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Groovy Chic

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Posts posted by Groovy Chic

  1. I'm also testing her Child fragrance. I love this scent, it is a clean scent with an extra kick. I've made a perfume with it but not candles yet. That's next. It's a beautiful scent. Sweetcakes carries this scent also but hers is much higher priced. These are the two oils I've bought from Paige and I'm extremely happy with both. Very high quality and great prices. Anyway, I want to try her WVS next. I think you'll be very happy with the oils and being so close is an extra plus. Let me know when you do take the plunge and try some of her oils, I'd love to hear some feedback.

  2. I had a bottle of the Tranquil Tropics from BNL and to me it was nothing like suntan oil. In fact, in CP it totally lost it's scent and cure time didn't improve that one at all. In candles, it was also a disappointment and I ended up selling the bottle. I'm currently testing Carribean Coconut from www.soapsupplies.net and will be test burning the candle today. The cold throw is most excellent and the tart I've had burning for the last day is still throwing all over the place. I hope this one stands up the the CP test, this is a great oil.

  3. Well girls, I'm on the same search. I'm totally addicted to this one too, and so far, I have found nothing even remotely close to BNL's. I think this is going to be one we'll have to mix ourselves or send it off for a dupe. If I happen on anything promising, I'll let you know.

  4. Try mixing your Peaks Lavender with a sweet vanilla, like BCN Vanilla Velvet, and you'll have an awesome smelling candle. 1/3 Lavender, 2/3 Vanilla Velvet. If you're looking for a lavender that is more mellow, you might try one of the Lavender Fields that many suppliers carry.

  5. The biggest fear of all is fear itself. Sound familiar? I like your attitude Flickering Dream. What's holding me back? Nothing. Nada. Zippo. I'm forging on ahead, climbing those brick walls, jumping over those valleys, facing those fears straight in the eye and telling them to step to the side. Of course, being a very stubborn person always helps, lol. I'm ready for this. I'm working hard to see that it happens. And it will. I've buckled my seat belt and I'm gonna enjoy this bumpy ride. I know what can be over that tall, huge mountain. Life has taught me that. I also know the sweet taste of success and I want a whole lot of that.

    If you want your dreams to come true, the 1st thing you have to do is wake up. Ok, I'm awake now :smiley2:

  6. The Scent Works has Lovely for $29.00 a lb. Are dupes always this expensive? If you want a high quality oil, yep. Sometimes even higher. It is excellent, I can vouch for that. I haven't put it in soap yet but I have been making perfumes with it. It's a very beautiful scent, Trish has done an excellent job of duping this one.

  7. I'd love to try her Buttermilk Pancakes but it's always out of stock. And her Cucumber Melon and her Warm Vanilla Sugar. I do think Lori has the best Amber Romance on the market. I also use her Lime Basil (it's awesome in lotions). Olive Blossom is a very nice scent and does great in CP. And my very favorite from there is her Spice Vanilla. This one I burn constantly. It does great in a 50/50 blend.

  8. Ok girls, if you haven't tried Scent Works, you are missing out on some of the BEST oils out there in fragrance land, lol. Seriously, her Pink Sugar fills my entire house with it's excellent throw. And Satsuma Guava not only fills my house, but the neighbors houses on either side of me too. I use a 50/50 blend so it's not always easy to find a kicking scent. She has great descriptions of all her oils and if she tells you it has an awesome throw in soy, believe her because it will. Wonderful customer service and some great products AND some great sales.

  9. Yeah, Sherie's an instigator alright. She surprised me with a 2 oz sample of it a few months back. I tried it in a lotion first. Oh yeah, it's a good one. So I tried it in a candle. Threw like crazy. And I was out of scent :embarasse . So I had to go buy myself some of it. And I tried it in CP and OMG, this stuff rocks in CP. I love it when a fragrance does it all. Kind of like a one-stop shopping. I'll tell ya, Sherie does have a knack for the good ones.

  10. Oregon Trails has a wonderful Sandalwood Rose. It's one of those "do all" scents. It's a beautiful scent in CP soap and holds forever, most excellent in my 50/50 blend wax and makes a to-die-for lotion also. You'll find it on her "special scents" page and it's expensive, I think I paid something like $28.00 for a lb of it. Definitely worth it though.

  11. Oh yeah, Moonlight Path. That one is wonderful. I haven't found another dupe that compares to that one. I wondered about the Black Orchid, thanks, I'll have to try that one when I order from him again. His Cinnamon Apples and Peaches is another good one for summer. Throws all over the place :wave:

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