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Groovy Chic

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Posts posted by Groovy Chic

  1. Hey, as long as you don't use the name "Groovy Chic"... :laugh2:

    Seriously though, I think the name Bert could be your niche. People won't forget the candle gal named Bert. And really, bottom line, do what YOU want, what makes you happy, not everybody else. Soon enough, people will recognize you as Bert, the candlemaker with the cool name. Hey, there's you a tag line - "the candlemaker with the cool name". :)

  2. I always use universal additive when I make my swirl candles, both for the rings and the overpour. UA helps give the candle a beautiful smooth finish, especially if I use my heat gun and go around the candle until the air bubbles come up and out of the top of the mold. Then I stop and tap, tap, tap all around the mold. I've also noticed that if the rings fit too snuggly in the mold, the air bubbles have a harder time coming to the surface.

  3. Have you seen these candles up close and personal? They are beautiful for sure, I'm wondering how much of what we see is the candle and how much is photo editing. And what kind of wax is she using? I don't have a clue really how it's done but as perfect as the imprints seem to be, I'd lean toward Janets idea of a silicone insert. And Janet, I think you're on to something there with your idea. :smiley2:

  4. I'm bumping this thread back up because I received my latest order from Oregon Trails and am totally happy :yay:

    After reading Mystical Angel's review of Mango, I ordered a bottle. Girl, you are absolutely right, this Mango is awesome. I bet I've ordered from 4 different suppliers trying to find one I was happy with. Look no further, this one is fantastic. This is going in lotions and foaming bath butter this afternoon, as well as...

    Blackberry Sage. OMG. If you haven't tried this one, you're missing out on one beautiful scent. A few years back, I ordered a bottle of Blackberry Sage from Patticakes and it had so much sage in it I couldn't stand to pour it. This one is in a class by itself, and it's going to go straight in a lotion FOR ME, lol. And CP. And foaming bath butter. And if my daughter is very lucky, she'll get to test this for me.

    The last one I received and have loved for about 3 years now is Yuzu. This scent does beautifully in everything. In fact, I burned a candle the other day (soy) with this scent that was at least 2 years old and it totally filled my house. Another big plus-this one is one sale for $19.95 right now. (I looked last night and it was still on sale). Fantastic throw and beautiful in lotions and CP, you can't go wrong with this one.

    I love her oils, and her customer service has always been 1st rate for me. Fantastic products girls, I highly recommend giving her a try.

  5. I also love WSP oils and have always had excellent service. Also, free shipping on orders over $50.00 is another plus. I have an order in right now for Beneath the Stars. I haven't tried it before but it has excellent customer comments, over 20 or so, and I had to see what the fuss was about. I LOVE Hendri Bendel's Bourbon Vanilla dupe. It's a little different from all the others out there right now and has a fantastic throw in soyblend. Midnight Pomegrante is another kicker in soyblend. Romantic Wish, a Victoria Secret dupe, is a beautiful scent and has a wonderful throw. Oh, and don't forget Sea Glass. I had never tried her oils until this year because the shipping to Texas was outrageous but now with her flat rate and free shipping over $50 on her fragrance website, I'm trying them and I'm liking them. Alot.

  6. Since palm seems to be popular right now, I wanted to show you what a chunky would look like using 60% palm and 40% paraffin. When I poured the wax for the chunkies, I poured it @ 205 deg into a warmed cookie sheet. The wax that was on the side of the cookie sheet looked really cool, almost like a leopard skin, with dark spots against a lighter brown. When I poured the overpour (also 60%/40%), I used my heat gun until the wax bubbled over the mold. The white spots were a result of this. This candle is 6" x 9 1/2" and it was poured using Cinnamon Sticks (a customer request). It really did turn out unique and had an excellent burn.


  7. The label looks somewhat off balance. I would move the website addy to the bottom, just above the black line. Move your tag line right under the name of your company and consider leaving off the city and state line. Then you could center your scent between the tag line and the address addy line where it would stand out more and bring balance to the label.

  8. Mozzie, yes a heat gun. And Candle Man, yes on the pigments. Yeah, I know, they say pigments for only overdipping, but it can be done. Takes a little longer than just dyes because there is an extra step to take but it can be done. Thanks everyone for the nice words. Oh yeah, the tops have neon glitter to match the colors of the candles. You know, I gotta have that groove going :cool2:

  9. I love everything about the scent Amazing Grace, it's one of my favorite Philisophy scents and one of the hardest to find a good dupe of. SOS ultra concentrate wins it for me. Great throw in soyblend and absolutely gorgeous in cp. Anyway, here's another of my spring/summer line.


  10. About a month and 4 different suppliers and I've found the Cherry Blossom I'm happiest with from Kangaroo Blue. Great scent, fantastic in both cp and soyblend. Anyway, here are some of the sizes in my spring/summer collection I've been working on. 3 x 4 chunky pillar, 3 x 9 1/2 chunky pillar, 3 x 4 spiral pillar, 3 x 7 spiral pillar, 16 oz balmoral, 9 oz balmoral and my favorite is the small 8 oz straight sided container.


  11. Piece of cake :highfive:

    Yes, definitely do the skewer thing and poke the holes. And yes on the 4 wicks, evenly spaced. Make a paper template by setting your jar on the paper and use a pencil to go around the bottom, making your circle. Cut out your circle, fold it in half lengthwise, unfold, fold it in half widthwise, unfold. You'll have your center mark. Use the line marks you made when you folded the paper as your diagram. Using each line as your template, measure the distance from your center mark to the end of each line and divide by 2. At this measurement, mark it for each of your 4 wicks. Doing it this way you'll have the equal distance you need from one wick to the next. After your wax has set up, take your template and set it on top of your wax. Using your skewer or large pin, mark each of your 4 wick placements. I don't use LX with my soy so I can't help you there. I usually use HTP 83's on this setup. This is where the testing begins. If the wicks you are testing don't work, blow them out and let your wax set up again. Take some tweezers and pull out the wicks. Remark the holes with your skewer and try another size.

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