up. Any suggestions on how to get a closer seal? I am using my impulse sealer. Thanks!

  5. Hello! I have tried several different combos and I can't worth the life of me figure out how to get smooth tarts. I have tried pillar wax w/ UA...I get wiggle lines & pin holes. Then I have tried 25% Container 75% Pillar wax kind of does the same thing pillar wax does. What has worked the best is container wax but its kind of oily and sticky so it messes up my packaging and labels....Any suggestions?


    PS...I know for metal molds if I heat them up before pouring it helps eliminate pin holes. Has anyone tried this w/ plastic? If so, how did you do it w/out melting the plastic and is the clue to smooth tarts? ;)

  6. I wasn't sure how to search this question so sorry if it has been asked before. I was wondering if I was mixing waxes...lets say one wax had no additives in it but the other one did would they balance each other out or would I need to add additives to the % that didn't have additives. Hope I am making sense. Any advise on this would be much appreciated. :)

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