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Posts posted by ILVCANDLES

  1. They are pretty much like most FO's suppliers either hit or miss. These are a few that worked for me in a paraffin base wax.

    Buttercream Frosting

    Grapefruit Vanilla Twist

    Chestnuts & Brown Sugar

    Frosty Pine

    Pumpkin Nog

    Snickers Coffee Blend

  2. I have been approached to do a fund raiser. I am debating if I should put my web addy on the candle label. I have a feeling the fund raiser people are going to charge more than what I sell my candles for on my site. Is this a potential problem or is that how fund raisers usually work. Any thought would be much appreciated.


  3. Hi! I am in need of advise....please. I have been testing out votives and some are strong and some are light. Do you think most people feel 1 votive is going to make their whole house smell good or do you think most feel the size of a bathroom or bedroom is good? I would like to word it somehow on my site so people aren't thinking 1 votive is going to be a strong as a candle may be. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could word it without them thinking votives are weak?


  4. I have a document in word. I list them by company then underneath I put the FO's in alphabetic order. Then when I tested a scent I write next to it what I thought. If I didn't like the scent I write next to it don't buy again. The hardest part for me is when I sell a scent I sometimes forget to write next to the FO that I sold it. So, maybe someone on the board is ISO a FO I think I still have that scent but really I don't because I sold it....LOL:) Other than that this document has really helped me to keep tract of all the FO's I have.

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