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Posts posted by ILVCANDLES

  1. I got a sniffy sample of BC and I emailed Kathy because it smelled wired and the color was kind of like pink. She advised she wasn't sure why the color was pink?? I also asked if it smelled better once this oil was in wax. Kathy said yes, I haven't got around to testing it yet but I swear this BC is not right???:undecided

  2. Hi, someone on this board said to wrap them in newspaper. Take them outside to the cement and roll them back and forth with your foot. Make sure you are wearing shoes. Pick them up once in a while and remove the loose ones. Wear leather gloves. I haven't had to use this method yet but I saved this post just in case!:wink2:

  3. I believe oak court creations sells hexylene glycol that you cut w/ fragrance oil. Also, you can use DPG. Both of these work well to help the FO to soak up the oil to release the smell. In my experience both store bought and homemade reeds really don't give off an overpowing scent. :smiley2:

  4. Thanks for all the advise..Is the 10x10 size what most people use or will I run into a problem w/ this size being to big for most booth lots?? :undecided Thanks Again!

    PS...If I buy the one at Sams will I be getting the right one or does sams have other EZ up tents that aren't so good? I want to get the one that will not blow away!! Money at this point isn't a huge problem because I have some time to save...Thanks!

  5. Hi, I did try to find the tent online on their web site, but I didn't see it. I think if I was a bulk buyer I would for sure get one. Its probably good I don't have a Sams card because I would probably go buy one today and then by next year decide I am too scared to do a show. What to do, What to do???:undecided I wish I would stop reading this board becasue every time I read something I think I must have this...I need help...I figured buying the tent may not be a bad investment because I could always use the tent for other things...RIGHT???:wink2: mental note...good selling point to husband...:wink2:

  6. Hi, I am not selling anything at this point. But, maybe next July I may do a outside show. However, the heat may change my mind. I did a search and noticed most perferred the Ez tent. Most have purchased the EZ tent at Sams...As of now I don't have a sams card. I looked on ebay and noticed they have them there. Has anyone ever bought from a seller by outdoor edge? They are kind of expensive but I thought by next July I could save for a nice one. Does anyone have a picture of the one they bought at Sams. I am wondering if Sams will let you view the store as a one time deal and then maybe I could get one at that time??? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!:wink2:

  7. I made a candle on 6/21 and it doesn't really smell great I only used 1 oz per pound w/ this candle then I just made one today and thought maybe if I used 1.5 oz per pound it would be better...The OOB smell is so so strong I just can't understand why my candle doesn't smell 1/2 as good...I hate to give up but I made a couple candles a couple months ago w/ this FO and the same problem...I guess HOT ORANGE DANISH WON...because I sure as heck can't figure it out! Off to eat a cookie always makes me feel better!:wink2: Thanks for the help!

  8. Ok I am about to pull my hair out...:cry2: I am using NG Hot Orange Danish in J223 wax heating to 200 then adding FO(1.5 per pound of wax) at 175 pouring at 160. It smells so good when its still liquid then when the wax gets hard the scent isn't so hot...why is this...Please help me!!! Thanks!

  9. Hi, I used a pre made body splash base, which after it reached room temp it turned cloudy:sad2: I am not sure if this base has alcohol in it or not. The ingredients does not list alcohol but I was advised it has a preservative in it. So, is it ok to sell? I am in no hurry to sell this product but in the future wanted to make sure I was selling a good product:smiley2: Any suggestions as how to get rid of the cloudiness? Thanks!

  10. Hi, I just made body splash. Is there a testing process before you can start selling this? I was thinking about letting it sit for a couple months to see if it turns gross or cloudy is there anything else I should look for? Thanks!

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